Saturday, January 14, 2006

National Seminar on the Preservation of Urban Heritage in Cambodia

January 16 and 17, 2006
National Seminar on the Preservation of Urban Heritage in Cambodia

Organised by the Cambodian National Commission for UNESCO, the Municipality
of Phnom Penh and the UNESCO Office in Phnom Penh, in collaboration with the
Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts

Venue: City Hall, Monivong Boulevard, Phnom Penh
Dates: Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 January 2006
Press conference: Tuesday 17 January 2006 at 5.30pm

The first national seminar on 'Urban Development and the Preservation of
Cultural Heritage in Cambodia' is to be held in Phnom Penh on 16 and 17
January 2006.

The seminar, expected to number 150 participants, will bring together
representatives of the Royal Government, the private-sector and conservation
experts, to discuss how the development and growth of towns and cities in
Cambodia can be integrated with strategies to protect important urban and
architectural heritage.

The importance of the private-sector in bringing investment and development
proposals to towns and cities will be discussed, and case-studies reviewed
where historic buildings have been preserved and restored for commercial

Both the Municipality of Phnom Penh and the Ministry of Land Management,
Urban Planning and Construction will discuss the work they have recently
been carrying out in the documenting of historic buildings.

National and international experts will speak on approaches used elsewhere
by the authorities to work with communities to develop strategies for
protecting the most valuable urban heritage while encouraging social and
economic development. International contributions will be received from
Singapore, Manilla and Bangkok.

The seminar is based on the UNESCO understanding that through their
preservation, the significance and message of historic towns and buildings
can form a part of the spirit of the people who live in them, and contribute
to their sense of cultural continuity and common memory; at the same time,
historic areas can be successful in attracting tourism and trade, with
wide-ranging beneficial economic effects - urban preservation and economic
growth are not contradictory ideas.

In the seminar hall, there will be an exhibition of recent paintings of
historic buildings, as well as photographs from the collection of the
Cambodian National Commission for UNESCO.

For further information please contact UNESCO Phnom Penh Tel:
023-426.726/217.244, Mrs Laurence Monnin, Seminar Administrator, HP 012 785
512, email OR Mr Geoff Pyle, Seminar Coordinator, HP 012
904 313, email

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