Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Khmer Folk Dance and Shadow Theatre

Khmer Classical & Folk Dance
Friday 3rd February 2006
at 7:30pm

Small Shadow Theatre
Saturday 4th February 2006
at 7:30pm

Khmer Classical & Folk dance
Friday 10th February 2006
at 7:30pm
Moden Drum Performance
"Krom Skor Sovanna Phum"
Saturday 11th February 2006
at 7:30pm

A new play "Women of Cambodia"
Directed by Annemarie Prins ( The Netherlands )
Featuring the artists of the National School of Fine Arts-Phnom Penh
Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th February 06
at 7:30pm
Free Entry!
Amrita Performing Arts
023 220 242

Shadow Puppets, Dance & Mask
"Pognakay" Story
Friday 24th & Satruday 25th February 2006
at 7:30pm

Entrance fee: Adults $5, Children $3

Sovanna Phum Theatre
nº111 St360 (Corner 105) - Phnom Penh
Tel: 023 987 564
E-mail: sp.admin@camintel.com
We have show every Friday & Saturday,
Visit our puppet gallery and gift shop open everyday, except on Sunday.


Monday, January 30, 2006

'Cambodian Stories' @ Reyum




Sunday, January 29, 2006

Artist Exchange

Fw: Vietnamese Art Events in Phnom Penh


Thursday, January 26, 2006

Noorderlicht 2006 Photofestival:

Photography from South and Southeast Asia

Call for entries:

The Noorderlicht 2006 Photofestival is about photography from South and
Southeast Asia. Submissions from photographers are welcome. Suggestions and
tips from curators or institutions are also appreciated.

At our website
www.noorderlicht.com you will find the relevant details and
conditions. The deadline for submissions is the 3rd of April. Because the
first programming decisions will be made sooner, we recommend not waiting
till the last moment.

Submissions can be sent directly to Noorderlicht curator Wim Melis:


About the theme:

The 2006 festival will focus attention on the 'other' Asia. This means the
region from Pakistan to the Philippines, with India and Indonesia as anchor
This area is characterized by many contrasts, between the countries as well
as within them. These contrasts, that show themselves on social, economic,
political, religious and social levels, will form the starting point for
this festival.

Noorderlicht 2006 consists of three sections for which submissions are
possible: photographers from the region itself, western photographers who
have worked there and historical work from the region. The following
countries are eligible: India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Nepa, Bhutan, Sri Lanka,
Bangladesh, Myanmar (former Burma), Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam,
Malaysia, Brunei, Maldives and the Philippines.
The regions that are already often in the news, the economic superpowers and
the so-called 'axis of evil', are not included in Noorderlicht 2006.

About Noorderlicht:

The international Noorderlicht photofestival takes place each fall in
Groningen. It is known worldwide for its combination of powerful photography
and social awareness. The 13th Noorderlicht festival takes place from 10
September through 29 October, 2006.

By tradition, in the even years the festival wants to bring its audience
into contact with photography from a non-Western region. The goal is to
avoid a biased Western view by showing a different, often surprising look
from within.


Please have a look at our website for detailed information and the latest
news. You can also find our submission guidelines there.


We would appreciate it if you relay this call for entries to people whose
work or expertise you feel connects to the subject.

Noorderlicht Photofestival, Gallery, Projects, Publisher
http://www.noorderlicht.com   info@noorderlicht.com
T +31 50 318 2227  F +31 50 318 2204
Address: Akerkhof 12, 9711 JB Groningen, NL

Monday, January 23, 2006


Epic Arts in collaboration with Cambodian Living Arts and Amrita Arts presents:
A performance of dance, theatre, music and art by Cambodia’s first professional disabled dance company, and musicians from CLA and Amrita.
A fusion of Traditional Khmer and Contemporary styles, disabled and able-bodied performers.
The performance is based loosely around the Cambodian Folk tale, “Wolf Mountain”.
7pm Sovanna Phum
Wednesday 25th January.
 Admission free!
The performance lasts for 40mins, and runs with no interval.

