Wednesday, February 04, 2009

V-Day Kick-off!! This Friday at Metahouse!

Hello hello!  This year, Phnom Penh is hosting our 2nd edition of the Vagina Monologues, a benefit show dedicated to raising awareness about violence again women through dialogue on identity, sexuality, abuse, triumph and joy. We're also part or a greater global movement to raise awareness and funds for local organizations tacking gender based violence.  It's a collection of stories that will make you laugh and probably make you cry too...

 Join us this Friday for a screening of "Until the Violence Stops" at Metahouse.  See details below :*)


Please come join us at the first event of the Phnom Penh V-Day season this Friday!

We will screen the film Until The Violence Stops on Friday February 6th 7pm @ MetaHouse

Extraordinarily empowering and heartbreakingly funny, the Sundance favorite and Emmy Award winning UNTIL THE VIOLENCE STOPS chronicles how The Vagina Monologues grew into V-Day, the international grassroots movement to stop violence against women and girls.

In 2002, over eight hundred cities around the world participated in V-Day. From locales as diverse as New York, the Philippines and Kenya, V-Day and director Abby Epstein's UNTIL THE VIOLENCE STOPS features emotionally charged interviews and readings by everyday and celebrity women (including Rosie Perez, Salma Hayek, Rosario Dawson, Jane Fonda and LisaGay Hamilton), all of whom courageously reveal their intimate experiences and bond together to break the silence that surrounds abuse. More than just a group testimonial, UNTIL THE VIOLENCE STOPS is a moving celebration of community awareness that leaves us with the hope that change can happen.

This is a great introduction to the V-Day Movement, and will certainly get you excited about the upcoming production of The Vagina Monologues, to be performed in Phnom Penh on April 3rd, 4th and 5th!

Suggested donation: $1

Beneficiary: Women Peacemakers, a local organisation working to end violence against women and girls through awareness raising and educational activities 

V-Love and solidarity,

Nora Lindström
V-Day Phnom Penh 2009
092 683 479

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