Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Khmer Internet Party


Don't missed our 2nd Internet Party ( http://www.ipcambodia.com ) a party
where all Internet User link together, where experts and professionals
exchange their knowledge and share it to those who needed, a party where
students can have a chance to meet the real professionals.

Join our IT Exhibition on the 20th of May as we are giving away alot of free
stuff and get your IT problem solved.

Manich Enterprise proudly present our new website KHMER NEWS at

http://www.khmernews.com and special discount of Web Hosting and Design at


Best Regards,
In Mean

Manich Enterprise
#192 St. 63 Sangkat Boeng Keng Kang 1
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
info [at] khmer [dot] biz

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