Monday, January 29, 2007

Popil Photogallery Update

Happy New Year from Popil

Hey, Happy New Year! I am a bit late but it's still time to wish!
If you have not seen Vandy Rattana's show "Looking in my Office", it's still
on the walls, until early February.

So I am back to Phnom Penh and there are things I want to share with you.
First, it's a pleasure for me to tell that you can see photographic works I
made these last months and that I have uploaded recently on my web
galleries. So, feel free to visit:

Furthermore, I need to announce that mid-February will be an active
photographic time for Popil and for you too if you wish:

- a new show on February Saturday 10th at gallery
- another Popil photo exhibition on February Monday 12th, but at National
Library of Cambodia, in Phnom Penh (don't confuse!)
- and a few days later, back at Popil gallery, some photographer's slide
show and talk, 3 evenings in a raw so you will not miss it!

Of course, I will tell you more and in details when it comes.

Furthermore and last, I take advantage that I have your attention to
announce that I will quit Cambodia in the next months. Some other adventures
to live out of the country.
Popil house is to be rent as space for your company, business, projects,
activities, organization, etc.
It can be rent the whole of it, or ground floor or upstairs floors
separately. House has been fully renovated recently,
Ground floor space is large and great. Upstairs is large the same, a long
living room with kitchen at the end, with view on the garden.
Bedroom and bathroom on a higher level can accommodate a single or a couple.
Yard in front of the house fits for car or motos, garden behind the house is
also extra green space that can welcome birds as well as your friends or
visitors. Of course, both yard and garden can be used in many different
I will put announcement in the newspapers soon.
For more information, get in touch with me at 012 99 27 50.

See you soon at gallery.
Best Wishes again,

Stephane Janin
Photographer and Director of the Popil PhotoGallery.

Popil PhotoGallery
#126, street 19
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

(855) - 12 992 750


Femme Fatale @ Blue Chili

Saturday Night Fever

Female Saturday Night Fever

First Women only Party
in Phnom Penh

3. February 2007

@ Blue Chilli
(Str. 178, between Str. 19 and Norodom Blv.)


Bronwyn Burns
Arts Lounge Curator
22 January 2007

The Arts Lounge at The Hôtel de la Paix, Siem Reap, features "Khmer
Feminitude", a solo exhibition by Christian Develter from February 14th
until April 15th 2007.

As he continues to explore the aesthetic mystery of Asian culture,
Bangkok-based Belgian artist Christian Develter presents his latest series
of paintings at The Arts Lounge, a hip gallery bar in the hub of Siem Reap's
up-'n-bustling town. Inspired by Christian's impressions and experiences of
Cambodia over the past ten years, the "Khmer Feminitude" collection is a
tribute to the grace and elegance of Cambodian women both traditional and

In each painting, from his interpretation of the deity Apsara, to the
highlight of the exhibit, H.M. Queen Sisowath Kossamak Nearireath, Christian's
brush conveys a sense of festive celebration with an indulgence in colour
distinctive of his style. Though his flamboyant use of colour and costume
may tempt one to define Christian's works as pop-art and leave it at that,
his works are far from random flights of fancy. Christian's appreciation of
colour nuance is a calculated one, giving his canvas a depth that is at once
playfully sensuous yet simultaneously contemplative with a resonant respect
for his subjects.

"A lot of contemporary art tends towards expressing the difficulties of
life," says Christian, "I enjoy portraying a sense of optimism and beauty,
and this is so inherent in Asia with its emphasis on make-up, colour and
costume." His technique of balancing hues, combined with his simple
uncluttered use of shape and form, encapsulates the coy confidence Asian
women have for all time intrigued and mystified the western world.

Christian's fascination with the ambiguities of Asian culture has become the
focal point of his artistic expression over the past twelve years. He has
exhibited extensively in Thailand and Belgium as well as in China and India.
"Khmer Feminitude" is his first exhibit in Cambodia and the opening will be
held on Wednesday, February 14th from 7 – 9pm. The Arts Lounge, located in
the hip-chic Hôtel de la Paix, is open to the public from 10am till late.