Khmer Architecture Tours: invitation: houses and university tours

khmer architecture tours

Dear friends and colleagues,
please see below for information on upcoming tours, Sunday 29 Jan 06 and Sunday 26 Feb 06. Email details for booking places are below.
Also, if you have any interest in a weekend trip to Kampong Som which would include looking at some great buildings, please let us know.

sunday 29 january 06
1960s houses in Toul Kork, Phnom Penh

Our next tour will return to three very different house-types: modest ‘social-housing’ on a Khmer model; a middle-income family house on an adapted European model; and a spatially-indulgent house ideal for high-society parties.

1) The well-known '100 Houses' development was designed by Vann Molyvann and commissioned in the 1965 by the National Bank of Cambodia for its staff; these originally identical houses were a reinterpretation of the traditional Khmer house and only a few remain unchanged. 
2) The designer of the family house is unknown, but the house works delightfully through its a rich blend of materials, form, light and air. 
3) The doctor's house, designed we are told by Vann Molyvann, is dominated by its exuberant, three-storey high entrance hall and is wonderfully sculptural on the outside.

sunday 26 february 06
university buildings in Phnom Penh

We will again visit three remarkable, 1960s education campuses on the Russian Boulevard (the airport road) and be able to compare and contrast each:

1) The Institute of Technology of Cambodia, by Soviet designers (elegant, functional, abstract).
2) The Institute of Foreign Languages by Vann Molyvann (expressive, dynamic, metaphorical).
3) The Royal University of Phnom Penh by Leroy and Mondet (courageous, derivative, flawed). 


There will be morning and afternoon tours on both days, guided by architecture students Suon Ratana and Sim Sitho.
Morning tours: Start at 8.30am, return by around 11.45pm
Afternoon tours: Start at 2.30pm, return by around 5.45pm

Transport by private bus. The tours are available in English and Khmer.
English speaking: $8. Khmer speaking: $1.
As usual, booking is essential. Children over 12 are welcome.

Please reply via email with your request for places; please don't forget to include names and mobile telephone numbers and which tour you would like, otherwise we can't accept the booking. We will email you back with joining details and contact numbers for the guides.

Hope to see you soon.
geoffrey pyle and jane martin
khmer architecture tours
tours of modern architecture in cambodia


Friday, January 20, 2006

Conférence "Léopold Sédar Senghor" par M. Louis Arsac

« Léopold Sédar Senghor : itinéraire poétique et politique »
par M. Louis Arsac

Salle de cinéma du C.C.F
Jeudi 19 janvier - 18h30 - Gratuit

En contrepoint de la conférence organisée par le Centre culturel français en décembre dernier donnée par Philippe Dufour sur le thème de « l’Orientalisme dans la littérature française de XIXème siècle », Louis Arsac nous propose d’inverser notre regard avec l’évocation de « l’occidentalisme » qui imprègne la littérature francophone - au travers notamment de la figure emblématique de Léopold Sédar Senghor.

Si l’orientalisme dans la littérature française du XIXème (mais aussi pour une large part encore dans celle du XXème siècle) trouva de grands illustrateurs mêlant fascination pour l’inconnu, fantasmes de toutes natures et véritable curiosité intellectuelle, on pourrait avancer l’idée d’un « occidentalisme » de la littérature francophone, asiatique, africaine… Mais il ne ressortit pas d’une simple représentation en miroir inversé tant l’occident est connu, repéré. Il s’agit au contraire d’entreprendre une démythification sans reniement. Sans doute, Senghor est-il l’un des premiers à introniser cette dimension via une poétique qui n’est pas le refuge d’une pensée politique, mais son expression même.

En 1945, Léopold Sédar Senghor est député du Sénégal à l’Assemblée Nationale française avant que de devenir Président de la République du Sénégal, à compter de l’indépendance, jusqu’en 1981. Curieusement, l’essentiel est peut-être ailleurs. Agrégé de grammaire, membre de l’Académie Française, Senghor est surtout un défenseur impénitent de la francophonie et de la langue française. En témoigne, à maints égards son Œuvre Poétique.

