Friday, November 30, 2007



Thirty-five musicians and a chorus of ten are offering you an evening of popular Cambodian songs ranging from the romantic, to royal ballads in a "big band" style that is uniquely Cambodian!
Saturday and Sunday December 1 and 2 at 6pm.
Chenla Theater
Tickets riel 3,000 and 6,000. Available at Amrita Performing Arts and at the door. Group discounts available.
The program features artists from the Royal University of Fine Arts and is made possible in part by support from the Rockefeller Foundation.
Amrita Performing Arts
PO Box 1140
No 128 G9 Sothearos Boulevard
Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamkarmon
Phnom Penh 12000
Tel (855 23) 220424
Fax (855 23) 220425
Cell (855 12) 974271
Skype ffrumberg

Piano music TODAY, Nov 30! Arne Sahlen, all-Brahms recital

Piano recital music of the

great German Romantic composer



Friday Nov. 30, 7 pm at the ART CAFE


Arne Sahlén, piano

   "…a wonderful Brahms player,

        his fluid pianism and warm tone illuminating

        the music superbly" – Victoria BC Canada


Enjoy a soul-stirring selection  

of waltzes and late piano pieces –

plus a monumental Sonata movement

from Brahms' early-period writing, hailed by

composer Robert Schuman as "veiled Symphonies"


For table reservation call:     

The ART CAFÉ - #84 Eo Street 148 

(on right, 5 blocks toward the river from the Railway station)

Phone 012-834 517

Low Cost Computing for Education Laboratory

Dear All,

National Institute of Education (Independence Monument)
Monday 3rd December 2007 at 4:15 p.m.
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, and the Open Institute have the great honor of inviting you to the Inauguration Ceremony of the Low Cost Computing for Education Laboratory.
This new laboratory will study how computers can be used in schools at the lowest possible cost. It is the first Laboratory – worldwide – to look comprehensively at the issue of sustainability of school computer facilities in developing countries. It will analyze the costs of software, hardware, electricity, maintenance, connectivity and teacher training.
The laboratory is part of the Open schools Program, a joint initiative of the Ministry and the Open Institute NGO that aims at improving the quality of education in Cambodia through the use of Information and Communication Technologies.
The inauguration ceremony will be presided by H.E. Im Sethy, Secretary of State for Education. Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport.
The inauguration is open all those interested on the use of ICT in Education

Be Chantra
Public Relation Officer

Mr. Be Chantra
My weblog:

Thursday, November 29, 2007

CCF Siem Reap Architecture Inauguration

Atelier Siem Reap

Friday, November 30th 18.30pm
French Cultural Center in Siem Reap is pleased to invite you to the presentation
Workshop Siem Reap - Angkor
Héritage / tourism, contemporaneousness / dévelopment
By M. Pierre Clément
PhD in Ethnology, Architect and Professor at the Paris - Belleville National Architectural School
Asia-Pacific metropol program is a hight level training program for students in architectural and associated field such as urbanism, history, anthropology and economics.
Presentation will be followed by a cocktail for the opening of the exhibition of students works.

Vendredi 30 Novembre 18h30
Le Centre Culturel Français à Siem Reap a le plaisir de vous inviter à la présentation de L'Atelier Siem Reap – Angkor Patrimoine / tourisme, contemporanéité / développement
Par M. Pierre Clément
Docteur en ethnologie, Architecte DPLG et Professeur à l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris- Belleville
Dans le cadre du cursus de Mastère de l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris-Belleville, une formation est proposée à des étudiants de 2e cycle en architecture et les prépare à intervenir dans des contextes de développement économique et urbain accélérés, et à appréhender la spécificité de l’architecture des aires concernées. Depuis deux années l'Atelier Siem Reap - Angkor se situe au croisement de l’architecture, de l’urbanisme, de l’histoire, de l’anthropologie et de l’économie. Siem Reap, en proie à une “révolution touristique”, intéresse de par sa situation singulière, placée entre deux sites classés : le site archéologique d’Angkor et la réserve de biosphère du Tonlé Sap.
Présentation sera suivie du vernissage de l'exposition des travaux des étudiants effectués en Décembre 2006.


Cambofest Siem Reap

===> CAMBOFEST 2007 Siem Reap (Angkor Wat) Edition

CAMBOFEST, Cambodia's first ever indie film festival, produced by Camerado [] starts it second edition in the ancient city of Siem Reap, Cambodia, home of the spectacular Angkor temple complex.