The Arts Lounge not only supports the Cambodian art scene but also promotes
a borderless exchange of ideas, encouraging expression of thought from both
international and local sources. This interactive gallery space revolves
exhibitions bi-monthly, showcasing original artworks and performances that
connect visitors to a unique experience of Khmer culture.

Hôtel de la Paix is operated by Bed Management Company, Bangkok, which is
recognized as a creative and successful developer of independent boutique
hotels and destination restaurants and bars in Southeast Asia. In Siem Reap,
Bed Management also operates a hospitality training institute at the 18-room
sister hotel, The Shinta Mani.

For media information on current and upcoming exhibitions at the Arts Lounge
please contact Bronwyn at For reservations

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Conférence - Etudier en France et en francophonie

> jeudi 1er fevrier 2007- 18h30 
> cinéma du CCF
Organisée en partenariat par l'Ambassade de France et l'Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), cette conférence rassemblera différents intervenants issus de la coopération française et de l'AUF, qui présenteront un panorama des formations en France et dans le monde francophone (cursus universitaires, grandes écoles, formations professionnelles…).
Cette conférence, qui a pour but d'orienter les étudiants cambodgiens souhaitant poursuivre des études en France et en francophonie, sera également l'occasion de rappeler les accords d'échanges existants entre établissements universitaires, les programmes de bourses du gouvernement français et de l'AUF et le rôle de ces bourses dans le cadre de l'aide au développement du Cambodge.
Les interventions seront suivies d'une séance de questions et d'un cocktail au Café du Centre.
Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge
218 rue Kéo Chea (184) - Phnom Penh - tel : 00 (855) 23 213 124 / 125
e-mail :


Welcome to the Newsletter of the multimedia project Interculturality (working title).

I am happy to say that we are more than 20 people from 12 nationalities interested or committed to this project.

On our blogg we will discuss the progress of the project and hope that more and more people will contribute to our think tank page.

For all the member in PP - this page will also give preparation for the upcoming sessions.

This Thursday session will be birth and birthday and i started to collect some texts to that. So it makes always sense if you check on Wednesdays what's coming up.

For all think tank member all over the globe - there will be general discussion points and an update on current working status. I am always looking for stimulations and ideas on games, movement trainings and brain drain.

So well than bookmark: and I will send regular newsletter to  sum up comments!!

With a big fat smile for this monday morning!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Dating temple architecture: William Southworth

Lundi 29 janvier 2007 / Monday 29th of January 2007
Vous êtes cordialement invités à la présentation informelle,
You are cordially invited to attend the following informal presentation
Dating temples in Southeast Asia
Postdoctoral Research Fellow,
International Institute of Asian Studies, Leiden University

The talk will examine the different methods used for dating temple architecture, including the use of historical analogy, epigraphy, art history, architecture and archaeology. The talk will illustrate both the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, with examples taken from the study of ancient Champa, Java and Cambodia. The purpose of the discussion will be to show both the problems of temple dating and the advantages of a multi-disciplinary approach in solving questions of chronology.

Dr William Southworth is a graduate in Southeast Asian Studies from the University of Hull in the United Kingdom. He completed an MA in Archaeology at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London, in 1991 and a PhD on the origins of Champa in 2001. Between 1999 and 2002 he worked for the Centre of Khmer Studies in Siem Reap, and has since taught at the University of Bonn. He is currently involved in a project on early temple architecture in Cambodia with the University of Leiden.

18 h 30, lundi 29 janvier 2007, au centre de l'EFEO.