Ce « griot » gigantesque, ce « sac à paroles » est aussi un homme d’écriture qui transcende l’idée quelque peu ethnocentriste d’une littérature africaine exotique et pour tout dire, coloniale car, avec Aimé Césaire et Léon-Gontran Damas, il va placer cette littérature noire sous le postulat bifide du poétique et du politique. Ainsi est coulé, dans le bronze de l’histoire littéraire, le concept de Négritude défini par Césaire, inventeur du mot, comme la « simple reconnaissance du fait d’être noir, et l’acceptation de ce fait, de notre destin de noir, de notre histoire et de notre culture ».

Louis Arsac

 Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge
218 rue Kéo Chea (184) - Phnom Penh
00 (855) 23 213 124 / 125

e-mail :
info@ccf-cambodge.org   audiovisuel@ccf-cambodge.org

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


78th Street Theatre Lab presents the US premiere of Catherine Filloux's
Directed by Jean Randich; performances begin February 3

Post-performance Talkback participants to include Former Manhattan Borough President Ruth Messinger, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Samantha Power and others.
"A tremendously adult piece of theatre" – The Scotsman

LEMKIN'S HOUSE – a thought-provoking drama about the horrors of genocide – written by Catherine Filloux (EYES OF THE HEART) will be given its US premiere at the 78th Street Theatre Lab (236 West 78th Street) from February 3 to February 26, 2006.  
LEMKIN'S HOUSE is set in the afterlife of Raphael Lemkin, the Polish-American lawyer whose family died in the Holocaust and who invented the word "genocide."?He dedicated his life to fighting to have genocide declared an?international crime.?Lemkin is bombarded by people bursting into his home with complaints of more recent genocides in Rwanda and Bosnia.?Lemkin must recognize that even his law is not enough to change the world. He weighs his ethical accomplishments against his guilt for deserting his own doomed family?ultimately seeking not only justice but also forgiveness. In LEMKIN'S HOUSE, it's the dead who are haunted by the living.
Directed by Jean Randich – LEMKIN'S HOUSE features a cast that includes: John Daggett, Christopher McHale, Christopher Edwards, Constance Winston, and Laura Flanagan; and a design team as follows: Sue Rees (Set Design); Matthew Adelson (Lighting Design); Robert Murphy (Sound Design); Camille Assaf (Costume Design).
Catherine Filloux's recent plays include: THE BEAUTY INSIDE; EYES OF THE HEART (NAATCO); SILENCE OF GOD; MARY AND MYRA; ARTHUR’S WAR; PHOTOGRAPHS FROM S-21; ESCUELA DEL MUNDO. Filloux's other plays have been produced in New York and around the U.S. Opera libretto: THE FLOATING BOX: A Story in Chinatown; (Composer Jason Kao Hwang; selected as a Critics Choice by Opera News, 2005; CD New World Records); Commission from Cambodian Living Arts for opera libretto WHERE ELEPHANTS WEEP with Cambodian composer Him Sophy (2006).? Awards: The Kennedy Center Fund for New American Plays' Roger L. Stevens award, Eric Kocher Playwrights Award (National Playwrights Conference, O'Neill Theater Center); Callaway Award (New Dramatists), Fulbright Senior Specialist (Cambodia & Morocco).
Jean Randich has been directing new work and re-imagining the classics for the past fifteen years. Some of her recent productions include: THE UNKNOWN (NY Festival of Music Theatre, 2005); COMMEDIA DELL SMARTASS (New Georges); ANTIGONE (NAATCO); SILENCE OF GOD (CATF); SERIOUS MONEY (Yale Rep); THE FLOATING BOX (Asia Society); DRAWN TO DEATH (St. Ann's); GIRL UNDER GRAIN (Winner: Best Production Drama, NY International Fringe Festival, 2000); and others.
78th Street Theatre Lab was established in 1978 to provide artists with a supportive workplace to create and develop unique, thought-provoking theatre. Under Artistic Director Eric Nightengale and General Manager Ruth Nightengale, previous works of the 78th Street Theatre Lab include the highly successful THE CHINESE ART OF PLACEMENT, INSIDE A BIGGER BOX, THIN WALLS, and the acclaimed Dawn Powell festival PERMANENT VISITOR. Last year's season included Trish Harnetiaux's acclaimed STRAIGHT ON ‘TIL MORNING and Paul Allman's KENNETH – WHAT IS THE FREQUENCY?
Scheduled February 3 through February 26, performances of LEMKIN'S HOUSE run at 78th Street Theatre Lab (236 West 78th Street), Thursdays-Saturdays at 8:00pm and Sundays at 3:00pm, with an added performance on Wednesday, February 22 at 8:00pm. Tickets are $15 and can be reserved by calling Smarttix at 212-868-4444 or online at www.smarttix.com <http://www.smarttix.com> <http://www.smarttix.com>  