** Screenings take place November 30-Dec 2 **

Included in the Siem Reap program will be all five Grabay Meas ("Golden Waterbuffalo") winning movies from the Phnom Penh edition this past June.

** Also accepting new entries for the 2008 edition! **

For programs, schedule & venue information, or to submit your own movie, visit CamboFest online at
WWW.CAMBOFEST.COM   or send us an email at

===> CamboTube! launches, is hailed as "an important tool for democracy"

CAMBOTUBE!, Cambodia's very own Youtube-style video sharing community, launched last week to incredible interest here in Cambodia and the region; to see coverage in The Cambodia Daily, visit

To watch movies, or to upload your own, join for FREE at

** CamboTube! is a 100% grass roots, voluntary effort and is produced by Camerado; to contribute to CamboTube, or to discuss other ways to support or collaborate with CamboTube, email **

===> (No SEX For) SUSAN HERO gets Asian Festival Premiere; catch it also at Camazon UNBOX

Director J Rosette's second feature, the indie sci-fi cloning drama (NO SEX For) SUSAN HERO, will screen at CamboFest as an Asian Premiere-the filmmaker will attend and do a Q&A at the venue.

If you can't make it to Cambodia, but you still want to check out this "indie cloning thriller" [FILMMAKER MAGAZINE], it's now available as a download to rent or to own on Amazon's UNBOX digital download service.

To download to rent or to own via Amazon Unbox, visit:

Camerado's first award winning indie classic feature doc BOOKWARS ["Terrific" - LA Times; "A true slice of life" - NY Times] about the life and times of New York City street booksellers, continues to generate brisk revenue via download to rent or own from Amazon's Unbox as well.

.watch as then-NYC Mayor Giuliani (now running for Prez of the USA!) tries, and fails, to shut them down!

===> Camerado's next social issue dramatic feature, BREAKFAST, SNACK, DINNER (aka FREEDOM DEAL)  about the secret US bombing of Cambodia during the Vietnam War era, welcomes legendary DEVO founder Bob Lewis onboard as story consultant!

Bob may be best known for his involvement with the seminal alternative rock band Devo, but what a lot of folks don't know is that Bob was a student at Kent State University during the May 4th shootings.

So far, he's been able to contribute incredible anecdotes and insights about the whole KSU experience-which in turn forms one of three parts of the tryptisch that comprises BREAKFAST, SNACK, DINNER (aka FREEDOM DEAL)

Camerado founder and filmmaker Jason Rosette (now able to speak Cambodian after living in-country for three years) along with his trusty associate producer Vuth Tep, travelled recently to remote border areas which were bombed during those fateful B52 strikes: and found out what REALLY happened there.

BREAKFAST, SNACK, DINNER (aka FREEDOM DEAL); a feature film in development by Camerado-now with Bob!



CAMERADO ~ Phnom Penh, Cambodia [since 2005]
Attn: J Rosette
PO Box 707 12000 Phnom Penh
[855] 012 194 2702


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Conference Cambodge annee zero


Si vous ne pouvez pas voir la lettre d'information, cliquez ici
Cambodge Année Zéro par le Père François Ponchaud

> Jeudi 29 novembre - 18h30
> Gratuit - en khmer, traduit simultanément en français
> Cinéma du CCF


A l'occasion de la sortie de son livre en khmer "Cambodge année zéro", le Père François Ponchaud, témoin oculaire de la prise de Phnom Penh, nous en fait revivre les péripéties de cet événement.
Plus d'informations...


Pour ne plus recevoir de nouvelles sur les événements du CCF, envoyer un Mel à :
To unsubscribe from this newsgroup, send email to


Fw: "Brazil" Screens Sat. Dec. 1 at 3pm

Dear All,

This Saturday December 1 at 3pm, the weekly human
rights and social justice film series at Pannasastra
University resumes with a screening of BRAZIL,
directed by Terry Gilliam.

Pitting the imagination of common man Sam Lowry (the
brilliantly befuddled Jonathan Pryce) against the
oppressive storm troopers of the Ministry of
Information, Terry Gilliam's BRAZIL has come to be
regarded as an anti-totalitarianism cautionary tale
that brings to mind the works of George Orwell, Aldous
Huxley, Franz Kafka, and Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

The movie presents such an unrelentingly imaginative
and savage vision of institutional bureaucracy that it
almost became a victim of small-minded studio
management itself--until Gilliam surreptitiously
screened his cut for the Los Angeles Film Critics
Association, which named it the best movie of 1985 and
virtually embarrassed Universal Pictures into
releasing it, albeit in a shorter version.