Monday 29th of January 2007, at 6:30 pm at the EFEO.
Presentation will be in English - La présentation sera en Anglais

Ecole Française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO) Siem Reap

P.O. Box 93 300, Siem Reap - Angkor

Phum Beng Don Pa, Khum Slâ Kram, Siem Reap, Cambodge

Tel: (885) (16) 635 037 / (63) 964 630 / 760 525. Tel/Fax: (855) (63) 964 226

Email: /


Sunday, January 21, 2007

Khmer Architecture Tours Upcoming Events

Dear all,
details of upcoming tours are below; we hope to see you.
Thanks for your interest.
With best wishes,
Saturday 27 January 2007:
University Buildings in Phnom Penh
Three great campuses (ITC, Vann Molyvann's IFL, RUPP).
More details on the website. We meet in town and travel by bus.
Morning tour: Start at 8.30am, end around 11.30am.
Afternoon tour: Start at 2.30pm, end around 5.30pm.
The tour is in English; Khmer may also be available - please ask.
Cost: Cambodians: $1. Others: $8. Children over 12 are welcome.
Sunday 25 February 2007:
1960s houses and villas in Phnom Penh (Toul Kork)
Three different types of house, including Vann Molyvann's 100 Houses.
More details on the website. We meet in town and travel by bus.
Morning tour only: Start at 8.30am, end around 11.30am.
The tour is in English; Khmer may also be available - please ask.
Cost: Cambodians: $1. Others: $8. Children over 12 are welcome.
Saturday 24 March and Sunday 25 March 2007:
Olympic Stadium, Phnom Penh
Vann Molyvann's remarkable sports hall, stadium and swimming pool.
More details on the website.
Saturday afternoon tour: Start at 3.00pm, end around 5.00pm.
Sunday morning tour: Start at 9.00am, end around 11.00am.
The tour is in English; Khmer may also be available - please ask.
Cost: Cambodians: $1. Others: $5. Children over 12 are welcome.
Cyclo tours of central Phnom Penh
Sundays: 11 Feb 07, 11 Mar 07, 8 April 2007
8.30am start, and aim to return after around 2.5 - 3hrs. 15 adult places are available.
Details on the website.
Cost is $10 per person including the cyclo hire and English speaking guides.
Children under 16 are free if they share a cyclo with a parent/carer.
NB This tour usually takes place on the second Sunday of each month. It can also be arranged to run at different times to suit groups; please ask.

Please email with your request for places; please include names and mobile telephone numbers and which tour you would like. We will email you back with joining details and contact numbers. Thanks!
khmer architecture tours
tours of modern architecture in cambodia

visit for tours news and to download the self-guided walking map of central phnom penh

Friday, January 19, 2007

J’ai cru aux Khmers rouges

CCF Event
Rencontre avec Monsieur Ong Thong Hoeung, auteur du témoignage paru aux éditions Buchet-Chastel en 2003.
Jeudi 25 janvier 2007 à 18h30
Centre Culturel Français (salle de cinéma)
La rencontre sera suivie d'un cocktail au Café du Centre
En avril 1975, les Khmers rouges prenaient le pouvoir à Phnom Penh. Nombreux furent ceux qui applaudirent alors. Parmi eux, des Cambodgiens expatriés en France, étudiants, anciens fonctionnaires, etc.… Ong Thong Hoeung était de ceux-là.

En juillet 1976, il quitte Paris, où il suivait des études, pour rentrer au pays. Comme la plupart de ses amis, il espère alors pouvoir se mettre au service d’un pays libéré. Mais à leur arrivée, ceux qu’on appelle « étrangers » sont aussitôt dirigés vers un camp de rééducation. Le rêve tourne au cauchemar… C’est le récit bouleversant de cette traversée de l’enfer, son expérience personnelle et littéraire, que l’auteur abordera lors de cette rencontre avec le public.

ONG Thong Hoeung est né au Cambodge en 1945. Il arrive à Paris en 1965 pour suivre des études d’économie politique. En 1970, il rejoint le Front uni national du Kampuchea, constitué à l’appel du Prince Sihanouk. Rentré au pays en 1976, jusqu’à la défaite des Khmers rouges, il perdra durant cette période les deux tiers de sa famille.
Après avoir travaillé comme archiviste au Musée de Tuol Sleng, il s’installera définitivement en Belgique en 1982.


