Monday, April 30, 2007

Stop Evictions: Photo Exhibit May 4 FCC Phnom Penh

Stop Evictions: a photographic journey from eviction to relocation

Built on the efforts of Hallam Goad and photographer Niles Sprague, 'Stop
Evictions' combines images, film footage and comparative analysis to explore
the truth and consequences behind Phnom Penh's Sambok Chab relocations.

At a Glance
Stop Evictions: a photographic journey from eviction to relocation, a
multi-media exhibit. Opens May 4, 7 p.m. Through June.
For more than a year, the forced relocations of Phnom Penh residents to
undeveloped, often unlivable, resettlement sites outside the capital has
sparked international outrage and political controversy.

In few places was the process more visible than the impoverished community
of Tonle Bassac's Village 14, or Sambok Chab. In June 2006, Phnom Penh
Municipal officials and armed police began evicting more than 1,000 families
to make way for a development project financed by a private company. There
were standoffs and turmoil before police stormed the village, dismantled
homes and trucked reluctant squatters and their belongings to an undeveloped
site some 25 kilometers outside city limits.

On the new land there were a few public latrines, no drainage, no
sanitation, no electricity, no water supply, no shops, markets or schools
and no opportunity for employment. Human rights groups blasted the removal
as inhumane, and the new residences -- 4-by-12-meter plots with no
structures or facilities - as unacceptable compensation.  "We ask the viewer
to draw their own conclusions about the state of development in Cambodia."

According to an NGO survey, within just three months of the eviction only 40
percent of the plots were occupied. Because of the harsh conditions most
families returned to Phnom Penh to live with relatives or on the street.
Nearly a year later, the debate about Sambok Chab continues to rage, and the
plight of those evicted has been echoed in similar incidents throughout the

Now, during the months of May and June at the FCC Phnom Penh, the saga of
the displaced villagers will be told through heart-wrenching photographs
taken throughout the eviction process. "Stop Evictions" opens at 7:00 p.m.
on May 4 with a video screening, a presentation by the Housing Rights Task
Force, and the unveiling of some 35 images taken by professional
photographers, journalists and rights activists.
The collection is the brainchild of Hallam Goad, 37, a resident of Cambodia
since 1998 who had worked with relocation victims for years before
co-founding the NGO Sahmakum Teang Tnaut in 2005. For "Stop" he's brought
together images, film footage and comparative analysis that seek to explain
the truth and consequences of the situation.

"The exhibition is to show how ridiculous and corrupt this process was, and
the impact it had on people. The idea is for tourists and the
English-speaking community to see a different side of Cambodia," said Goad.
"We ask the viewer to draw their own conclusions about the state of
development in Cambodia."

Goad sees the relocation as an abject failure, but he is quick to point out
that the selected images are meant not to preach, but to speak for
themselves about the pain, confusion and anger of the evictees. He was last
at the relocation site just days ago and calls the situation "just

"We're not saying no one should be moved, that Phnom Penh should stand
still. Even the people understand this themselves. They've said to us,

'We're OK to move, just give us a chance to make a new living," said Goad.
"Ever since 1998 you could see that sooner or later the city would push
these people off because the land is so valuable. We want people to
understand it's the way they carried out the relocation, no the relocation
itself, that was a crap process."

To illustrate this, Goad includes in "Stop Evictions" an example of a
successful relocation from almost a decade ago.
"In 1998 the municipality was involved in a constructive process,'" he said.
"Some 129 families were successfully relocated from near the Olympic Stadium
to a site five kilometers outside the city with land chosen by the people,
purchased by the municipality and supported by UNCHS and rights NGOs. It
shows that while relocation is a difficult undertaking it is possible to do
it effectively, humanely and to the benefit of all parties."
Goad's collection of evidence and imagery has attracted more than one
prestigious sponsor.

"Land rights are a hot topic, and we thought they had a good, creative
approach to bring the issue to the public," said Anisha Schubert, of German
aid organization DED. "They're not trying to be provocative, but they've
worked with many different people to focus on good stories."

DED is the main sponsor of the FCC show, and it was initial assistance from
the Germans that got the project started last year. Goad and US photographer
Niles Sprague were funded to document the eviction and resettlement. Along
the way, the two teamed with journalists, activists and especially the
Cambodian Legal Education Center, to collect an effective record of events.
The photographs taken by Sprague and the CLEC team form the foundation of
"Stop Evictions."