The version screened this Saturday is the director's
cut, gathering footage from both the European and
American versions of the film.

Co written by Gilliam, playwright Tom Stoppard and
Charles McKeown, BRAZIL features a top notch cast of
supporting actors, including Robert De Niro, Jim
Broadbent, and Katherine Helmond.

The screen is large (by PP standards) and there is
comfortable seating and air con.

Special thanks to the Open Society Justice Initiative
for their support of this film series.

Hope to see you then, and tell your friends!

Fw: the event not to miss tomorrow

From Linda Saphan:

Art Exhibition Ministry of Culture
hi there,
tomorrow 18 artists exhibiting their works at the department of plastic arts. 18 artists working on the theme of : with a body comes suffering! 18 artists giving their comments on today's society and their relationship to the body!

installation, painting, drawing, collage, masks, photography and video art. 6 khmer artists and 12 international artists coming together.

hope to see you there (for map see fliers)

linda saphan
visual arts | cultural projects

Art Exhibition Ministry of Culture

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Vernissage de l'exposition "regards profonds" de Sou Mey

----- Original Message -----
From: jerome hivert
To: jerome hivert
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 3:06 PM
Subject: Vernissage de l'exposition "regards profonds" de Sou Mey


Si vous ne pouvez pas voir la lettre d'information, cliquez ici
Sou Mey   

>Vernissage : mercredi 21 novembre - 18h30
> Exposition : du 22 novembre au 16 décembre 2007
> Hall d'exposition du CCF


« J'ai étudié la peinture depuis mon enfance. J'aimerais être appelé un peintre moderne, mais j'utilise des sujets et des images traditionnels, et ensuite, je les change un peu. J'essaie de créer du nouveau et du moderne, tout en ne modifiant pas les aspects traditionnels. »
Plus d'informations ...

Cambodge Année Zéro par le Père François Ponchaud

> Jeudi 29 novembre - 18h30
> Gratuit - en khmer, traduit simultanément en français
> Cinéma du CCF


A l'occasion de la sortie de son livre en khmer "Cambodge année zéro", le Père François Ponchaud, témoin oculaire de la prise de Phnom Penh, nous en fait revivre les péripéties de cet événement.
Plus d'informations...




Retrouvez le programme détaillé du cinéma sur notre site internet.
Acceder au site ...


Pour ne plus recevoir de nouvelles sur les événements du CCF, envoyer un Mel à :
To unsubscribe from this newsgroup, send email to


CAMBOFEST: Film and Video Festival of Cambodia

CAMERADO is happy to make the following important announcements to our colleagues working in the Asian region (and beyond):


** CAMBOFEST: Film and Video Festival of Cambodia November 30 - December 2, Siem Reap (Angkor Wat City) Cambodia

Following on the success of our successful launch and first edition of CamboFest in Phnom Penh in June, CamboFest (Cambodia's first independent movie festival) visits Siem Reap with an updated program of "new movies from around the world"

CAMBOFEST also announces a new "Animation Only" category for its upcoming 2008 program, and is already welcoming new entries from all over the world!

++ To find out more, or to submit to the 2008 Edition of CamboFest, please visit ++

(((Sok Sabai)))

** CAMBOTUBE! ~ A lot of fun, a platform for monetized content delivery and promotion, and besides this, " an important tool for democracy"" (The Cambodia Daily)

-Although intended as a broad themed video and entertainment sharing platform based on the Youtube-model, has already been hailed by the Cambodia Daily as "an important tool for democracy" [see the complete article at ]  

Interest in Cambotube has gone through the roof since our launch several days ago! We are currently seeking interested partners in the region who would like to work with CAMERADO to expand and develop the site to include monetized content distribution such as shorts and animation, abesides the existing public service & social issue media components.

Find out more at!

** Camerado's new dramatic feature, the sci-fi "indie cloning thriller", (No SEX For) SUSAN HERO --> (((seeking buyers and distribution partners in Asia and beyond)))

From Camerado, the makers of the award winning, IFP Gotham award nominated gritty New York City streetside docu, BOOKWARS* ["Terrific" - LA Times; "A True Slice of Life" - NY Times], comes the indie sci-fi thriller, (No SEX For) SUSAN HERO!  

