Wednesday, November 07, 2007

art exhbition for november 2007

[From Linda Saphan]

Hello all,

Phnom Penh this month is quite busy with many art exhibitions.

November 8th at new art 20, street 20
Not to miss is tomorrow photography exhibition by vandy rattana at new art gallery (20, street 9) starting from 6pm. Rattana's exhibit his work on chess and share with us a poetry of chess players.


November 15th at gasolina 56, Street 57 MEN THOAMADA curated by Linda Saphan
This exhibition has a very important purpose for the Stiev Selapak art group. Their aim is to raise money in order to buy cameras for those who do not own one.
Men Thoamada exhibition represents themselves as an independent art group: unusual in their conception of art and their vision of being artist in today's Cambodia. They will exhibit new art works from photography to painting and assemblage. Gasolina and Linda will not take commission to support this local initiative.

art exhbition for november 2007

November 29th at department of plastic arts of ministry of culture 37, street 63 (see map attached file) MEAN RUP MEAN TUK curated by Linda Saphan
art exhbition for november 2007
According to the Buddhist canonical texts, with the body comes suffering. Does this ancient precept have a vibration within the actual society such as one has to suffer to be beautiful? A group of artists from different origins (Khmer, American, Australian, Belgian, Chinese, Dutch, French), various disciplines (drawing, installation, mask, painting, photography, sculpture, and video art) are going to give a new depth and particular feeling to this old saying. This exhibition allows artists to meet, to stretch their network and knowledge of the artistic community.

art exhbition for november 2007

bonjour à tous, Phnom Penh en novembre sera le mois des vernissages avec Novembre 8 à New Art, 20 rue 9 CHESS Vandy Rattana nous donne une vision poétique des joueurs d'échec à travers l'appareil photographique. A ne pas manquer, demain aura lieu le vernissage à partir de 18h.
Novembre 15 à Gasolina, 56 rue 57 MEN THOAMADA
commissaire d'exposition Linda Saphan Un collectif de jeunes artistes les stiev selapak (les voyous de l'art) vont exposer des oeuvres nouvelles en nous montrant leur vision du monde, de l'art et d'être un jeune artiste de nos jours dans la capitale cambodgienne. La vente des oeuvres iront pour l'achat des appareils photos pour les photographes du collectif qui n'en possèdent pas. Gasolina et Linda pour les soutenir ne prennent pas de commission. Novembre 29 au département des arts plastiques du ministère de la culture, 37, rue 63 (voir carte en fichier joint) MEAN RUP MEAN TUK
commissaire d'exposition Linda Saphan Ce précepte bouddhiste de l'attachement du corp matériel engendre la souffrance a-t-il un écho dans la société de consommation actuelle au Cambodge? Un groupe d'artistes de plusieurs pays (Cambodge, Australie, Belgique, France, Chine, USA) expose des oeuvres nouvelles afin de nous partager leur vision de la réalité cambodgienne à travers des modes d'expression diverse : photographie, dessin, peinture, sculpture, installation etc.
yours, votre
linda saphan
visual arts | cultural projects

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