Monday, February 02, 2009



Hello, let me wish you a wonderfull year, full of good feelings and surprises....

       I`m not sure if you received the Bhor newsletter, but things move a lot around here. Bhor has now delocalised and is about to become part of a youth creative arts center Directed by NGO Mlop Tapang, this was in fact a very logical move due to the fact that in 3 years of Activities (of which there have been a lot) the Bhor all in Art Center found with Mlop Tapang, a close affinity in their "goals and targets"; namely to encourage  children and teenagers to be smarter and stay safe, especially those who have never had access to education.

       Naturally, through this school, we try to accomplish our goal of further educating children and young people, both in the classroom, but also through all kinds of arts and sport disciplines, that link fun and concentration, with perseverance and imagination. All  of this is done with a spirit of never wasting a thing, a philosophy that Bhor always includes in any project.

       This could only be accomplished by a cooperation between these two dynamic organisations.


       The new Mlop-Bhor center is soon going to be fully complete and ready to operate, now with a large space, big covered stage, music school, circus teacher, dance teacher, graffic and deco school, Vanry Meth (a wonderfull actor-director) as art team leader, a video production unit (and already 2 episodes of the hilarious Mlop kids TV....) all this in the same place, self confident teens who are avidly keen to learn more, whilst in close collaboration with other Mlop Tapang  training schools or vocational centers…it is going to be Great


Our first major event for this new Bhor is going to be the 5th edition of Khmarnaval on the 5, 6, 7 March 2009. Three days of parades with live shows on stage, for a big AIDS Awareness Campaign.


You may be interested to participate, you might have a show that could fit into the program on stage, or, if you wish to grasp the opportunity of this event to communicate with our huge audience. Of course, we can send you more information about the organisation and the outcome of previous KHMARNAVALs.


Please contact us with this email address or telephone us ;

Vanry Meth 016367196 (Khmer speaking)

Bob Passion 0121724500 (French and English speaking)


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