Featuring a compelling multicultural cast with compelling Latino & Native American cast, with a non-traditional femal lead, SUSAN HERO is:

"A young woman searches for a maverick animal cloning expert somewhere in the dusty Southwestern USA. Accompanied by her illegal Mexican immigrant companion, Javier Apollinaire, Susan embarks upon a desperate and emotional bring her recently deceased daughter back to life."


Contact J Rosette at / for more information

[*All rights for BOOKWARS once again available; see the trailer at: ]


CAMERADO ~ Working in Asia since 2005

Cambodia 855 012 194 2702
Thailand 66 081 617 9240

CONTACT: J Rosette *


Monday, November 26, 2007

Exhibition at Water Lily Atelier

Next exhibition at water Lily Atelier


Grand Concert bosbaPANH

Grand Concert bosbaPANH

Under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture
Opening by H.E. Veng Sereyvuth
Grand Concert bosbaPANH
Chaktomuk Hal
Friday 21 December 2007
7:00 pm
Songs from
King Father Norodom Sihanouk
Nat King Cole
Sin Sisamouth
Georges Brassens
Bob Dylan
Royal Mohori Khmer
Yves Montand
Elvis Presley
Li Qianyi
Anne Marly
Khmer Folk Songs
Joseph Jessel

Khmer Coloratura Soprano
Age 10
(023) 217 949
012 656 166 (Chakriya)
012 634 811 (Meng Heang)

Tickets Call 016 340 511
Carnets d'Asie (CCF)
IIC Institute (PPIU)
Monument Books

Sponsored by Coca-Cola, IT Magazine, Sophy & Sina, Cambodia International Airports



Feat. DIVA INTERNATIONAL (Germany) and BEAR-GARDEN (Thailand)
Bopha Phnom Penh Restaurant,
Ferry Port to Siem Reap @ Sisowath Quay/Riverside
December 1st, doors open from 7PM
Free Admission, come early!

Dear Friends and Art Lovers!

Hello from Meta House! We want to invite you all for
that will take place next Saturday at Bopha Phnom Penh Restaurant,
directly at the Ferry Port to Siem Reap @ Sisowath Quay (riverside) –
December 1st, doors open from 7PM. (Meta House will be closed that night).
It's a beautiful location for a special concert...

Two exciting new bands will make their way to Cambodia's Capital for the first time: DIVA INTERNATIONAL from Germany/Hamburg and BEAR-GARDEN from Thailand – in kind cooperation with Goethe Institute Bangkok, the German Cultural Foundation.

Since serving as the Beatles' springboard to stardom four decades ago,
not a lot has been heard from the Hamburg music scene.
Well that's about to change with the unleashing of DIVA INTERNATIONAL, another fab foursome that combines the modern-day sound of the Strokes
with the riotous actions of vocalist Arne Buss, whose wild singing
recalls nothing so much as the heady heydays of David Bowie and Iggy Pop.

Supporting act are Thai Indie-Pop stars "Bear-Garden"
(Somsiri Sangkaew & Gunn Werawut) from Panda Records, Bangkok –
known for their Nylon-Synthi-Pop with sweet little melodies.

Be there early
as seating is limited.
You can also reserve a table through this email address.

Celebrate with us an evening full of good music.
Let's rock and roll.
Best, Nico Mesterharm

More infos: 012 607 465

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Invitation for First Lecture Tour on "Access to Justice and Public Empowerment"

Subject: Invitation for First Lecture Tour on "Access to Justice and Public Empowerment", on November 29th 2007 starting at 8.30am to 12.00pm at the University of Cambodia
Dear all friends,
We are pleased to invite you and your representative to join to the Lecture Tour on "Access to Justice and Public Empowerment", organized by the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) in partnership with the Asia-Europe Foundation based in Singapore, on Thursday November 29th 2007 at the University of Cambodia (#143-145, Preah Norodom Boulevard) . The Lecture Tour will be delivered by Mr Pavol Zilincik from VIA URIS (Center for Public Advocacy), Slovakia.
The ASEF Lecture Tours programme was conceptualised to bring "leaders of opinion" from each region to tour the opposite region, delivering lectures at between 4-7 institutions and cities. The Lecture Tour presents a unique opportunity for audiences and institutions in both Asia and Europe to meet and confer with Mr Zilincik who has have had direct experience in this topic. In doing so, the lecture tour will:
·          Provide a platform for audiences in Asia to address an Asian-European panel
·          Provide an opportunity for both Asian and European perspectives to be aired simultaneously and thereby encourage partners and audiences to address this issue from a bi-regional perspective
·          Draw in ASEF alumni in each partner country as well as the general public to an open discussion and forum.
It is the first Lecture Tour under the Asia-Europe Democratisation and Justice Series to engage in exploring differences, similarities and challenges of the democratisation processes, particularly in countries undergoing political transition in Asia and Europe. Therefore, we deeply hope that you and your nominee will attend the above program.
Should you require any further information regarding the lecture tour programme, please do not hesitate to contact us at 023 726 901 or Ms. Chak Sopheap at