"Another aim of the show is to promote the Housing Rights Task Force, which
is a group of NGOs that pulled together as a response to growing issues,"
said Goad. "The idea is that instead of one or two groups jumping up and
down and saying this is bad, and possibly becoming a target, is to put
together a conglomeration of groups that can work together."

The show is free, but may not be for the faint of heart. Goad said he'd like
to get several villagers to give firsthand accounts of their experience and
to display samples of the water available at the relocation site after
tested by the Pasteur Institute.

"This is an awareness raiser, but there are other things bubbling away: we'd
like to start a letter-writing campaign ahead of the Boeung Kak eviction and
maybe do some sort of fund raising," he said. "But the most important thing
is to create dialogue. If people look at what happened at Sambok Chab - it
was a complete failure. It's hard to imagine things getting worse."

from: The Wires, Newsletter of Cambodia's Foreign Correspondents Club

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Fw: olympic stadium tour sunday 29 april 07...

Khmer Architecture Tours
promoting modern architecture in Cambodia

Sunday 29 April 07:
Olympic Stadium, Phnom Penh 
Vann Molyvann's remarkable sports hall, stadium and swimming pool.  
Guided tour with an English speaking Cambodian architectural student.
8.30am. $1 Cambodians, $5 Others.

To secure a place, please reply including your name and mobile telephone number
We will email you back with joining details and contact numbers. Thanks!

Visit for details and to download the self-guided walking map of central Phnom Penh.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Traditional Cambodian circus

May 12, 13 6pm 
Supported by Kasumiso Foundation Japan
Chenla Theater
Amrita Performing Arts
PO Box 1140,
No. 51, Street 113, Bang Prolit,
Phnom Penh,Cambodia
Tel (855 23) 220424,
Fax (855 23) 220425,
Cell (855 12) 974271
Skype: ffrumberg

Bold Impressions

Art Events

Bold Impressions

A special benefit exhibition of paintings by New Zealand-American painter, Nagini

All proceeds from the art sales will be donated to the Good Day Vocational Centre for Girls run by the Cambodian NGO, Healthcare for Children (HCC).

(In particular, the money raised will be used to purchase and install a generator to provide light to the dormitory block, to power electric looms and sewing machines, and to improve the water well, pump, and filtering system.)

The exhibition opens on Friday, 27th April from 6:30 – 8:30 pm at two fish gallery cafe.

Please come along and support this special benefit

two fish gallery cafe

9 Street 278
Phnom Penh
016-368 700


Wednesday, April 25, 2007


> Jeudi 26 avril - 18h30
> Cinéma du CCF
Le père François PONCHAUD tiendra une conférence sur le Bouddhisme.
Événement organisé par Phnom Penh Accueil.
> Thursday 26th of April - 6.30 pm
> French Cultural Center
Father François PONCHAUD will held a conference about Bouddhism.
This event is organised by Phnom Penh Accueil

Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge
218 rue Kéo Chea (184) - Phnom Penh - tel : 00 (855) 23 213 124 / 125
e-mail :


Equinox Exhibition

Painting exhibition @ Equinox on Saturday, 28th April

4 artists; Sou Mey, Chhim Sothy, Gildas, Sokhorn

Punch and BBQ start @ 6pm till late....

Equinox Bar and Restaurant, 3A street 278, BKK1 Phnom Penh, Cambodia

H.P : 012 586 139



Art Events

Flow Sculpture/installation and photographs by Pich Sopheap Sala Artspace 339E2 Sisowath Quay (top floor, through Mekong Web)
Showing until June 16 Sala Artspace, 339E2 Sisowath Quay, Phnom Penh (through Mekong Web, top floor)


Banyan Project

The Banyan Weekend
27th to 29th of April


Meta House
Phnom Penh
Street 264 #6 Sangkat Chktomuk
(South of Wat Botum Pagoda)
012 607 465
023 22 41 40

Fri/Sat 6pm to 12: Banyan Works
Objects / Videos /Drawings by Alfred Banze (Germany)

People's Thoughts Are Children's Play-Tools
Videos by Juhani Koivumaki (Finland)

