Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Phnom Penh Hip Hop

Young Cambodians are becoming increasingly involved in “hip hop culture.’’ Dance, music, fashion—all the
elements of hip hop are present these days in the streets. Singers (rappers) and dancers (The Tiny Toons and
Belle) perform regularly. A Cambodian style is being born.

Phnom Penh Hip Hop is the first cooperative and promotional event for this new culture, presented from all

The project includes a two-week training / creation workshop, thanks to first-rate dancers from the very summit
of world hip hop arriving from France and Germany: Storm, Sébastien Ramirez and Raphael Hillebrand. They
will work with young Khmer hip hop dancers from Tiny Toons Compagny and also with the exceptional
Cambodian dancer Belle (traditional dance) to prepare original pieces to be presented during the festival.

Three evenings of hip hop dance, organized at the Chenla Theater, will bring together these dancers, along with
a French hip hop company, Accrorap.

Finally, the festival will close with a big musical evening event on the Wat Bothum esplanade.

Pontoon will also organise a Hip Hop party.

Phnom Penh Hip Hop is organized by a partnership between the CCF of Cambodia and Meta House.

Saturday 16th of may

Chenla theater – Danse - 7pm


If, originally, ACCRORAP was a collective (been born in 1989), today the company is animated by Kader Attou
whose projects are going on in the course of the years.

In its shows, ACCRORAP tells stories, creates meetings, and gives rise to feelings. The dance of ACCRORAP is
generous; it tries to break barriers, to cross the borders. It is the dance which refuses the label "suburb" and claims
the dialogue between Hip-hop dance and contemporary dance.

The dance of ACCRORAP gets its originality and its novelty out of the quest of identity, a quest arisen from all the
rifts, from all the shocks, from all the contradictions which revitalize it and whom it expresses: the assimilation and
the exclusion, the scholar and the popular, the modernity and the tradition, the street and the academy, Europe
and Africa, the East and the West, the spontaneity and the rigour … Kader Attou and his dancers give to the
contemporary dance another vocabulary, new sense, new function.

Petites is a show created in Suresnes (France) in January, 2008, which obtained the Mimos price in
2008 from the international festival of the mime of Périgueux for "its poetry, its generosity, its universality and its

Those are launched ideas, little stories like playlets, a little like short movies. Stories in which Kader Attou suggests us "to look for, to find and to tell in a very short time, things deep inside each of us... To arouse memories,
words, troubles, to hear, to understand each other, to lie down... To speak, and take the part of dreams in the
movement, to dance on three small notes with this energy which is so special, while speaking about more or less
serious things but with a lot of thoughtlessness ".

Sunday 17th of May

Esplanade du Wat Botum - Projection en plein air - 6pm

Turn it loose

Khmer, English subtitles

Alastair Siddons a magnifiquement filmé le rendez-vous annuel des meilleurs B-boys (danseurs de Hip hop) du monde qui s'affrontent lors de battlesafn de désigner celui qui sera "le" B-boy de l'année. Un documentaire qui montre toute la combativité et le respect mutuel de ces jeunes

Tuesday 19th of May

CCF – Cinema – 7pm

De là-bas et d'ici

dir. Eric Legay


Country: France / Duration: 54 min / 2008

De là-bas et d’ici is a journey in the faraway lights with the choreographer Kader Attou who, from India to every
places in France hexagon, amazes us with a lightning energy and a sensitive humor.
Kader Attou is situated between cultures, in a ground between the Hip-hop and the contemporary dance.
Practically, all the questions of the human being have their danced version; and the memory of the personal experience,
always ready to be embodied in, comes to find its place with power in the performance of the dancers.
There is not the body neither the soul but a duality between both, transcribed by the dance. With his company
Accrorap, Kader Attou leads us towards the essential and tells us about the human condition, in what it has of
funnier and more tragic.


Dir. Stéphane Rouaud


Country: France-Germany / Duration: 23 min / 2006

This documentary is centered on the last days of the process of creation of Geometronomics, choreographic piece
which signs the second collaboration between Storm and Discípulos do Rítmo. Filmed in rehearsal in Pré-Saint-
Gervais until the first performance in Germany, in March, 2006, this documentary establishes Storm's intimist portrait
and allows to comprehend better the choreographic comment of the artist and the process of creation of the


The point of departure of the choreographic and dramaturgic approach of this work is a reflection on the circle,
the geometrical forms and the rhythm. Storm uses these elements for the writing of the dance and the comment
of Geometronomics, in a literal sense, but also transposed. We find the writing that we know through these other
works, with a more and more tangible emotional dimension, its usual irony and winks in reference to his previous
choreographies... The six dancers of the Discípulos do Rítmo are excellent partners in this composition.
Their high technical level combined to a beautiful presence give substance to the Storm's choreographic language

Wednesday 20th of may

Meta House - cinema – 7pm


dir. David LaChapelle

With Lil C., Tommy the Clown, Dragon, Tight Eyez, La Niña, Miss Prissy, ...