Monday, January 15, 2007

Anon: Art Installation

Opening: Tuesday 16 January, 2007 from 6pm.
Art in progress and open to the public from 1 December 2006 to 31 January 2007
Anon Anon
Anon Anon 01

Meas Sokhorn, Vandy Rattana, Philong, Pes Ratha, Bunna Chhea, Tan Vanno,
Khmen Sambo, Vong Daravy, Soumey, Nemh Deth, Kong Villak, Chinn Taingchhea,
Mao Soviet, Mak Remissa, Ouk Chim Vichet, Proeung Moulin, Bo, Soly, Vinthy,
Pheak, Prom Vichet, Phorn, Heng Ravuth, Chhai Kakkada, Nhem Sopaul, Sa Veasna

Opening: Tuesday 16 January, 2007 from 6pm
Sala Art, 339 E2 Sisowath Quay
(above Mekong Web)
Phnom Penh Cambodia, HP: 012 849 180
Sala Art: Monday-Saturday 8am-10pm
More at

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Portraits de femmes

Portaits de Femmes
Linda Saphan (drawing/sculpture), Qudy Xu (painting), Mo-Ling Chui (video/design)
Opening 9 February 2007
6pm to 9pm
New Art Gallery
No. 20 Kenou (Street 9) next to Psaa Kapko
Portaits de femmes
(Click for larger images of show flyer.)
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Sunday, January 14, 2007

SALA Artspace: Anon

339E2 Sisowath Quay (top floor, above Mekong Web)
info [via]

> Anon: work-in-progress/exhibition
Opening: from 6pm, Tuesday, January 16

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Lights and Shadows

paintings by Chath Piersath
Opening: 6 – 9pm Thursday, January 18

Java Café & Gallery
56E1 Sihanouk Blvd
Chath Exhibition

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SALA Artspace: Jack Bauer and Ronald Kodritsch

339E2 Sisowath Quay (top floor, above Mekong Web)
info [via]

> Slideshow/presentation by visiting artists: Jack Bauer and Ronald Kodritsch
6pm Wednesday, January 17

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Saturday, January 13, 2007

Reyum: Creative Cambodia

Recycling Reyum

Through photographs, video footage and the display of objects, this exhibition shows examples of how people in Cambodia make new use of everyday materials. By transforming available resources such as empty plastic and metal containers, second hand fabric, engines, and rubber tires, new tools and objects are crafted for use in daily life. The purpose of the exhibition is to describe and understand the process of generating the ideas more then to make a fetish of the objects themselves, thus emphasizing the ingenuity and resourcefulness within a living culture.

With the support of:
The Albert Kunstadter Family Foundation - The Rockefeller Foundation – The Prince Claus Fund
For more information on this exhibition, please contact REYUM:, or 855 23-217-149

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Meta House

“Inter-city” at Meta House
Opening Party: 20th January, from 6:00 pm
Street 264, No. 6, Khan Daun Penh
(opposite Wat Botum)
Phone 012 - 607 465


COM.PASSION is happy to announce the scheduled opening of Cambodia’s first Art & Communication Center META HOUSE on the 12th of January 2007 – in cooperation with the International Academy (INA) at the Free University of Berlin. From January to April 2007 META HOUSE („meta“ in khmer: „compassion“) hosts the first phase of the multi/media/art exhibition and event series INTERCITY: URBAN ARTS FOR ASIA - under patronage of the German Ambassador to Cambodia, H. E. Pius Fischer.
Within the second phase (2008) several SE Asian cities and artists are linked throughout an exchange program and workshops. The third phase (2009) will result in a catalogue, an interactive DVD and an exhibition in Berlin/Germany.
On three floors and a roof top terrace overlooking Phnom Penh META HOUSE will welcome participants, friends and guests from all around the globe.

