Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Rubbish Project join Bob Passion's BHOR Art Centre celebration Saturday- Sihanoukville

The Rubbish Project shows new Recycled Fashion creations this Saturday night, 22nd November at Bob Passion's BHOR Art Centre in Sihanoukville as part of BHOR's "Kids and Rubbish Garbage Shows" opening extravaganza.

Bob, partnering with Mlop Tapang, has turned his centre into a huge work of art to raise awareness of recycling, and environmental degradation.  Visitors to the transformed BHOR Art Centre, will be hosted by a team of actors on a journey to how Cambodia will be if the environment becomes destroyed, through transformed BHOR environments such as "Toxic Town", and "Under the Tonle Sap Lake".

The opening Extravaganza on Saturday night will feature hours of shows and music on a large stage in the street in front of BHOR, and will include our Rubbish Project team modelling many new designs

For this event The Rubbish Project are very happy to be supported by The Centre for Social Development, as well as The Bophana Centre, Scandinavia Hotel, and a private donor.  Coordinators Leang Seckon and Fleur Smith recently returned from the Dialogue on Art and Culture in Beijing, organised by the Asia-Europe Foundation, and are working on ideas for a big project in 2009.


Bob Passion 012 172 4500
Leang Seckon 012 294 731
Fleur Smith 012 683 040


The Rubbish Project shows new Recycled Fashion creations this Saturday
night, 22nd November at Bob Passion's BHOR Art Centre in Sihanoukville as
part of BHOR's "Kids and Rubbish Garbage Shows" opening extravaganza.

Bob, partnering with Mlop Tapang, has turned his centre into a huge work of
art to raise awareness of recycling, and environmental degradation.
Visitors to the transformed BHOR Art Centre, will be hosted by a team of
actors on a journey to how Cambodia will be if the environment becomes
destroyed, through transformed BHOR environments such as "Toxic Town", and
"Under the Tonle Sap Lake".

The opening Extravaganza on Saturday night will feature hours of shows and
music on a large stage in the street in front of BHOR, and will include our
Rubbish Project team modelling many new designs.

For this event The Rubbish Project are very happy to be supported by The
Centre for Social Development, as well as The Bophana Centre, Scandinavia
Hotel, and a private donor. Coordinators Leang Seckon and Fleur Smith
recently returned from the Dialogue on Art and Culture in Beijing, organised
by the Asia-Europe Foundation, and are working on ideas for a big project in


Bob Passion 012 172 4500
Leang Seckon 012 294 731
Fleur Smith 012 683 040


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.