Monday, July 13, 2009

US Healthcare Reform Town Hall Meeting: Thurs. July 16, 2009: An opportunity to be heard

Dear Democrats Abroad Cambodia Members,

US Healthcare Reform is one of the top policy agenda items of the current US
Administration. Different systems and policies are currently being
discussed and
debated in the US Congress and Senate. Any proposed changes to the US
system may have significant implications for all Americans, including
those living

President Obama wants our participation to make healthcare reform a reality.
Democrats Abroad can help channel our input into the US Heathcare Reform
debate so
the voices of Americans living overseas are listened to and taken into

Democrats Abroad Cambodia is providing the opportunity for interested
living overseas to come together to learn more about the proposed US
Reform policies and to gather our suggestions and recommendations.

You are warmly invited to:

Townhall Meeting:
U.S. Health Care Reform: Information and Discussion
American Citizens Abroad
Thursday July 16th, 2009, 6:30PM
FCC 363 Sisowath Quay

We hope to see you there.


Warm Regards,
Wayne Weightman, Chair, Democrats Abroad Cambodia
Tel: 012949421; Email:

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