Thursday, January 12, 2006

Happy Art Room at Java Café

Happy Art Room
An evolving art project by Marine KY
January 13 – 22, 2006
At Java Café and Gallery

Happy Art Room is a project that started in 2001 with the children from Mith Samlanh Cambodia, an NGO for street children, and has come full circle as Marine Ky returns to Cambodia after four years to share her experiences in the country that birthed her and her artistic drive. Marine embarked on this journey in search of inner peace and discovered that through sharing this process with others she was able to get closer to her own goal. During this project Marine faced challenges of nationalism, racism and identity issues. Her Peace Workshops aimed to break down these barriers through meditation, inward reflection and creativity. The activities allowed both children and adults to search for their own peace within and be a part of a global community working towards the same goal.

In a time of increasing conservatism, nationalism and cultural isolation, Marine’s work is vital for a future of harmony and peace. It teaches children and especially us to be open and aware of the world around us, emphasizing the importance of community and working together.

Although it seems idealistic to expect one art project to achieve so much, it is a start in the right direction and an inspiration to others.

Comments by Dana Langlois

Happy Art Home on view January 13 - 22 at Java Café and Gallery. Marine KY is availble in the evenings and by appointment during those dates.

Presentation/Q&A: Tuesday, January 17, 6 - 8 pm Marine Ky will make a full presentation of her work (6:30 - 7:30 pm).

Children’s workshop: Saturday, January 21, 3 - 5 pm, at Java Express. Materials provided and resulting artwork will be incorporated into the community art project. Age group: 4 - 9 yrs, adults may supervise and participate. Please sign up in advance at Java Café or call 012-833-512 Group size is limited.


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.