INTERCITY artists are (more to be confirmed…)
PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA: Chhim Sothy, Chhoeun Rithy, Chan Pisey,
Nico Mesterharm, Stephane Janin, Vandy Rattana
HO-CHI-MINH-CITY, VIETNAM: Bertrand Peret, Julie Tseselsky,
Bui Cong Khahn, Ly Hoang Ly, HMC CREW, Motoko Uda, Rich Streitmatter-Tran, Sandrine Llouquet
CHIANG MAI, THAILAND: Sutthirat Supaparinya
SINGAPORE: Kerstin Duell
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA: Melita Koulmandas
PARIS, FRANCE: Nicolas Lainez
BERLIN, GERMANY: Chris Zippel, Dieter Stadler, Hildegard Knef, Igor Paasch, Jana Teuchert, Lila Space Creations, Lothar Winkler, Lutz Mattstaett, Ollie Peters & Sven Zuege, Walter Dietmann, Wolfgang Brueckner
AURICH, GERMANY: Herbert Mueller
BEOGRAD, SERBIA: Nikolai Todorovic
CHICAGO, USA: Maurice Oliver and Diana Krause-Oliver
The three-years-project INTERCITY is dedicated to city cultures from Phnom Penh to Berlin – from “New Asia“ to „Old Europe“, from the glitzy boulevards to the backyards of societies, to the basements and undergrounds and back to the future of our neighbourhoods. How do citizens envision their living environments and how can they shape them? What skills are needed to survive in a hostile environment? Whose ideas prevail if they are not documented? Can art be a vehicle for social change, or should art be a self-critical discipline that pursues primarily aesthetic ends? What is the relationship between art and mass culture?

Everybody is invited to join the INTERCITY exhibitions, parties, film screenings, performances, panels, discusssions and meetings. The entrance is free. A share of the revenues will be donated to the „Children’s Help Cambodia“ Foundation, which is building a children’s village for 96 orphans and vulnerable children on the outskirts of Phnom Penh.

Please hook up with us! We are not only encouraging artists, painters, sculpturers, filmmakers, photographers, poets, performers or musicians, but also forethinkers, urban planners, architects, scientists and journalists to contribute something special and unique to the INTERCITY project. Anybody who would like to participate should write to: Nico Mesterharm, mesterharm [at] gmx [dot] net.

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Conférence CCF jeudi 11

Le voyage en France du Roi Sisowath

Conférence du Professeur Olivier de Bernon, Directeur d'études à l'Ecole
Française d'Extrême orient
le 11 janvier 2007 à 18 h 30
Salle de cinéma du CCF
Un cocktail sera servi au Café du centre à l'issue de la conférence

En 1906, le roi du Cambodge entame un grand voyage à destination de la
France et confie le récit de ce voyage à son ministre Okna Veang Thiounn.
Il décrit tous les faits et gestes du souverain et rapporte de nombreuses
informations parfois cocasses. Les annotations et préface d'Olivier de
Bernon viennent rehausser le récit en rapportant des anecdotes relayées par
la presse locale de l'époque et surtout en éclairant le voyage d'un
contrepoint historique permettant de le resituer dans le contexte politique
de l'époque, et notamment, dans l'évolution des relations entre la France et
le Cambodge.
L'édition de ce journal de voyage est aussi l'histoire d'un manuscrit
inachevé, tombé dans les oubliettes, et sorti de l'ombre par la volonté d'Olivier
de Bernon.

Traduit du khmer, présenté et annoté par Olivier de Bernon, Le voyage en
France du Roi Sisowath est paru en novembre aux éditions Mercure de France
puis en décembre dans sa version

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Art Café, Phnom Penh


Art Café
In the tradition of 400 year-old European coffee-house culture,
management and staff wish to extend this concept
to provide a centre for social dialogue.
Our minimalist interior provides a perfect frame for
performances and exhibitions by Cambodian & international artists.

