Thursday, April 30, 2009

Buildings - Exhibition of Kong Vollak, the 5th of may, 7pm

by Kong Vollak
Kong Vollack is 25. He was born and lives in Phnum Penh,
where he studied at the Royal University of Fine Arts in
Phnom Penh. Over the last years, he took part in several
workshops with foreign artists and started to exhibit his
work since 2005. He also studies photography at "Le Popil
Gallery" and dreams of becoming an art teacher to help for
the development of the contemporary Cambodian art
With Buildings, Kong Vollack proposes an artistic reflection
on the past and current urban architecture of Phnum
Penh. His drawings and sculptures offer a contemporary
vision of the capital of Cambodia. A capital, which does
not stop developing and proposing modern architectures,
but which at the same time, according to the artist, has to
protect the ancient constructions.
Kong Vollack describes us his Phnum Penh, the one of his
dreams, a subtle mix of ancient, modern, contemporary architecture,
with a touch of Vann Molivann. He also asks us
questions about the incessant revival of the constructions:
what impact will have these numerous new buildings on the
atmosphere and the environment of Phnum Penh?
In the Gallery of the CCF
Opening: Wednesday 6th of May at 7pm
The exhibition will be on until the 6th of June.
218 street 184

Magali Poivert

Animatrice Culturelle          

Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge

218 rue Kéo Chéa, Phnom Penh, Cambodge

Tél bureau/Office : 855 23 213 124 / 125

Fax bureau/Office : 855 23 721 382

Mobile : 855 12 905 128


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