Monday, February 25, 2008

Zebra Poetry Film Festival

A fusion of poetry and film – the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival is once again

calling for entries

Submissions are now being accepted for the fourth ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival

Previous press comments on the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival have praised the diversity of the films

and the high level of entertainment they offer. Against the background of these positive reviews,

the Literaturwerkstatt Berlin and interfilm Berlin are once again calling for entries for the ZEBRA

Poetry Film Festival, an biannual competition that recognises the best in poetry filmmaking, now in

its eighth year.

Short films based on poems can be submitted. A programme commission will decide which entries

will be shown during the fourth ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival, taking place in Berlin from 9 to 12

October 2008, an international jury deciding the winner. Prizes worth a total of EUR 10,000 will be

awarded. The deadline for entries is 16 June 2008 (full entry conditions at

The ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival has established itself as an international forum for short films that

deal with the content, aesthetics or form of poems. It gives filmmakers from around the world the

opportunity to exchange ideas and develop new contacts.

The ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival is a cooperation project between the Literaturwerkstatt Berlin and interfilm Berlin and is

kindly supported by the Capital Cultural Fund and the Goethe-Institut. It takes place as part of the poesiefestival berlin.

4th ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival

9 – 12 October 2008

In Kino Babylon Berlin [Mitte]

Rosa-Luxemburg-Str. 30

10178 Berlin

Deadline for entries: 16 June 2008

For further information:

Boris Nitzsche/Jutta Büchter


Literaturwerkstatt Berlin

Tel 030. 48 52 45 - 25

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