Fw: Marine Ky's Presentation

----- Original Message -----
From: Dana
To: Dana
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 9:06 AM
Subject: Marine Ky's Presentation

Marine KY
Thursday, 7pm
Java Café & Gallery
If you missed Marine Ky's special presentation of HAPPY ART HOME, there will be another opportunity Thursday 7pm at Java Café.  Meet with Marine, explore the hands-on exhibition and listen to the presentation about her unique Peace Project.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Advanced Study of Khmer Summer Program

Advanced Study of Khmer (ASK),  will take place in Phnom Penh, Cambodia (June 19 to July 28, 2006) .
A Fulbright scholarship is available for 9  applicants.
More information at:

Happy Art Home (Part II)

Tonight at Java Café there will be a special presentation by Marine KY, who will talk about her current project (over 4 years in the making): 
The gallery space is reserved 6 – 8pm for this occasion.
Marine’s presentation begins at 6:30pm and she will be available before and after for Q&A.
Standing room only in the gallery with open cash bar.  The terrace will remain open for regular service.

National Seminar on the Preservation of Urban Heritage in Cambodia

January 16 and 17, 2006
Organised by the Cambodian National Commission for UNESCO, the Municipality of Phnom Penh and the UNESCO Office in Phnom Penh, in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts
Venue:   City Hall, Monivong Boulevard, Phnom Penh
Dates:   Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 January 2006
Press conference: Tuesday 17 January 2006 at 5.30pm
The first national seminar on ‘Urban Development and the Preservation of Cultural Heritage in Cambodia’ is to be held in Phnom Penh on 16 and 17 January 2006.
The seminar, expected to number 150 participants, will bring together representatives of the Royal Government, the private-sector and conservation experts, to discuss how the development and growth of towns and cities in Cambodia can be integrated with strategies to protect important urban and architectural heritage.
The importance of the private-sector in bringing investment and development proposals to towns and cities will be discussed, and case-studies reviewed where historic buildings have been preserved and restored for commercial use.
Both the Municipality of Phnom Penh and the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction will discuss the work they have recently been carrying out in the documenting of historic buildings.
National and international experts will speak on approaches used elsewhere by the authorities to work with communities to develop strategies for protecting the most valuable urban heritage while encouraging social and economic development. International contributions will be received from Singapore, Manilla and Bangkok.
The seminar is based on the UNESCO understanding that through their preservation, the significance and message of historic towns and buildings can form a part of the spirit of the people who live in them, and contribute to their sense of cultural continuity and common memory; at the same time, historic areas can be successful in attracting tourism and trade, with wide-ranging beneficial economic effects — urban preservation and economic growth are not contradictory ideas.
In the seminar hall, there will be an exhibition of recent paintings of historic buildings, as well as photographs from the collection of the Cambodian National Commission for UNESCO.
For further information please contact UNESCO Phnom Penh Tel: 023-426.726/217.244,  Mrs Laurence Monnin, Seminar Administrator, HP 012 785 512, email l.monninNOSPAM[via]unesco[dot]org OR Mr Geoff Pyle, Seminar Coordinator, HP 012 904 313, email geoff.pyleNOSPAM[via]mac[dot]com

Monday, January 16, 2006

Shadow puppets Performances

Subject: Shadow puppets Performances

Performance at 7:30pm
Entrance fee: dults $5, Children $3

Shadow Puppets, Music , Dance & Circus
"Roussey Dek"Story
Friday 20th & Saturday 21st January 2006