Sun, 3pm: Banyan Project
Presentation / Performance together with Cambodian children based on a selection of original artworks by 70 artists from 25 countries

Sun, 7pm Banyan Party with VJ Kopi Kaputa

from What's On: Tags:

Monday, April 23, 2007

Art House: Group Exhibition

The Art House would like to invite you all to view the current group
exhibition of paintings and sculptures which is on show until May 7th

Work by Leang Seckon, Srey Bandol, Oeur Sokuntevy, Choup Sopheak, Tan
Vanno, Meas Sokhorn, Toun Tourneakea, Chhan Dina, Sasha Constable and
Mike Mahalo.

Robina Hanley is now coordinating the gallery space, she is in the
gallery Monday to Friday 11-2 and 5-8 to assist with any inquiries and
Please feel welcome to view the work at your leisure at other times.

Our next show will open on May 10th
Three Khmer artists: Svay Ken, Tor Vutha and Piteak.
We will send further information nearer the time.

with best wishes and a Happy New Year!
Sasha Constable


Cyclo Pub Crawl

Hi everyone,

Here is some more info about our fun Cyclo Pub Crawl next Friday!

It will start at 7pm in the lovely garden of the Gasolina bar (N° 56-58, Street 57). There will be one cyclo per person and we'll pay them before we start the tour.

The price for the whole evening will be between $10 and $15. This includes the cyclo and the dinner.

If you'd like to join, please
reply to AND myself so we can book your wheels and meals.

The itinerary, timing and menu are not finalized yet (you can still suggest your favorite hang out!!). Mitch and I will send another email next Thursday / early Friday at the latest with all the details.

Have a great week end!!


Marine Wallace

1-914-458-4262 (office #)
+855-12-321-029 (cell)
1-646-514-0853 (fax)

PO BOX 1235
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Sunday, April 22, 2007



The Arts Lounge, Hôtel de la Paix features Chess, a photographic series by emerging Khmer artist Rattana Vandy. An exhibit exploring the game of chess within Khmer culture opens on the 26th April and will run until the 12th June.
Hôtel de la Paix is operated by Bed Management Company, Bangkok, which is recognized as a creative and successful developer of independent boutique hotels and destination restaurants and bars in Southeast Asia. In Siem Reap, Bed Management also operates a hospitality training institute at the 18-room sister hotel, The Shinta Mani.
For media information on current and upcoming exhibitions at the Arts Lounge please contact Bronwyn at
For reservations contact:


Friday, April 20, 2007


Photographs by Andrew Pope
SCAN GALLERY, #4 St 282, Phnom Penh

Exhibition opening 7PM May 3, 2007

Exhibition runs 10am - 10pm until July 1st 2007

Organised by Eric Weisman, SCAN Gallery
  092 791 449

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Khmer Internet Party


Don't missed our 2nd Internet Party ( ) a party
where all Internet User link together, where experts and professionals
exchange their knowledge and share it to those who needed, a party where
students can have a chance to meet the real professionals.

Join our IT Exhibition on the 20th of May as we are giving away alot of free
stuff and get your IT problem solved.

Manich Enterprise proudly present our new website KHMER NEWS at and special discount of Web Hosting and Design at

Best Regards,
In Mean

Manich Enterprise
#192 St. 63 Sangkat Boeng Keng Kang 1
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
info [at] khmer [dot] biz

Prachea Komar


Bophana Center is pleased to announce you that some screenings of one of His Majesty Norodom Sihanouk's movies, Prachea Komar, will take place during the next days. Our movie theatre can provide seats for 30 to 35 people. So don't hesitate to come with your students and to pass the word around among your colleagues and acquaintances! Booking is now open for the following dates :

- Wednesday 25 april at 10 am
- Wednesday 2 may at 10 am
- Wednesday 9 may at 10 am
- Wednesday 16 may at 10 am
- Wednesday 23 may at 10 am

Best regards,
Samia Gest
Archives manager
092 605 142


Le Centre Bophana a le plaisir de vous annoncer que des séances de projection de l'un des films de Sa Majesté Norodom Sihanouk, Prachea Komar, vont avoir lieu dans les prochains jours. Notre salle de cinéma peut accueillir entre 30 et 35 personnes. Alors n'hésitez pas à venir avec vos étudiants et élèves et à passer le mot à vos collègues et connaissances! Vous pouvez dès maintenant vous inscrire aux séances suivantes :

