Thursday, October 08, 2009

Lets talk USA Healthcare Reform Brunch! Guests Speakers! Sunday October 11, at Java Cafe!

Dear Democrats Abroad Members,

You are invited to the Let's Talk USA Health Care Reform Brunch with Guest

Where: Java Cafe on Sihanouk Blvd. (near Independence Monument)

When: Sunday October 11th, from 10AM-12:30PM.

Savory and Sweet set menu options will be served for $6.50 per person at
the door.

Contact Lillian Diaz at 092-635-253 if you have any questions.

This month, Democrats Abroad marks its 45th anniversary with celebrations
planned worldwide.
Founded in 1964, Democrats Abroad is the official overseas branch of the
U.S. Democratic Party.
With members in more than 160 countries around the globe, Democrats Abroad
holds eight positions
on the Democratic National Committee and sends a voting delegation to the
Democratic National
Convention to select our presidential candidate.

This email is being sent to you from the Cambodia list(s) on behalf of:
Democrats Abroad
430 S. Capitol Street, SE
Washington, 20003

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