Small Shadow Theatre
"Sbaek Touch"
Friday 27th & Saturday 28th January 2006

Sovanna Phum Theatre
nº111 St360 (Corner 105) - Phnom Penh
Tel: 023 987 564
E-mail: sp.admin@camintel.com
We have show every Friday & Saturday,
Visit our puppet gallery and gift shop open everyday, except on Sunday.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

National Seminar on the Preservation of Urban Heritage in Cambodia

January 16 and 17, 2006
National Seminar on the Preservation of Urban Heritage in Cambodia

Organised by the Cambodian National Commission for UNESCO, the Municipality
of Phnom Penh and the UNESCO Office in Phnom Penh, in collaboration with the
Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts

Venue: City Hall, Monivong Boulevard, Phnom Penh
Dates: Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 January 2006
Press conference: Tuesday 17 January 2006 at 5.30pm

The first national seminar on 'Urban Development and the Preservation of
Cultural Heritage in Cambodia' is to be held in Phnom Penh on 16 and 17
January 2006.

The seminar, expected to number 150 participants, will bring together
representatives of the Royal Government, the private-sector and conservation
experts, to discuss how the development and growth of towns and cities in
Cambodia can be integrated with strategies to protect important urban and
architectural heritage.

The importance of the private-sector in bringing investment and development
proposals to towns and cities will be discussed, and case-studies reviewed
where historic buildings have been preserved and restored for commercial

Both the Municipality of Phnom Penh and the Ministry of Land Management,
Urban Planning and Construction will discuss the work they have recently
been carrying out in the documenting of historic buildings.

National and international experts will speak on approaches used elsewhere
by the authorities to work with communities to develop strategies for
protecting the most valuable urban heritage while encouraging social and
economic development. International contributions will be received from
Singapore, Manilla and Bangkok.

The seminar is based on the UNESCO understanding that through their
preservation, the significance and message of historic towns and buildings
can form a part of the spirit of the people who live in them, and contribute
to their sense of cultural continuity and common memory; at the same time,
historic areas can be successful in attracting tourism and trade, with
wide-ranging beneficial economic effects - urban preservation and economic
growth are not contradictory ideas.

In the seminar hall, there will be an exhibition of recent paintings of
historic buildings, as well as photographs from the collection of the
Cambodian National Commission for UNESCO.

For further information please contact UNESCO Phnom Penh Tel:
023-426.726/217.244, Mrs Laurence Monnin, Seminar Administrator, HP 012 785
512, email l.monnin@unesco.org OR Mr Geoff Pyle, Seminar Coordinator, HP 012
904 313, email geoff.pyle@mac.com

Friday, January 13, 2006

Monthly Concert Series January 2006

Saturday 21.1.

Foundation for the Advancement of Western Classical Performing Arts presents:

Monthly Concert Series January 2006

Happy Birthday Mr. Mozart (1756-2006)

Josef Haydn
Franz Anton Hoffmeister
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Quatuor de Flute Phnom Penh

Saturday, 21 January, 7pm Raffles Hotel Le Royal

Advance sales: Ticket US$8.-- at the door US$10.--
Children&Students US$2.-- ( only at the evening box )

Tickets available at:

Java Café, Pop Café - da Giorgio Raffles Hotel Le Royal(Cafe Le Phnom)
F.W.C.P.A.Office, No.5 Street 310

mobile: 012 834 517


Thursday, January 12, 2006

"Between The Lines" : An Unique Exhibition

Dear Friends,
This coming Thursday the 12 of January at 6:30pm Margherita del Balzo
will have her opening show at the French Cultural Center.

Margherita's works are a piece of nature in the literal sense of the
words. She made her own paper from roots and flowers found in nature
here. With ink she reveals to us a dreamy almost magical worlds and
yet theses spaces really exists.... So real that you can feel the dead
leaves under the small rocks, so real that you cannot almost touch the
texture of the stone from a angkorian ruins...

See attached the flyer from her exhibition

Linda Saphan

Happy Art Room at Java Café

Happy Art Room
An evolving art project by Marine KY
January 13 – 22, 2006
At Java Café and Gallery

Happy Art Room is a project that started in 2001 with the children from Mith Samlanh Cambodia, an NGO for street children, and has come full circle as Marine Ky returns to Cambodia after four years to share her experiences in the country that birthed her and her artistic drive. Marine embarked on this journey in search of inner peace and discovered that through sharing this process with others she was able to get closer to her own goal. During this project Marine faced challenges of nationalism, racism and identity issues. Her Peace Workshops aimed to break down these barriers through meditation, inward reflection and creativity. The activities allowed both children and adults to search for their own peace within and be a part of a global community working towards the same goal.