Lettre d'information - VALEASE - nº 4


Nous avons le plaisir de vous envoyer ci–joint la quatrième lettre d'information du projet du Fonds de Solidarité Prioritaire de Valorisation de l'Ecrit en Asie du Sud-Est (FSP VALEASE, Ministère français des Affaires Etrangères et Européennes, Ambassades de France au Cambodge, Laos et Vietnam).

Suite à « Lire En Fête » qui a eu lieu le 15 novembre dernier à la Bibliothèque nationale du Cambodge, cette nouvelle lettre est une « spéciale Cambodge ».

Nous espérons qu'elle vous intéressera. N'hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos critiques, suggestions et propositions visant à en améliorer le contenu.

Avec nos remerciements et nos cordiales salutations,

L'équipe du projet VALEASE,

Jean-Jacques Donard (chef de projet),

Amandine Oudart (France) et Emma Fernández Merino (Espagne) : boursières du programme de coopération culturelle franco-espagnole TANDEM.

Lettre d'information - VALEASE - nº 4

Lettre d'information - VALEASE - nº 4

Fonds de Solidarité Prioritaire de Valorisation de l'Ecrit de l'Asie du Sud-Est -
Ambassade de France au Cambodge, Laos et Vietnam.
Ministère français des Affaires Etrangères et Européennes

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Gaze @ Gasolina

Gaze @ Gasolina


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

>> FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: & i-Reporter <<

>> FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: & i-Reporter <<

CamboTube, ( Cambodias first and only YouTube-style
video sharing community dedicated to Cambodia and Cambodia-related
issues, announces the creation of its dedicated news content channel,

CamboTube's i-Reporter cordially invites your organization to register
at for FREE and begin uploading video content (in
Khmer, English, or any other language, with or without subtitles)
related to Cambodian issues or perspectives.

** The user retains all ownership of content **

Recently, for example, the Cambodia Daily reported that Jarai
villagers in Ratanakiri province expressed frustration at having
inadequate coverage by local television stations. Now, with CamboTube
and i-Reporter, these same villagers can easily access local NGO's
internet connections and handheld video cameras to express their views
to a global audienceÉon CamboTube!

To upload your content: logon to and register for
FREE; then locate your source file via the automated control panel and
press a button--its that easy! (be sure to select 'i-Reporter" as your
destination channel if you are uploading news content)

** Please contact to discuss setup consultation **

>> Now, with CamboTube & i-Reporter <<

Cambodian students seeking an open, global forum for their opinions
can share their content with thousands of others around the globe...

Government ministries can make impromptu video releases from the field
to address quickly developing issues...

Emerging Cambodian filmmakers and animators can inexpensively share
their entertainment content via a cutting edge, global delivery

>> Fast, Cheap...with the User in Control <<

Using cutting-edge compression technology, users can currently upload
and share video clips even with the limitations of the current
bandwidth conditions in Cambodia.

Brought to you by the founders of Cambodia's first independent movie
festival, CAMBOFEST (, CamboTube is a cutting
edge,100% private sector, independent media delivery platform devised
to provide democratic, user-friendly egalitarian access to content
delivery throughout Cambodia.

CamboTube is already fully functional and users have already begun
uploading content; interested collaborators, sponsors, funders, and
content administrators are still welcome in order to consolidate and
strengthen operational aspects in all areas.

CONTACT: Jason Rosette / CAMERADO at
[855] 012 194 2702 ~ or ~ /

art reminders

From Linda Saphan:

Hi there,
Do not forget tomorrow is the art rebels group openning at Gasolina starting from 6pm.

