Friday, November 06, 2009

Golden Reawakening Part 2

Subject: Opening of Golden Reawakening Part 2 today at 6pm at Sasa Gallery

Kon Khmer Koun Khmer presents: Golden Reawakening Part 2

Exhibition of photos and drawings of the movie theatres in Phnom Penh in
the 70s

At Sasa Gallery (7 Street 360), November 6th-18th 2009

In 1975, there were at least 30 movie theatres in Phnom Penh. Today, just
one of them still shows films: Lux Theatre.

The photographer group "Stiev Selapak" (Rebel Arts) has photographed the
places where those movie theatres were located at that time, trying to
find the right angle and light to make those old theatres reappearing
behind the image.

Because many photos of the 70's movie theatres are not available, we
worked with a group of artists to create drawings of several movie
theatres based on the meticulous description of one remarkable witness of
that era, Mr. Chour Sokhen.

We can't guarantee that those drawings reflect the exact reality of that
time – indeed we are sure that they don't. Let see them as a proposal of
what they could have looked like, or as an act of "re-appropriation" from
young Cambodian artists of these missing images.

We divided the space into the main areas in which were located the
theatres at that time: most of the theatres were in the Northeast of Phnom
Penh, few were in the West, others in the South, and we focused on three
of the most popular ones: Hemakcheat, Phnom Pich and Capitol.

Opening today at 6pm at Sasa Gallery, 7 Street 360 (near Baitong Restaurant).

We hope to meet you all there this evening.

Davy and Kon Khmer Koun Khmer

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.