Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Swing News Update

Dear Swingers,

I have some bad news and some good news.  PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD TO ANYONE ELSE YOU KNOW.

The bad news is that for the first time since I started teaching swing in the Penh, I regret that I will have to cancel the regularly scheduled classes both this Thursday and the next.  Something has come up at work that I cannot get out of, and I am truly sorry for this.  HOWEVER...there is also GOOD news.

Marco has graciously offered to move the furniture out of our dance space at Equinox so that I can teach the Beginners' class there for the next two weeks.  The catch is, the class won't start until 8:30.  So, head on over to Equinox at the usual time, and I will start the class as soon as I can get there.  I may be a few minutes late, but you can have a drink until I arrive.  For those of you who have been a bit shy, this will be the perfect opportunity for you to come out to Equinox and see just how much fun it is. 

So, just to review:  Advance class is cancelled this week and next.  The Beginner class will be at Equinox from 8:30-9:30, upstairs.  This of course will be followed by social dancing until the last person is left standing, as usual.  If any of you advanced dancers want to reschedule another time, we can plan something.

Also, this Sunday is.........SWING SUNSET AT SNOWY'S!!!  Remember, Snowy gives drink specials!!!  Let's get some good practice in before the BIG SWING OUT WEEKEND!

Speaking of which...here is the schedule so far.  Some details are not set in stone as of yet, but the dates and times of events will most likely stay the same:

SWING OUT WEEKEND SCHEDULE, in the works: Save the dates:

Friday, Sept. 24th

8-9pm     Free beginners' lesson at Chinese House, confirmed
9-???      Free Swing dance party with live music and DJ Jared, confirmed--vintage inspired clothing requested

Saturday, Sept. 25th
9-10          Outdoor shim sham/lindy bomb, location TBA (I'll teach you this before then)

All the following events (classes and cruise) are confirmed and are $5 for expats, $2.50 for localsSpecial: three for the price of two (you have to pay for your fourth and beyond)
Workshop venue TBA:
11-12        Workshop: Beginners' Lesson--just the basics and simple 8-count moves
1-2            Workshop: Tandem Charleston--all welcome
2-3            Workshop: Musicality--all welcome
5-7            Blues Cruise on the Ton Le Sap with the Bayon Blues Band, confirmed (yay)!  Drinks on board.

7:30          Dinner for Ben (his meal on PPPswings!), location TBA
9-???        Free Swing dancing at Studio 182 Jazz Club to live music by the trio and special guest, confirmed

Sunday, Sept. 26th
9-11          Swing brunch/swim, TBA
11-12        Free Lesson for Beginners--just the basics and simple 6-count moves, same venue
12-1          Workshop: Fun Lindy Moves & Combos--aimed at more experienced dancers but all welcome, same venue

5 on          Free Swing Sunset at Snow's--Snow will be advertising this as a big event, and he is requesting vintage-inspired clothing as well

Who's your Mama?

"Mama Swing"
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

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