November 15th at gasolina 56, Street 57 MEN THOAMADA curated by Linda Saphan
This exhibition has a very important purpose for the Stiev Selapak art group. Their aim is to raise money in order to buy cameras for those who do not own one.
Men Thoamada exhibition represents themselves as an independent art group: unusual in their conception of art and their vision of being artist in today's Cambodia. They will exhibit new art works from photography to painting and assemblage. Gasolina and Linda will not take commission to support this local initiative.

and not to miss is on Friday
November 16th, Celesta and her crew will perform at Gasolina, for a free hip hop show, from 8:00 pm until approximately 8:45pm.

enjoy the show!

linda saphan
visual arts | cultural projects

Monday, November 12, 2007

"Hotel Rwanda" Film Screening Sat. Nov. 17 3pm

Dear All,

This Saturday November 17 at 3pm, our weekly human
rights and social justice film series at Pannasastra
University continues with a screening of HOTEL RWANDA,
directed by Terry George.

HOTEL RWANDA tackles one of the most horrific events
in recent history, when the Hutu extremists of Rwanda
initiated a terrifying campaign of genocide,
massacring hundreds of thousands of minority Tutsis
(who had been given power by the departed Belgian
colonists), while the rest of the world looked on and
did nothing. Don Cheadle (in an Academy Award
nominated performance) stars as Paul Rusesabagina, the
hotel manager at the five star Les Milles Collines
Hotel in Kigali. As the Hutus begin their genocide of
the Tutsis, Rusesabagnina, despite being a Hutu
himself, summons extraordinary courage to save the
lives of over a thousand helpless refugees, by
granting them shelter in the hotel.

Paul is seen as a traitor by some, putting his life in
danger, and the predicament of his "guests" grows more
precarious every day, but despite good intentions on
the part of a journalist (Joaquin Phoenix) and a UN
peacekeeping colonel (Nick Nolte) the rest of the
world is not eager to intervene and stop the massacre.

The screening venue is Pannasastra University Srey Dim
Conference Hall, 184 Norodom Boulevard,Phnom Penh

The screen is large (by PP standards) and there is
comfortable seating and air con.

Special thanks to the Open Society Justice Initiative
for their support of this film series.

Hope to see you then, and tell your friends!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Lettre d'information - VALEASE - nº 3


Nous avons le plaisir de vous envoyer ci–joint la troisième lettre d'information du projet du Fonds de Solidarité Prioritaire de Valorisation de l'Ecrit en Asie du Sud-Est (FSP VALEASE, Ministère français des Affaires Étrangères et Européennes, Ambassades de France au Cambodge, Laos et Vietnam).

Cette nouvelle lettre est une « spéciale Laos et Vietnam » ; la suivante sera consacrée en grande majorité au Cambodge.

Nous espérons qu'elle vous intéressera. N'hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos critiques, suggestions et propositions visant à en améliorer le contenu.

Avec nos remerciements et nos cordiales salutations,

L'équipe de la lettre VALEASE,

Jean-Jacques Donard (chef de projet), Amandine Oudart et Emma Fernández Merino (boursières Tandem)

Ps : Le site VALEASE est actuellement indisponible à cause de problèmes techniques, veuillez nous excuser pour ce désagrément temporaire.

Fonds de Solidarité Prioritaire de Valorisation de l'Ecrit de l'Asie du Sud-Est -
Ambassade de France au Cambodge, Laos et Vietnam.
Ministère français des Affaires Etrangères et Européennes

Lettre d'information - VALEASE - nº 3

Lettre d'information - VALEASE - nº 3

Lettre d'information - VALEASE - nº 3

Lettre d'information - VALEASE - nº 3


Street 264, #6 - Sangkat Chaktomuk, Khan Daun Penh,
Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia
Fixed +855- (0)23 – 224 140, Mobil +855- (0) 12- 607 465

Dear Art Lovers & Film Friends!

Pls. be our guest for this week's cinema highlights
(start 7PM, free admission):

* THU, 08/11 "FREAKS"
Our tip: Cult b/w feature film from 1932 about sideshow performers,
directed by Tod Browning - created a scandal after release...

Documentary by Mirijam von Arx (GER)
about star architect Norman Foster,
one of Britain's most visionary architects
Focus Cambodia: Double documentary night
with films by David Monro and John Pilger (USA)
and Australian filmaker Erik Lofting (present at screening!)
* SUN, 11/11 "TAMPOPO"
Feature Film "Set in Asia" presented by Florianne Wild, Ph.D:
This classy film is a celebration of the role of food in Japanese culture
and a satire on samurai films and American Westerns.

comics and visual art by Em Satya.

Illustrator Em Satya has worked for decades in almost every field of
illustration. He has drawn for children's magazine "Mom" and "Mab", been a
cartoonist for "Rasmei Kampuchea", and a cover artist for novels...
Please join us to celebrate his new publication and view art from this
multi-talented artist.