Country: USA / Duration: 1h24 / 2004

Reveals a groundbreaking dance phenomenon that's exploding on the streets of South Central, Los Angeles.
Taking advantage of unprecedented access, this documentary film bring to first light a revolutionary form of artistic
expression borne from oppression. The aggressive and visually stunning dance modernizes moves indigenous
to African tribal rituals and features mind-blowing, athletic movement sped up to impossible speeds. We meet
Tommy Johnson (Tommy the Clown), who first created the style as a response to the 1992 Rodney King riots and
named it Clowning, as well as the kids who developed the movement into what they now call Krumping. The kids
use dance as an alternative to gangs and hustling: they form their own troupe and paint their faces like warriors,
meeting to outperform rival gangs of dancers or just to hone their skills. For the dancers, Krumping becomes a
way of life--and, because it's authentic expression (in complete opposition to the bling-bling hip-hop culture), the
dance becomes a vital part of who they are.

Freedom Writers

dir. Richard Lagravenese

Avec Hilary Swank, Patrick Dempsey, Ricardo Molina

Country: USA / Duration: 2h04 / 2009

Fresh faced, idealistic twenty three old Erin Gruwell, is ready to take on the world as she steps inside Wilson High
School for her first day of teaching. Her class, a diverse group of racially charged teenagers from different walks
of life--African Americans, Latinos, Asians, juvenile delinquents, gang members, and underprivileged students
from poor neighborhoods--hope for nothing more than to make it through the day. On the surface, the only thing
they share is their hatred for each other and the understanding that they are simply being warehoused in the educational
system until they are old enough to disappear. Despite her students obstinate refusal to participate during
class, Erin tries various means to engage them on a daily basis.

Thursday 21st of may

Meta House - cinema – 7pm

TStyle Wars

Dir. Tony Silver & Henry Chalfant

With Lil C., Tommy the Clown, Dragon, Tight Eyez, La Niña, Miss Prissy, ...

Country: USA / Duration: 1h24 / 2004

Style Wars is the legendary, real-life action-adventure about the epic battle of New York's graffiti writers to get their art up on the city's subway trains -- the climax of their rolling public art extravaganza that would change the world of art and popular culture forever. The action takes place in the decaying city, at war with the very people dedicated to renewing its greatness -- kids from the streets, rocking the city from its orbit with new letters, sounds and moves. The names they wrote, the battles they fought, are legend.

Status Yo!

Dir. Till Hastreiter

With Hanna Petkoff, Selda Kaya

Country: Germany / Duration: 1h58 / 2004

Hip-Hopper Yan Eq has a pretty big mouth. In an attempt to cover up an affair with his best friend's sister, he lets
himself get talked into organizing the city's biggest party in just 24 hours. Together with Jamie, he must now not
only borrow all the equipment, but somehow cope with all the con-men and thieves. At the same time, Sera, who
makes a living rapping on the underground, is fighting to keep his flat, which his marijuana dealer has pawned.
Tarek dreams of turning all of Berlin into an enormous graffiti sculpture…
In one night and the following day, the different strands of this story blend into a pulsating composition involving
fabulous amateur actors and daredevil filmmakers.

Friday 22nd of May

Chenla Theatre – Danse -19h


Storm and Raphael Hillebrand With Tiny Toones Company

The Phnom Penh Hip hop festival is also a moment of training and artistic meetings.
Storm and Raphael Hillebrand will present the result of their workshop of Hip-hop dance with the Cambodian company
Tiny Toones.

Tiny Toones

Under the direction of the dancer “KK,” Tiny Toons is a socio-cultural center that is developing a training program for young hip hop dancers, the majority of whom were “street kids.” Tiny Toons is also a place of schooling for young people. Thanks to the considerable energy of “KK,” Tiny Toons has become in just a few years an importance dance company
in Cambodia.

Friday 22nd of May

Chenla Theatre – Danse -19h

“Together, alone”

Raphael Hillebrand and Sébastien Ramirez

Who doesn’t know this feeling of loneliness which exists in each of us, although we live in overpopulated urban areas...?

To have the suspicion of a presence, without being able to take hold of it with eyes … the desire to go back over our
origins, and asks us the question “Where am I going to in my life?”.
These questions are the basis of the choreographic conception of "Together, alone". On stage, a human being, interpreted
by Raphael. Then, an animal being, represented by Sebastien, joins him on the stage, without that the human being
can perceive him. Finally, the Reverse, character with virtual and physical appearance at the same time, which takes back up the time and the memory, passes in transit between the stage and the video.

Raphael Hillebrand

Raphael's evolution to an internationally recognized dancer, choreographer and interpreter began with successful competitions.

With high standards towards himself, he is constantly improving his skills in dancing, acrobatics, acting, directing,
and video editing. Still a young dancer, he met Storm in Berlin. Together, they realized different works as dancers,
choreographer and in the conception of events. With his talents as dancer and actor, he participates in different theater-, dance-, film and video productions. His encounter with Sébastien Ramirez has been the starting point for their own ambitious projects, recognized by the theatres, festivals and the audience.

