Friday, February 09, 2007

Where Elephants Weep

Dear Friends,

Please help us spread out words about "Where Elephants Weep", an East Meets West in a New Contemporary Cambodian Opera that is coming to Lowell in April 2007. Only three performances on April 27, 28 & 29, 2007.

The story focuses on a refugee from the Khmer Rouge genocide, Sam, who returns to his homeland from America. Committed to finding his roots in his native culture, he unexpectedly falls in love with Bopha, a pop-karaoke star.

The struggle between the traditional and modernity, East and West, is played out through a musical score drawing on classical western, ancient Cambodian, and popular American music traditions - against the backdrop of a beautiful land torn by war and gemocide.

"Where Elephants Weep" - a love story from a land where civil strife nearly extinguished a great ancient culture.

Check out the website at Also, check out out postcard attached.


Samkhann Khoeun
"Where Elephants Weep" Opera

Where Elephants Weep


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