Friday, September 19, 2008


HEllo, in november like every year Bhor all in Art Center organise a 17 days interactiv  festival ...
this time we are going to work on environemental problems and solution...
so please read this project and imagine what we could plan together....

Kids & rubbish

One of the big challenge of the years coming is to bring people to take more care about their environment. Plastic is soon to cover the planet, toxic chemical products are abandoned here and there next to rice fields or houses, fertilizers and pesticides are used without care of ground waters…..  Cambodian people get no clues about the real impact this will have on their future life… and would not if they don't get soon informations and education… Beginning by simple acts we all do every day could already change a lot.


The Bhor team and Mlop Tapang NGO are sensible to the situation and at their level they have started  already  to communicate on the issue, involving themselves in Cleaning Days at the beach, plastic collecting, art-recycling, awareness theater shows and more.

The need to do it on a bigger scale is obvious, it's enough to look around you anywhere... , so we planned «kids & rubbish»


The Project: A 3 weeks festival inside  and outside the BHOR building to bring concern to people about their environment through artistic performances and fun educative interventions.

A smart fast & fun way to communicate about how fragile is our planet…

As we did last year  for «all about addiction » the building is going to be fully  transformed by artists and during 3 weekends actors will offer you a creative  visit  of the exhibition  from 5 to 8pm…Every 6 mn, ten people get in, for a 25 mn tour…

And from 8 pm shows on the main stage…. As we are still preparing the event it is impossible to give you now a real program now but as of today we already know that "Mlop Tapang kids" (circus + theater from Kampong Som), "Mekong Pirates" (Phnom Penh funk), "Ceux qui Marchent Debout" (street fanfare from France), "Okun & the Tyrans" (Kompong Som rock), "Vanry Green Project" (Phnom Penh recycling arts ), "OCT" ( Sk'ville Khmer pop)  join us with skills & enthusiasm…


Proposed Period:             - Option one  from 14th to 30th of november

                                                - Option two  from 21st november to 6/7th december….



The Objective: Using an all arts approach with theater, graphics and music to catch public attention, we plan to both explain and clearly demonstrate the effects of pollution. From the consequences not only to self, but also  to surroundings, to life and wildlife. We want to give an opportunity for artists to share in a creative and social project; and for kids to be involved in a group concept, where they can educate and also learn.

We wish to give a wide vision of what is possible to change, how it affects whom, why it affects them and what are the resources.

Naturally we want the public to learn important lessons while discovering new ways of expression. We expect this outreach effort to have a significant effect on those who participate as well as on those who visit, and so will positively impact the continuing pollution problem in this city.



At the moment we are looking for partners to fill our budget and our programme.
How is it possible to become partners? Quite simple:

Share your artistic skills, knowledge, experience:

-       You may have some artistic expression or aptitude, fitting our purpose.

-       you have been already involved in environmental project and you have communication or experience to share…

-       you're connected with ngo's running awareness shows or wishing to create new ones on this topic.

Share your resources:

-       You or your department is able to provide some dingueling money to support this project, We are looking (like usually Bhor does) for little amounts with few more  partners (4 to 6)  Because our budget is in accordance with our purpose: NO WASTE….



Why should you join?
there are so many reasons to jump on the wagon…
First one, obviously, because we do not have a spare planet to spoil by tomorrow…
 ...And we don't have that much time to before these problems become huge.
Why  you should choose this project for your communication?
Just look the success of the «about addiction» event … full from the first till the last minute, 12 days in a row...  Friends bringing friends and kids coming back with the full family… And that was the Exhibition, inside. In front we had the big stage …(just look the pictures)…
Yes , we can say it had been a big success…. We are proud about it because we did built it together… as we were proud to do it with our partners: Mlop Tapang, Korsang Khmer &      Phare Ponleu Selpak with UNESCO support, Amrita with CARE support.

For the kids & rubbish project we are going to go further, with new topics and new partners….



Now, let's find out what we could share together…


We are waiting to hear from you!

Bob Passion                                            Sarah Henon                            Jean-Philippe Monteiro                 
012 172 45 00                                          092 784 854                                             012 561 005

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