Thursday, January 26, 2006

Noorderlicht 2006 Photofestival:

Photography from South and Southeast Asia

Call for entries:

The Noorderlicht 2006 Photofestival is about photography from South and
Southeast Asia. Submissions from photographers are welcome. Suggestions and
tips from curators or institutions are also appreciated.

At our website you will find the relevant details and
conditions. The deadline for submissions is the 3rd of April. Because the
first programming decisions will be made sooner, we recommend not waiting
till the last moment.

Submissions can be sent directly to Noorderlicht curator Wim Melis:

About the theme:

The 2006 festival will focus attention on the 'other' Asia. This means the
region from Pakistan to the Philippines, with India and Indonesia as anchor
This area is characterized by many contrasts, between the countries as well
as within them. These contrasts, that show themselves on social, economic,
political, religious and social levels, will form the starting point for
this festival.

Noorderlicht 2006 consists of three sections for which submissions are
possible: photographers from the region itself, western photographers who
have worked there and historical work from the region. The following
countries are eligible: India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Nepa, Bhutan, Sri Lanka,
Bangladesh, Myanmar (former Burma), Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam,
Malaysia, Brunei, Maldives and the Philippines.
The regions that are already often in the news, the economic superpowers and
the so-called 'axis of evil', are not included in Noorderlicht 2006.

About Noorderlicht:

The international Noorderlicht photofestival takes place each fall in
Groningen. It is known worldwide for its combination of powerful photography
and social awareness. The 13th Noorderlicht festival takes place from 10
September through 29 October, 2006.

By tradition, in the even years the festival wants to bring its audience
into contact with photography from a non-Western region. The goal is to
avoid a biased Western view by showing a different, often surprising look
from within.


Please have a look at our website for detailed information and the latest
news. You can also find our submission guidelines there.

We would appreciate it if you relay this call for entries to people whose
work or expertise you feel connects to the subject.

Noorderlicht Photofestival, Gallery, Projects, Publisher
T +31 50 318 2227  F +31 50 318 2204
Address: Akerkhof 12, 9711 JB Groningen, NL

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.