Tuesday, October 13, 2009

60s & 70s Cambodian film festival and exhibition “Golden Reawakening"

Kon Khmer Koun Khmer

Press Release

October 11th, 2009

Phnom Penh

Contact: CHAN Soratha

012 726 117 chan.soratha@gmail.com


60s & 70s Cambodian film festival and exhibition “Golden Reawakening”

From October 17th to October 25th, 2009 at the Chinese House

The team of Kon Khmer Koun Khmer (Cambodian Films, Cambodian Generation) is pleased to invite you to the opening of the 1960s and 1970s Cambodian film festival and exhibition “Golden Reawakening”.

From 1960 to 1975, Cambodian film studios produced more than 350 films and there were about 30 movie theatres in Phnom Penh. Today, only 33 films remain available. Lux Theatre is the last surviving movie theatre. Only a few directors and film stars survived the Khmer Rouge Regime.

This event will introduce from October 17th to October 25th this golden era of Cambodian films through biographies, photos and posters of the greatest actors, filmmakers and films. This special event serves as a link between generations and brings together a number of surviving directors and film stars from 1960 to 1975 with many talented young artists from today’s art scene. More than 20 Cambodian artists have created paintings, photographs, drawings and an architectural model based on fragmented memories and limited documentation.

During the festival, 11 films from this golden period will be screened with commentaries from legendary filmmakers Ly Bun Yim, Yvon Hem and Ly You Sreang and the legendary film star Dy Saveth. The organizers are honored to receive permission from HM King-Father Norodom Sihanouk to screen his film “Twilight” (1968) which HM has chosen for the festival. The 11 films include masterpieces “Twelve sisters” by Ly Bun Yim and “The Snake Man” by Tea Lim Koun (who many of us have lost touch with and we have discovered him alive in Canada three weeks ago).

The opening reception will take place on

Saturday, October 17th, 6pm

The Chinese House

45, Sisowath Quay, Phnom Penh

Kon Khmer Koun Khmer recently produced “The Twin Diamonds” screened at Lux cinema earlier this month, and is led by Davy Chou, a young French filmmaker whose grandfather Van Chann was one of the greatest film producers in Cambodia in the 1960s.

The exhibition will open every day at 3:00 PM and the films (free entrance) will be screened at 4:00 PM and 7:00 PM. Special guests Mr. Ly Bun Yim and Mrs. Dy Saveth will attend the opening. A detailed schedule is attached.

Kon Khmer Koun Khmer – 21 Street 136, Phnom Penh – Cambodia – Tel: +855 (0)12 726 117

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