ART CAFÉ offers authentic specialties of Alsace-Palatinate cuisine
as well as selected wines&spirits cultivated from well-known vintners in this region.



"To make people free is the aim of art,
therefore art for me is the science of freedom"

Josef Beuys

ART CAFÉ , No84Eo,Street 108, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, e-mail

phone 012 834 517


Saturday, January 06, 2007

Bophana Audiovisual Resource Centre - Newsletter December - January

[Click for PDF format]

The Audiovisual Resource Center was inaugurated on December 4th
under the patronage of the Cambodian Minister of Culture and Fine
Arts ad interim, Mr. Him Chhem and the French Ambassador in
Cambodia, Mr. Yvon Roé d’Albert. Over 150 people - including members of
the French and Cambodian governments, institutional, public or associated
partners of the Center and artists – gathered for the official opening of the
Center and wished it success. The French minister of Culture and
Communication gave a filmed interview for the occasion. The Center’s
research analysts were awarded a diploma by the Institut national de l’audiovisuel
(Ina, French National Audiovisual Institute), in collaboration with
other partners such as the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Centre
National de la Cinématographie (CNC, National Cinematographic Center),
the Thomson Foundation for Film and TV Heritage, and the Bophana
Audiovisual Resource Center. Tapes including preserved and digitized
Cambodian archives were also given to the Cambodian government by the
Ina and the Thomson Foundation. Despite its successful developments,
the Center has suffered greatly from the loss of one of its principal
artisans, Sabine Trannin, who passed away on November 23rd, 2006.
May this opening be above all a tribute to her and her work, her energy
and commitment to the project.

Where do we stand?

The information desk, especially designed by architect Michel Verrot, in
charge of renovating the building, the reading room with custom-designed
furniture, the sound studio and the editing room were all completed for
the Center’s opening.

Our first photography workshop took place in November with six children
from the association PSE (Pour un Sourire d’Enfant). We asked them to
photograph neighborhoods in Phnom Penh important to their everyday
life. We are now working on showing their photographs to the public.

In collaboration with the Cambodian Living Arts association (CLA), the
Bophana Center is producing a music CD to keep a record of the rich
tradition of street singers. The CD will be available as of January 2007 in
several outlets in Phnom Penh and at the Center. It will contain a 40 page
booklet evoking the everyday life and experiences of the singers.

ANZ Royal Bank has recently given the Center subsidies to complete
its audiovisual equipment. A financing proposal is being studied for the
year 2007.

INEO MEDIA SYSTEM has given the Center a Digital Beta player to
help with the digitizing work.

In terms of human resources, the team has welcomed Gérald Bastelica,
in charge of the audiovisual section; Aurélie Chenet, in charge of project
management and training and who is with us through the International
volunteering program of the French Embassy in Cambodia and French
Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and Ratana Lach, our translator. Sok Heng, in
charge of accounting and administration, has just joined Silvère Kowalski in
the logistic and administrative pole in view of taking on fully these projects
in time.

Focus – The Center and the Public
The Audiovisual Resource Center opened on December 12th
2006. It is open to the public Tuesday through Saturday,
from 2PM to 6PM.

Among activities offered, the consultation room is accessible
to those wanting to explore individually the archives through
the database. Professional researchers are available to
accompany more targeted research. Users will also be able
to take advantage of training for using the database.
In the hall is a photography exhibition assembled from four
sources – Emile Gsell (Ministry of Foreign Affairs);
Adhémard Leclère (Musée d’Alençon); Jean Boulbet
(EFEO) ; Micheline Dullin (Nausicaa Favart-Amouroux),
original eyewitnesses to Cambodia over the Centuries.
They offer portraits of women musicians in the Royal Palace
between 1866 and 1879; an indication of the diversity of
minorities on Cambodian territory (circa 1890); the construction
of the Olympic Stadium in 1963; Angkor temples and
populations that took refuge there during the American
bombings of 1970-1971.