In a time of increasing conservatism, nationalism and cultural isolation, Marine’s work is vital for a future of harmony and peace. It teaches children and especially us to be open and aware of the world around us, emphasizing the importance of community and working together.

Although it seems idealistic to expect one art project to achieve so much, it is a start in the right direction and an inspiration to others.

Comments by Dana Langlois

Happy Art Home on view January 13 - 22 at Java Café and Gallery. Marine KY is availble in the evenings and by appointment during those dates.

Presentation/Q&A: Tuesday, January 17, 6 - 8 pm Marine Ky will make a full presentation of her work (6:30 - 7:30 pm).

Children’s workshop: Saturday, January 21, 3 - 5 pm, at Java Express. Materials provided and resulting artwork will be incorporated into the community art project. Age group: 4 - 9 yrs, adults may supervise and participate. Please sign up in advance at Java Café or call 012-833-512 Group size is limited.


African Music at Centre Culturel Francais


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Angkor Silk Fair

Angkor Silk Fair
Wed 25 Jan - Sun 29 Jan 2006.

more at


Thursday, January 05, 2006

2006 Angkor Conference

Call for papers: 2006 Angkor Conference, July 18-23, 2006, Sydney

University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. 18 - 23 July 2006

Call for Papers

From the 18th to the 23rd of July 2006, the University of Sydney will

host the "Angkor - Landscape, City and Temples" conference.

The conference will provide an opportunity for the international
community of researchers to contribute to a definitive overview of recent
and ongoing research on Angkor, to discuss future directions and
collaboration, and to participate in specialist workshops and training

The conference will be organised around four themes:
- Economy and Environment
- City and Daily Life
- Monuments and Art
- Heritage and Contemporary Issues

Papers can be submitted under any of these topics.

Abstract Submission
Contributors must submit a title and abstract for consideration in
English. The abstract must not exceed 300 words. Submissions should be
made online at:


The deadline for abstract submission is 13th January 2006. Abstracts will be
assessed by the conference committee and contributors will be notified by
3rd February 2006.

Early-bird registration will commence in late November 2005. The
early-bird registration cost is AUD$330 (Australian Dollars). For those
registering after Friday May 12th 2006 the cost will increase to AUD$375
(Australian Dollars) for standard registration. Students will be charged
an early-bird registration cost of AUD$180 (Australian Dollars). For
those students registering after Friday May 12th 2006 the cost will
increase to AUD$220 (Australian Dollars). Online registration can be
completed at:

The conference committee intends to publish a multi-volume, refereed
academic publication which will provide an authoritative review of
Angkorian studies over the last decade. As the intent is to publish the
volumes as soon as possible after the conference, presenters wishing to
be considered for publication must submit their full-length manuscript
(including figures, tables and references) prior to or at the time of the

Contact Information
Angkor Conference 2006
Madsen Building F09
University of Sydney
NSW 2006
Phone: +61-2-9351-7667
Fax: +61-2-9351-3644
E-mail: angkor2006@acl.arts.usyd.edu.au

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Sovanna Phum January Schedule

Performance at 7:30pm

Khmer Classical & Folk Dance
Friday 30th December 2005

Shadow Puppets, Dance & Masks
"Preah Koh Bot"Story
Friday 13th & 14th January 2006

Shadow Puppets, Music , Dance & Circus
"Roussey Dek"Story
Friday 20th & Saturday 21st January 2006

Small Shadow Theatre
"Sbaek Touch"
Friday 27th & Saturday 28th January 2006

Sovanna Phum Theatre
nº111 St360 (Corner 105) - Phnom Penh
Tel: 023 987 564
E-mail: sp.admin@camintel.com
We have show every Friday & Saturday,
Visit our puppet gallery and gift shop open everyday, except on Sunday.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.