- mercredi 25 avril à 10h
- mercredi 2 mai à 10h
- mercredi 9 mai à 10h
- mercredi 16 mai à 10h
- mercredi 23 mai à 10h

Bien Cordialement,
Samia Gest
Responsable Archives
092 605 142


Thursday, April 05, 2007

Traditional Folk Dance

To kick off the start of the Khmer New Year festivities, The artists of the Royal University of Fine Arts and the National School of Fine Arts are proud to present a full evening of traditional Cambodian folk dance including two new creations.

Saturday and Sunday April 7 and 8 at
Chenla Theater
Tickets riel 3,000 and 6,000 available at Amrita Performing  Arts and at the door.

These performances have been made possible through generous support from ANZ Royal.

For more information, contact 023-220424.

Amrita Performing Arts
PO Box 1140
No. 51, Street 113
Bang Prolit
Phnom Penh 12000


Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Alliance Cafe

Alliance Cafe

For the Grand Opening of the

Art Lodge


Invites you to a Vernisage on Saturday 7 April 2007

7.00 – 8.00 pm

Introducing the French artist

Roddy de la Tour.

One of the few Europeans artists to use the Indonesian technique of Batik painting, 2007 sees de la Tour celebrating 50 years of creativity.

ALLIANCE CAFÉ welcomes you to his first exhibition in Cambodia

Inspiration of Angkor


The Young Jazz Orchestra

One of the best big bands in Germany – with a musical spectrum ranging from traditional Jazz highlights to contemporary trends.

On their tour through South East Asia the 28 musicians play for the first time in Cambodia.

Free Concert

Jazz band to play

from 8.30 – 10.30 pm

Contact info – reservation

012 180 90 10


coming art event/ événements artistiques

From Linda Saphan in France:

Popil PhotoGallery, the great photo expo will finish on April 7th, come and see One Step on a Mine, it's all over", an exhibition of photographs by Taizo
Ichinose, curated by Christine Cibert and Stéphane Janin.
April 7th 2007. Open Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 7pm.
126, street 19
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

ART CAFE live music performances:
Friday, 6 April, 7pm
Traditional Khmer & Thai Music
Prof. Yun Theara plays KIM
Saturday, 8 April, 7pm
Italian Baroque music
ART CAFE, No84Eo,Street 108, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
e-mail: fone 012 834 517


10th of April, 7PM
at the Cambodian-Japan Cooperation Center,
Blvd. Confederation of Russia
(next to Royal University of Phnom Penh)
Khan Toul Kork

The Young Jazz Orchestra is one of the best Big Bands in Germany - with a wide musical spectrum from traditional jazz highlights to contemporary trends. On their tour through South East Asia the 28 musicians play for the first time in Cambodia.

Call/email for reservation:
Fixed 023 – 22 41 40
Mobil 012 – 607 465


Sera / Tini Tinou 2007

si vous ne pouvez pas voir la lettre d'information ci-dessous, cliquez ici
if you can't see the newsletter click here

Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge / février 2007
Site web du CCF :

Exposition / rencontre

"Deux faces " par Séra

> Mercredi 4 avril : rencontre avec l'auteur (18h00) / vernissage de l'exposition (19h) / Séance de dédicaces (19h30)
> Exposition : du 5 avril au 4 mai 2007
> Hall d'exposition du ccf

Auteur de bandes dessinées, bédéphile, peintre, enseignant de BD, passionné d'outils informatiques, "Séra pratique le mélange et la diversité depuis toujours. Ce mélange est au coeur de son travail. Il pratique une bande dessinée qui bénéficie de son expérience en peinture, en narration visuelle, en informatique, en inspiration de diverses cultures. En une douzaine de livres, il a déjà exploré de nombreux chemins narratifs et figuratifs. On a le sentiment qu'il n'a pas fini de nous surprendre. Il est rare qu'un auteur de bandes dessinées devienne une référence. C'est déjà le cas de Séra."
Philippe Morin - PLG

Né au Cambodge en 1960, Séra n'a de cesse d'y revenir et de nourrir son oeuvre de l'histoire de son pays. Deux ans après l'édition du magnifique L'eau et la terre, paru aux éditions Delcourt, il prépare un troisième opus sur la période Khmer Rouge chez le même éditeur : Les Lendemains de cendres dont l'histoire commence en 1979 à l'heure où les troupes vietnamiennes envahissent le pays et où le régime de Pol Pot s'effondre.

