Thursday, November 29, 2007

Cambofest Siem Reap

===> CAMBOFEST 2007 Siem Reap (Angkor Wat) Edition

CAMBOFEST, Cambodia's first ever indie film festival, produced by Camerado [] starts it second edition in the ancient city of Siem Reap, Cambodia, home of the spectacular Angkor temple complex.

** Screenings take place November 30-Dec 2 **

Included in the Siem Reap program will be all five Grabay Meas ("Golden Waterbuffalo") winning movies from the Phnom Penh edition this past June.

** Also accepting new entries for the 2008 edition! **

For programs, schedule & venue information, or to submit your own movie, visit CamboFest online at
WWW.CAMBOFEST.COM   or send us an email at

===> CamboTube! launches, is hailed as "an important tool for democracy"

CAMBOTUBE!, Cambodia's very own Youtube-style video sharing community, launched last week to incredible interest here in Cambodia and the region; to see coverage in The Cambodia Daily, visit

To watch movies, or to upload your own, join for FREE at

** CamboTube! is a 100% grass roots, voluntary effort and is produced by Camerado; to contribute to CamboTube, or to discuss other ways to support or collaborate with CamboTube, email **

===> (No SEX For) SUSAN HERO gets Asian Festival Premiere; catch it also at Camazon UNBOX

Director J Rosette's second feature, the indie sci-fi cloning drama (NO SEX For) SUSAN HERO, will screen at CamboFest as an Asian Premiere-the filmmaker will attend and do a Q&A at the venue.

If you can't make it to Cambodia, but you still want to check out this "indie cloning thriller" [FILMMAKER MAGAZINE], it's now available as a download to rent or to own on Amazon's UNBOX digital download service.

To download to rent or to own via Amazon Unbox, visit:

Camerado's first award winning indie classic feature doc BOOKWARS ["Terrific" - LA Times; "A true slice of life" - NY Times] about the life and times of New York City street booksellers, continues to generate brisk revenue via download to rent or own from Amazon's Unbox as well.

.watch as then-NYC Mayor Giuliani (now running for Prez of the USA!) tries, and fails, to shut them down!

===> Camerado's next social issue dramatic feature, BREAKFAST, SNACK, DINNER (aka FREEDOM DEAL)  about the secret US bombing of Cambodia during the Vietnam War era, welcomes legendary DEVO founder Bob Lewis onboard as story consultant!

Bob may be best known for his involvement with the seminal alternative rock band Devo, but what a lot of folks don't know is that Bob was a student at Kent State University during the May 4th shootings.

So far, he's been able to contribute incredible anecdotes and insights about the whole KSU experience-which in turn forms one of three parts of the tryptisch that comprises BREAKFAST, SNACK, DINNER (aka FREEDOM DEAL)

Camerado founder and filmmaker Jason Rosette (now able to speak Cambodian after living in-country for three years) along with his trusty associate producer Vuth Tep, travelled recently to remote border areas which were bombed during those fateful B52 strikes: and found out what REALLY happened there.

BREAKFAST, SNACK, DINNER (aka FREEDOM DEAL); a feature film in development by Camerado-now with Bob!



CAMERADO ~ Phnom Penh, Cambodia [since 2005]
Attn: J Rosette
PO Box 707 12000 Phnom Penh
[855] 012 194 2702


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