Thursday, February 02, 2006

Public Policy Fellowship

Scholarship opportunity here, Khmer Americans take note. Courtesy forwarded message from Sophal Ear:

Announcement                                                                            January 31, 2006

Contact: Christopher Matias
Executive Director


WASHINGTON, DC - - The Public Policy & International Affairs Program (PPIA) invites college juniors to apply for the 2006 PPIA Fellowship Program.  Applications can be found on the PPIA Website at  Each year over 100 students will be selected to become part of this exciting fellowship program that spans from a student's junior year of college to graduate school in public policy, public administration, international affairs or related master's degrees.

The PPIA Fellowship Program provides students with a unique training experience over a seven-week period in graduate level courses.  In addition, the fellowship provides professional development support after their successful completion of the Junior Summer Institute and it provides students with a graduate school scholarship.  This experience will open their eyes to the possibilities that exist in the world of public service, guide them in their decisions about graduate school and expose them to various professional fields in public affairs.  As aptly stated by Steve Bernard Hamilton, a 1999 PPIA Fellow at UC Berkeley JSI:

"PPIA has had a positive impact on my life. It allowed me to explore the complex world of domestic and international policy. More importantly, it helped me obtain a degree that I have been able to parlay into several different interesting and challenging jobs within the national security arena. Additionally, through the program I have made lifelong friends, established a great network and expanded my horizons!"

To apply, applicants must:

       Have an interest in public service
      Be U.S. citizens or Legal Permanent Residents 
      Be a college junior when applying and/or must return to college after the completion of the Junior Summer Institute with at least one full semester or two quarters of coursework remaining
     Submit a completed online application form that includes a personal statement, a current resume, two letters of recommendations, and official transcript(s).


     Fully funded Junior Summer Institute, which includes airfare, room and board, books and $1,000 stipend
     Opportunities for internships
     A minimum of $5,000 from our Consortium Members upon enrollment in their graduate school programs
      A network of over 3000 Fellows/Alumni

The application deadline is Wednesday, March 1st.  The following are start dates for each Junior Summer Institute:

June 10 - July 29, 2006 • University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
June 11 - July 30, 2006• University of Maryland, College Park
 June 17 - August 5, 2006 • Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
June 18 - August 5, 2006 • University of California, Berkeley
June 15 - August 4, 2006 • Princeton University, New Jersey – Application Closed

For more information, please visit out website at or contact us at or

The Public Policy & International Affairs Program is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit and non-partisan organization dedicated to creating the next generation of diverse leaders and professional public servants.

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