L'exposition Deux faces sera donc l'occasion de dévoiler partiellement ce nouvel album mais aussi de découvrir une nouvelle facette de son travail à travers des dessins de grand format. Très attaché à présenter son travail au Cambodge, Séra prépare ici avec générosité son troisième rendez-vous avec le public de Phnom Penh. C'est encore une fois un événement, pour les amateurs d'arts graphiques comme pour les amateurs de bandes dessinées qui découvriront, outre le nouvel album chez Delcourt, l'édition en khmer de L'eau et la terre aux éditions du Mékong.

Festival de cirque

TINI TINOU 2007 à Battambang

> Du 7 au 13 avril 2007
> à Phare Ponleu Selpak
> Gratuit

Du 7 au 13 octobre 2006, à Battambang s'est déroulée la 3ème édition du Festival international de cirque Tini Tinou organisée par le Centre Culturel Français en partenariat avec Phare Ponleu Selpak. Afin de garantir sa pérennité, le festival de cirque sera désormais organisé par Phare Ponleu Selpak, fer de lance du Nouveau cirque cambodgien, avec le soutien du Centre Culturel Français. Il gardera sa diversité, décidément inscrit dans le paysage culturel de l'Asie du Sud-Est.

Pour la 4ème édition, deux surprises. D'abord la date : du 7 au 13 avril, Tini Tinou 2007 saluera la Nouvelle année Khmère pour se conclure avec l'arrivée du Jour de l'An 2550. Ainsi nous espérons offrir à une large audience en vacances le plaisir du cirque. Ensuite, un invité d'honneur : le Japon et son école de cirque Sori qui nous présentera deux numéros.

Tini Tinou 2006 avait quitté la capitale pour venir prendre le bon air de Battambang avec deux lieux de spectacle, un en centre ville et un en périphérie, au sein de l'association Phare Ponleu Selpak. Afin de permettre aux spectateurs d'assister à toutes les représentations en baignant dans l'ambiance festive de Tini Tinou, l'édition 2007 se déroulera exclusivement à Phare Ponleu Selpak où 4 espaces scéniques accueilleront les différents spectacles et où de nombreuses facilités seront mises à la disposition du public dont un restaurant et des chambres d'hôtes. Tini Tinou 2007 sera un lieu de convivialité, de rencontre et d'échange pour les artistes et pour les spectateurs. Stimulant la créativité et la curiosité, des ateliers quotidiens de pratique de cirque seront proposés aux artistes venus de tout le Cambodge, du Vietnam, du Laos, de Birmanie, du Japon, de Singapour, d' Australie et de France.

Une large couverture médiatique sera assurée par la presse et la télévision. Dès le 1er avril, Battambang commencera à vibrer au rythme du cirque avec des numéros joués sur les bord du Sangké en prélude à cette semaine de festivités. Tini Tinou 2007 s'annonce être une cuvée exceptionnelle !

No 218 rue Kéo Chea, BP 827-Phnom Penh-Cambodge
Tel : (855) 023-213 124/125 Fax : (855) 023-721 382
Pour ne plus recevoir de nouvelles sur les événements du CCf, envoyer un Mel à : To unsubscribe from this newsgroup, send email to


Monday, April 02, 2007

April - May Events

Events in April/May
Check calendar at for updates, or to submit your art/cultural event.