Sébastien Ramirez

Sébastien Ramirez – living both in Perpignan (France) and in Berlin – dances since he's 13 years old. Today he is professional dancer and choreographer with his particular style: a rich vocabulary of bboying and the spirit of capoeira. His first collaboration with Storm has been a big inspiration in 1999; since then, both work together in the frame of different international creations and projects. In 2001, he finally meets his partner Raphael Hillebrand: through creations and worldwide tours, they built a deep friendship and artistic collaboration. Their choreographies "The Mask", "Together alone" (2008) and the cooperation project "Nhi?u m?t", realized in Vietnam the same year, are examples of their strong artistic vision and open minds.

Saturday 23rd of May

Chenla Theatre – Danse - 7pm

WORKSHOPS / Storm and Raphael Hillebrand With Tiny Toones Company


Sébastien Ramirez and “Belle” Chumvan Sodhachivy

Belle” Chumvan Sodhachivy and Sébastien Ramirez will draw, during a duet, worked in residence during Phnom Penh
Hip hop, the first outlines of a road of meeting between contemporary dance, Apsara and Hip-hop.

”Belle” Chumvan Sodhachivy

Sodhachivy was born in Phnom Penh in 1985. She began training in Cambodian classical dance in 1994 and graduated
in 2003 from the National School of Arts. She specializes in the Narang (male) role, but is also well versed in the
Neang (female) role, Cambodian folk dance and shadow puppetry. Belle recently graduated from the BA program of
the Royal University of Fine Arts, Faculty of Choreographic Arts. As a performer, she has toured throughout Asia and to
Moracco, Japan and the United States. ln October 2005, she travelled to Taiwan to collaborate with local and Filipino
artists on a new work that toured to Japan and is currently part of a new project in collaboration with Mirato Martinus
in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Storm… in classical context

By Storm

Niels Robitzky, alias Storm, dancer and choreographer, lives in Berlin. Since the early 80's, he grew into hip-hop dance styles through an important number of encounters and collaborations. With his first (and still existing) crew Battle Squad he started to tour through the world. His first theatre work has been realized with Ghettoriginal (1992-1995). Storm lives in Berlin since 1993 where he founded, in 1996, the company The Storm & Jazzy Project with Nathalie "Jazzy Lee" Robitzky. For several years they created and presented their staged work in festivals and theatres in Europe.
Internationally respected artist, this pioneer and charismatic artist realizes an impressive number of choreographies and commissioned works. In 2001 he presented his first solo work: "Solo For Two".
In 2008, he presented his latest work: "Storm… in classical context" which is based on improvisation on a selection of
classical music masterpieces. After years of choreographical creation, this master dancer presents now a work of
dance... for sake of dance!

Since the year 2000, Storm realizes a number of cultural cooperation projects, with the help of the Goethe Institut and
the French Cultural Center network all around the world. So this year, he collaborates with Sebastien Ramirez and
Raphael Hillebrand for a project of workshops within the framework of this festival. In December, 2009 / January, 2010,
he plans a project of cooperation with Sebastien Ramirez and Cuban dancers in Havana, Cuba.

Pontoon– Party -22h

Hip Hop Party - DJ Solo

Sunday 24th of May
Wath Bothum Esplanade – Hip Hop Jam – 6pm

Khmix it! Hip hop jam

DJ SDEY, DJ ILLEST, MC CURLY et beaucoup d’autres

We are showcasing the four elements of "Hip Hop Culture": Rapping, Scratching/Mixing, Graffiti and Breakdance. Khmer
Hip Hop stars DJ SDEY, DJ ILLEST and the KLAP-YA-HANDZ Collective perform with aspiring newcomer MC CURLY, drummers
SOUM PHEARUM, PORN SAMRITH, EB VUTHA, clarinet master BUN HONG and foreign guests. They will blend
“phat beatz” with Cambodian traditional music and jazz, while graffiti artist CLEVZ ONE and the best Phnom Penh dance
crews prove their "skillz" to the audience.


Saturday 167pmPetites histoires.comChenla

Sunday 176pmTurn it LooseWat Botum

Tuesday 187pmD e là -b a s e t d 'i c iCCF

G e om e t ro n om i c sCCF

Wednesday 207pmRize by David LaChapelleMeta House

9pmFreedom Fighters by Richard LagraveneseMeta House

Thusday 217pmStyle Wars by Tony Silver & Henry ChalfantMeta House

8.30pmStatus Yo! by Till HastreiterMeta House

Friday 227pmTogether, aloneChenla

Saturday 237pmStorm… in classical contextChenla

10pmHip Hop PartyPontoon

Sunday 246pmKhmix it ! Hip Hop JamWath Botum

Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge - 218 St. 184

Meta House - 6 St. 264
Chenla intersection bv Mao Tse Toung / ave. Monireth
Pontoon Sisowath quay



Magali Poivert

Animatrice culturelle

012 905 128

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.