Friday, August 13, 2010

Epic Arts Fusion Dance Tour: Dates For the Diary

Dear Friends,

EPiC Arts promotes the integration of people with all abilities and disabilities through the arts in Cambodia, the UK and China.

This summer is an exciting time as we are bringing over 4 of our Cambodian dance students to perform alongside two of our UK artists as part of our Fusion Summer Tour. We suspect the tour will be a life-changing experience for our dancers - and a source of great inspiration to all those who watch our performances.

A large number of you have requested details on where and when you can see our performances and meet our team; please find details below. We hope to see you there.

Greenbelt Festival
Saturday 28th August, 7.45pm
Festival Bowl, Cheltenham Racecourse

Liberty Festival
Saturday 4th September, 1 - 5pm
Trafalgar Square, London

Christchurch Service
Sunday 5th September, 10.30 am
Christchurch Fulham, 67 Studdridge St, London

Laban Networking Evening
Monday 6th September, 4 - 6pm
Laban, Creekside, London (invite only)

Epic Arts Fundraiser
Tuesday 7th September, 6 - 8.30 pm
Chelsea Arts Club (invite only)

Epic Arts Annual Showcase
Wednesday 8th September, 7 - 9pm
Christchurch Spitalifields

If you would like to attend any of the above events or require further information please contact Hannah Stevens on 07981 946 641. If you would like to attend the Annual Showcase please send an e-mail to who will contact you directly with further details.

Epic Arts is a registered charity and does not receive any government funding, so your support is invaluable to us. If you are unable to attend any of our events but would like to know more please visit our web site or our online donations page. Thank you.

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