Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Meta-House Programme 28th until 04th

Dear Friends of Meta House!
Meta House programme from Thursday, February 28 till Tuesday, March 04 2008
+++ FILM
THU, 28/02 7 PM
TOUCH THE SOUND - Spotlight Movies (Part of the Asian Inclusive Arts Festival)
FRI, 29/02 7 PM 
MURDERBALL - Spotlight Movies (Part of the Asian Inclusive Arts Festival)
SAT, 01/03
Focus Cambodia: CAMBODIA – THE BETRAYAL (1991, 52 min)
SUN, 02/03   
Set In Asia: OSAMA (2003, 83 min)
TUE, 04/03 @ 6 PM
Japanese artist and photographer Yoko Toda took photographs of Cambodia during 1965 and 1966. The images describe a country in peacetime, unaware of the tragedy that would shortly befall it during the US/Vietnam War and the genocide that followed at the hands of the Khmer Rouge. The title of the work  "Silence Remained" implies that after the destruction all that remained was silence. ( These photographs were for 3 years ago restored and digitalized and will be screened at META HOUSE gallery walls (until March 14).
Not at Meta House, but at Pannasastra International School (No.18A, Str. 370, Boeung Keng Kang, Phnom Penh) we are continuing with our forums on the Khmer Rouge genocide, justice and the KR trial - in cooperation with Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation (KAS).
March 03 at 7PM      This Session will give an understanding of the structure and history of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).
Please be our guest, with kind regards,
Meta House team

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