Monday, April 23, 2007

Art House: Group Exhibition

The Art House would like to invite you all to view the current group
exhibition of paintings and sculptures which is on show until May 7th

Work by Leang Seckon, Srey Bandol, Oeur Sokuntevy, Choup Sopheak, Tan
Vanno, Meas Sokhorn, Toun Tourneakea, Chhan Dina, Sasha Constable and
Mike Mahalo.

Robina Hanley is now coordinating the gallery space, she is in the
gallery Monday to Friday 11-2 and 5-8 to assist with any inquiries and
Please feel welcome to view the work at your leisure at other times.

Our next show will open on May 10th
Three Khmer artists: Svay Ken, Tor Vutha and Piteak.
We will send further information nearer the time.

with best wishes and a Happy New Year!
Sasha Constable


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