Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Spotlight Festival

SPOTLIGHT – An Asian Festival of Inclusive Arts
23rd February - 1st March 2008
Phnom Penh – Siem Reap, CAMBODIA

For the first time ever, disabled and able-bodied artists from across Asia come together in Cambodia to present an exciting festival of performance, film, workshops, music and visual arts with a SPOTLIGHT on the abilities of all people.

This 8 day arts extravaganza, will celebrate the talent and diversity of not only Asian culture, but also the human spirit. "This isn't about putting disabled people up on the stage. This is about changing the way people perceive disability" says Hannah Stevens speaking on behalf of Epic Arts.

Funded by The Nippon Foundation and produced by Epic Arts, SPOTLIGHT is a world standard, multi-arts program which will provide powerful role models for people with disabilities. By involving the international community, the aim is to build opportunities and networks for artists with disabilities within the region, through workshops, collaborations and shared experiences.

Festival events will take place in partnership with local disability and art organisations and venues including Chaktomuk Theatre, Chenla Theatre, Metahouse and with strong support from Centre Culturel Francais and Bophanana Audiovisual Centre. In Siem Reap SPOTLIGHT has partnered with Handicap International Belgium, The Art House, The Giant Puppet Project and Raffles Grand Hotel D'Angkor.

With an exciting array of art and artists from Cambodia and neighboring counties; Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore and even as far afield as Japan and Nepal, at SPOTLIGHT there is something for everyone.
All events are FREE!

"See Ability Not Disability" http://www.spotlight-inclusiveartsasia.org

Epic Arts was founded in 2001 in the UK and is a registered International NGO. http://www.epicarts.org.uk

The Nippon Foundation is a private, non-profit, grant making organization based in Japan. http://nippon-foundation.or.jp/eng/

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