Gallery open Thursdays to Sundays, 6PM to Midnight
Special appointment by phone: 012 607 465


C u soon -
and fetch our new monthly META HOUSE program,pls -

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

art exhbition for november 2007

[From Linda Saphan]

Hello all,

Phnom Penh this month is quite busy with many art exhibitions.

November 8th at new art 20, street 20
Not to miss is tomorrow photography exhibition by vandy rattana at new art gallery (20, street 9) starting from 6pm. Rattana's exhibit his work on chess and share with us a poetry of chess players.


November 15th at gasolina 56, Street 57 MEN THOAMADA curated by Linda Saphan
This exhibition has a very important purpose for the Stiev Selapak art group. Their aim is to raise money in order to buy cameras for those who do not own one.
Men Thoamada exhibition represents themselves as an independent art group: unusual in their conception of art and their vision of being artist in today's Cambodia. They will exhibit new art works from photography to painting and assemblage. Gasolina and Linda will not take commission to support this local initiative.

art exhbition for november 2007

November 29th at department of plastic arts of ministry of culture 37, street 63 (see map attached file) MEAN RUP MEAN TUK curated by Linda Saphan
art exhbition for november 2007
According to the Buddhist canonical texts, with the body comes suffering. Does this ancient precept have a vibration within the actual society such as one has to suffer to be beautiful? A group of artists from different origins (Khmer, American, Australian, Belgian, Chinese, Dutch, French), various disciplines (drawing, installation, mask, painting, photography, sculpture, and video art) are going to give a new depth and particular feeling to this old saying. This exhibition allows artists to meet, to stretch their network and knowledge of the artistic community.

art exhbition for november 2007

bonjour à tous, Phnom Penh en novembre sera le mois des vernissages avec Novembre 8 à New Art, 20 rue 9 CHESS Vandy Rattana nous donne une vision poétique des joueurs d'échec à travers l'appareil photographique. A ne pas manquer, demain aura lieu le vernissage à partir de 18h.
Novembre 15 à Gasolina, 56 rue 57 MEN THOAMADA
commissaire d'exposition Linda Saphan Un collectif de jeunes artistes les stiev selapak (les voyous de l'art) vont exposer des oeuvres nouvelles en nous montrant leur vision du monde, de l'art et d'être un jeune artiste de nos jours dans la capitale cambodgienne. La vente des oeuvres iront pour l'achat des appareils photos pour les photographes du collectif qui n'en possèdent pas. Gasolina et Linda pour les soutenir ne prennent pas de commission. Novembre 29 au département des arts plastiques du ministère de la culture, 37, rue 63 (voir carte en fichier joint) MEAN RUP MEAN TUK
commissaire d'exposition Linda Saphan Ce précepte bouddhiste de l'attachement du corp matériel engendre la souffrance a-t-il un écho dans la société de consommation actuelle au Cambodge? Un groupe d'artistes de plusieurs pays (Cambodge, Australie, Belgique, France, Chine, USA) expose des oeuvres nouvelles afin de nous partager leur vision de la réalité cambodgienne à travers des modes d'expression diverse : photographie, dessin, peinture, sculpture, installation etc.
yours, votre
linda saphan
visual arts | cultural projects

Artist in residence, Javier Arean, exhibition opening at Java Café

Dear All,
Please join us for this unique exhibition featuring work by artist in residence, Javier Arean (Mexico), opening this Friday November 9 from 6 to 9pm at Java Café & Gallery.  Javier will stay in Cambodia for one month. Next week he will facilitate an art workshop with 6 Cambodian artists on the subject of self portraitature which will be exhibited at The Art House in Siem Reap on November 29.


Javier Areán


Javier Areán's figures are dual figures in almost every sense. He paints them over a long period of time until they finally become, in his words, "still." It is at this point, he continues, that they begin "to express themselves by their own means, without the help - or need - for explanation." In that sense, he interferes as little as possible in this process, and lets the paintings survive on their own.


Javier's work has been widely exhibited internationally, in particular throughout the Americas and Europe. After working with Java Café & Gallery and Sala Artspace in Cambodia, in 2008 he will be curating the third part of the Dos Equis Series in London, Barcelona and latterly Mexico City.

Thursday, November 01, 2007


Street 264, #6 - Sangkat Chaktomuk, Khan Daun Penh,
Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia
Fixed +855- (0)23 – 224 140, Mobil +855- (0) 12- 607 465

Dear Film Friends!

