Monday, May 04, 2009

Movie Launch: "We want (u) to Know"

Movie Launch Invitation ["We want (u) to Know"]

Dear colleagues,

we are happy to invite you to the official launching of our documentary
"We Want (u) to Know"!
The documentary film "We Want (u) to Know" will debut in Phnom Penh
next Thursday as the Khmer Rouge Tribunal is in the middle of
conducting its first trial.
The screening - on May 7, 2009, at 4pm -- will take place at Chenla
Theater. Immediately following the screening there will be time for
viewers to ask the film director and producers questions and discuss
the content seen in the film.

"We Want (u) to Know", directed by Ella Pugliese and produced in
cooperation with the Khmer Institute of Democracy and the
International Center for Conciliation, features Khmer Rouge survivors
from Siem Reap, Takeo and Kratie provinces as they dialogue about
their past and dramatically display experiences that they endured
during the Khmer Rouge time. Created through a participatory approach,
Cambodians of different ages and backgrounds directed, wrote and
filmed this documentary together.

The German Development Service (DED) funded the production of this film.

The event is open to the media and the public.
Photos and drawings produced by the participants as a part of the film
process will be displayed in Chenla theater and shown on the big
screen before and after film screening.

Who: All media and interested people
What: "We Want (u) to Know" initial launch screening and conversation
Where: Chenla Theater
When: Thursday, May 7, 2009 at 4pm

Further screenings to be held:
May 8 at Bophana, #64 street 200
May 9 at Café Living Room, #9 street 306
May 10 at Meta House, #6 street 264

All at 7pm

Chenla theater can host more than 500 guests, so PLEASE FORWARD THIS

Looking forward to seeing you!


Ella Pugliese (film director), the filmteam, Judith Strasser

Our duty, as men and women is to proceed as if limits to our ability
did not exist. We are collaborators in creation.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.