Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Artist in residence, Javier Arean, exhibition opening at Java Café

Dear All,
Please join us for this unique exhibition featuring work by artist in residence, Javier Arean (Mexico), opening this Friday November 9 from 6 to 9pm at Java Café & Gallery.  Javier will stay in Cambodia for one month. Next week he will facilitate an art workshop with 6 Cambodian artists on the subject of self portraitature which will be exhibited at The Art House in Siem Reap on November 29.


Javier Areán


Javier Areán's figures are dual figures in almost every sense. He paints them over a long period of time until they finally become, in his words, "still." It is at this point, he continues, that they begin "to express themselves by their own means, without the help - or need - for explanation." In that sense, he interferes as little as possible in this process, and lets the paintings survive on their own.


Javier's work has been widely exhibited internationally, in particular throughout the Americas and Europe. After working with Java Café & Gallery and Sala Artspace in Cambodia, in 2008 he will be curating the third part of the Dos Equis Series in London, Barcelona and latterly Mexico City.

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