The META HOUSE open-air-rooftop is a place to relax, converse, enjoy some
drinks, food and film screenings, from documentaries to features (in English
or engl. subtitles).

This week brings you
+ an early masterpiece by German film legend RW Fassbinder (Thursday)
+ a cool German documentary on 1970s US counter-culture (Friday)
+ festival hit NICE HAT! about Cambodians and their headgear (Saturday)
+ our Sunday feature "set in Asia" by Vietnamese director Tran Anh Hung.

More infos below. Entrance is free.
Hope to see you at META House.
Best, Nico Mesterharm


German Film Night (German with English subtitles): Although made for German
TV, the film expanded the reach of director Rainer Werner Fassbinder's
growing reputation as his first film to be invited to Cannes and the New
York Film Festival. The film depicts the exploits of a group of German
"pioneers" (soldiers sent to work on public projects) who are assigned to
build a wooden bridge in the out-of-the-way town of Ingolstadt. They seek
relief from the boredom of their project, and lives, through alcohol, sexual
adventures with local women, and intermittent acts of violence. (87 min,

FRI, 02/11, 7 PM EDGE CITY – The Story of the Merry Pranksters
Well-researched documentary by German filmmakers Gregor Wille and Michael
Reuter about the pioneers of the US-"Counter-Culture" and "Hippie Movement".
One main figure was Ken Kesey, known as author of 'One flew over the cuckoo's
nest". He hired him out as a guinea pig for military drug experiments. After
that he stopped writing and set of with a group of friends, known as the
"Merry Pranksters" in a painted school bus on a cross country tour across
the USA in 1964. (97 min, 2007)

SAT, 03/11, 7 PM NICE HAT!
Focus Cambodia: Nice Hat! is an expedition through the life and times of the
SE Asian Kingdom, seen entirely through hats and headgear. European Press
wrote "Finding complexity by the simplest of means". Canadian filmmaker
David Brisbin describes through a compelling way Cambodia, which ones did
not see before. (86 min, 2004)

Feature Film "Set in Asia" presented by Florianne Wild, Ph.D. Third film
from Vietnamese writer/director Tran Anh Hung (after The Scent of Green
Papaya and Cyclo), and is a hypnotic look at one month in the life of a
Vietnamese family. Tran focuses more on ambient noise than anything else,
and as a result it feels as if the viewer is in Vietnam with these people.
Filmed in Hanoi and at Ha Long Bay. (112 min, 2001)



comics and visual art by Em Satya.

Exhibition opening:
Tuesday, 6th of November, 6PM

Illustrator Em Satya has worked for decades in almost every field of
illustration. He has drawn for children's magazine "Mom" and "Mab", been a
cartoonist for "Rasmei Kampuchea", and a cover artist for novels. Foreigners
have seen translations of his cartoons in the pages of Cambodge Soir under
the pen name 'Nono'. Cambodians know him from his popular comic adaptations
of stories "Sovannasam" and "Sopaset" and more recently, his paintings for
the Buddhist Institute's series of folktales. His most recent book is the
graphic novel "Bopha Battambang" (Flower of Battambang) begun over a decade
ago, and completed this year. He is currently working on painted art for
children's books.

Gallery open Thursdays to Sundays, 6PM to Midnight
Special appointment by phone: 012 607 465



10 Mini-Documentaries on Khmer Rouge History and Reconciliation
DMC 2007, 50 min.

The films were produced by students of the Department of Media and
Communication at the Royal University of Phnom Penh as part of their
training in broadcast journalism.

They include profiles of Khmer Rouge victims and perpetrators as well as
short documentaries about artists and medics during the Pol Pot time. Some
of the students joined outreach activities for the upcoming Khmer Rouge
Tribunal. Others interviewed their own relatives and compare family life
during the Khmer Rouge regime with their own current situation.

The films will be screened at the French Cultural Center Cinema
#218, St. 184 (Kéo Chéa) on Saturday, November 3, 18h30.
The entrance is free.

Welcome drinks for Java's Artist in Residence, Javier Arean

from Java Arts:

Hi Everyone,


I would like to invite you all to join me in welcoming Java's artist in residence, Javier Arean.  Javier is coming directly from Mexico to show his work in Cambodia and to conduct a self-portrait workshop with Cambodian artists (which will be exhibited in Siem Reap at The Art House).  Javier will be staying for one month and during that time I hope he can meet all of you and get to know the local art community.


This is a small casual gathering held at Java Express on Monday, November 5, 5:30 – 7pm.


I'm looking forward to seeing you all!



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.