April 1 – 30
Lutz Mattstaedt (Berlin), paintings - objects - lights
No84Eo,Street 108, Phnom Penh, Cambodia,
e-mail: Ph: 012 834 517

April 4
6pm on
Exhibition of comic artist Séra
6pm – meet with Séra
7pm – opening of exhibition
7:30pm – Séra's dedication
Showing until May 4
CCF – French Cultural Center
#128, Street 184, Phnom Penh

April 7, 8
Traditional Cambodian Folk Dance
Supported by ANZ Royal Bank
Chenla Theater
Amrita Performing Arts
PO Box 1140, No. 51, Street 113, Bang Prolit, Phnom Penh,Cambodia Tel (855 23) 220424, Fax (855 23) 220425, Cell (855 12) 974271 Skype: ffrumberg,

April 7 - 13
Tini Tinou International Circus festival
at Phare Ponleu Selpak, Battambang, with participants from France, Vietnam, Burma, Singapore, Australia & more. RUFA & PharePS will be presenting their latest works. All welcome, no need to book a hotel: Battambang has lots of accommodation available.
Contact 053 95 24 24 for more info, or tune to for full details.

April 27, 28, 29
First staged performances of "Where Elephants Weep" - a new Cambodian opera by Cambodian composer Him Sophy produced by John Burt and Cambodian Living Arts in collaboration with Amrita Performing Arts in Lowell Massachusetts. Cambodian premier slated for January 2008.

May 11
Sculpture/installation and photographs by Pich Sopheap
Sala Artspace
339E2 Sisowath Quay
(top floor, through Mekong Web)
Showing until June 16
Sala Artspace, 339E2 Sisowath Quay, Phnom Penh (through Mekong Web, top floor)
w w w . j a v a a r t s . o r g
Sala Artspace, 339E2 Sisowath Quay, Phnom Penh (through Mekong Web, top floor)
w w w . j a v a a r t s . o r g

May 12, 13
Traditional Cambodian circus Supported by Kasumiso Foundation Japan
Chenla Theater
Amrita Performing Arts
PO Box 1140, No. 51, Street 113, Bang Prolit, Phnom Penh,Cambodia Tel (855 23) 220424, Fax (855 23) 220425, Cell (855 12) 974271 Skype: ffrumberg,

Ongoing events
Surfacing, an exhibition of six emerging Cambodian artists
Sala Artspace
339E2 Sisowath Quay
(top floor, through Mekong Web)
Showing through April 21

Paintings and drawings by Denis Min-Kim
Java Café & Gallery
56E1 Sihanouk Blvd
Group exhibition of contemporary art, sculptures and paintings
by Svay Ken, Leang Seckon, Srey Bandol, Chhan Dina, Khem Sambo, Choup Sopheak, Ou Vanndy, Meas Sokhorn and Sasha Constable
Art House, upstairs from the Warehouse
Old Market, Siem Reap

3 Exhibitions of Fine Art Photography
Kenro Izu: "Passage to Angkor"
Herve Robillard: "L'envers du visible" (The Reverse of the Visible)
John McDermott: "Quiet Light: Sukhothai after the Rains"
Showing until April 31
McDermott Gallery 2
between the Old Market and Pub Street
Siem Reap
Tel 092 66 81 81
John McDermott: "Reverie: Visions of Angkor"
McDermott Gallery 1
FCC, Pokambor Avenue
Siem Reap
Tel 012 274 274

Cambodian & Western Art Music Performances
ART-CAFE, program details are announced weekly
4 times a week at 7pm, Wednesday to Saturday
Cambodian Performing Arts
Sovanna Phum (#111, Street 360(Corner 105), Phnom Penh)
Performances weekly, Friday and Saturday at 7:30pm
Entrance: $5/adults, $3/children


Dates for architecture tours...

Khmer Architecture Tours
promoting modern architecture in Cambodia
Dear all,
brief details of upcoming tours are below; full details are on our website:
Please feel free to pass on details to friends... Many thanks for your interest.
With very best wishes,
Cyclo tours of central Phnom Penh
Sundays: 8 April 07, 13 May 07
Mix of colonial and 1960s buildings. Morning tours. $10.
Sunday 29 April 07:
Olympic Stadium, Phnom Penh
Vann Molyvann's remarkable sports hall, stadium and swimming pool. Morning. $5.
Saturday 27 May 07:
University Buildings in Phnom Penh
Three great campuses (ITC, Vann Molyvann's IFL, RUPP). Morning. $8.
Please check for further details on our website, then email us at if you would like to book places.
Please include names and mobile telephone numbers and which tour you would like.
We will email you back with joining details and contact numbers. Thanks!
To download the self-guided walking map of central Phnom Penh, visit

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.