Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama Inaugration Party Phnom Penh



Please come join us for the excitement !!! This is one for you Night Owls !!!


@GYM Bar

#42 Street 178 (just east of Norodom) – Phnom Penh

Must See LIVE! on the BIG Screens!
Bring a friend! Tell a friend! Email a friend! Text a Friend!

Obama T-Shirts and Hats! & Election Souvenirs!

Jan. 20th • 9:00pm till LATE

Bring a friend! Tell a friend!

· FUN ACTIVITIES & GAMES & Selected Film Clips

· Join with Citizens of the world to Party & talk Party politics

· Celebrate Democracy in action, Celebrate HOPE!

***WE NEED HELP — If you would like to help us with our Inauguration Watch Parties at GYM Bar & CHOW, please let us know by contacting LILLY at lilliancdiaz@gmail.com

Further info or to help: 092 635 253 or 012 949 421 or 023 430 264
Email: DemsAbroadKH@gmail.com

Sponsored by Democrats Abroad - Cambodia


**** UPCOMING EVENT: Great party on Saturday, January 24th @ 5:30pm @ CHOW Restaurant (#277 Sisowath Quay) • We will have Awesome Special Food and Drink prices!!! • We will show Highlights of the Inauguration !!!!

Remember to bring a friend & Please pass this email onto others you think would be interested.

(please forgive multiple emails for this event – we are trying to normalize our database)

I hope to see you Both Tuesday & Saturday Evenings!

Best Regards,

Wayne Weightman,
Democrats Abroad - Cambodia

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.