In the near future, collective screenings in Khmer or
dubbed in Khmer will allow for a large public to discover
the archives and films collected by the Center. Some
screenings will be followed by debates. In an effort to
establish a strong link with the younger generation, the
Center will organize workshops in collaboration with
schools and universities, thus introducing the role of
images and archival footage as an essential tool that can
be used by teachers and professors as pedagogic support.
Workshops with NGOs will also support this project
through greater knowledge of the material and by identifying
archives that could be integrated to the Center’s database.
If you wish to support our efforts, do not hesitate to contact
our teams in Phnom Penh and Paris. Also, if you have or
know of existing documents (films or photos) that could be
of interest to the Cambodian public, please let us know.

In Cambodia
Aurélie Chenet
Tel : +855 (0) 92 685 301
Email :
In Paris
Liane Willemont
Tel : +33 (0) 6 09 56 62 52
Email :


Friday, January 05, 2007

Voyage en France


New Venue

Chat's Place
28e0 Street 19
Coffee, beers, water
Come and hang out, call family and friends overseas cheap!
- C

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Southeast Asian Summer Studies Institute: Fellowship Application Deadline Reminder: 2007 Heritage Language Classes

The Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute (SEASSI) offers
university-level instruction in Burmese, Filipino, Hmong, Indonesian,
Khmer, Lao, Thai and Vietnamese languages at multiple levels. 
Instruction is also offered in Javanese if enrollments are sufficient.

In addition, a special focus is made on Heritage language instruction at
SEASSI in Filipino, Hmong, Khmer, Lao and Vietnamese languages and
cultures.  Heritage instruction is specifically geared toward
native-speakers of those five languages who wish to learn to read or
write and/or improve their formal speaking skills.  If you already
possess basic or intermediate-level reading and writing skills in your
Southeast Asian language, there are higher level classes available at
SEASSI in all of the above five languages. If you cannot speak or
understand the language of your parents/grandparents at all, SEASSI also
offers beginning level classes, for which no previous knowledge of the
language is required.

To see examples of Filipino, Hmong, Khmer, Lao and Vietnamese teaching
materials used at SEASSI, student work, photos, and videos of classroom
activities and student projects, visit:

SEASSI will take place at the University of Wisconsin-Madison from June
18 to August 10, 2007.  SEASSI is an intensive language program where
students have an opportunity to study only Southeast Asian languages,
five days a week, for two months.  Students receive one year (2 full
semesters) of foreign language credit for the program.

Several types of financial aid are available for SEASSI students,
including the Heritage Fellowship.  Please note that the deadline for
applying for Heritage Fellowships and Foreign Language Area Studies
(FLAS) Fellowships is February 2, 2007, which is fast approaching.  The
deadline for applying for Tuition Reduction Scholarships is April 2,
2007.  For more information about applying to SEASSI, including applying
for financial aid, visit:

Please forward this announcement to anyone whom you think might be
interested in studying at SEASSI. If you do forward this announcement,
however, please include all of the information contained in this e-mail.


Frank Smith
SEASSI Heritage Language Facilitator

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Classical Crossover

The Arts Lounge, Hôtel de la Paix, Siem Reap, presents classical crossover
violinist Mr. Aaron Meyer on the 3rd January 2007 at 7pm, performing in
support of The Angkor Hospital For Children.

The Angkor Hospital for Children (AHC) in Siem Reap, is the only paediatric
medical training facility in Northern Cambodia. At the end of the Khmer
Rouge Regime, all but 40 of Cambodia’s doctors had either perished or fled
in exile. Two decades later, Cambodia still lacks advanced medical schools,
skilled professors and unified medical curricula, compromising the standard
of medical treatment available.

The AHC is dedicated to improving the health and future of Cambodia's
children by providing education together with the highest quality paediatric
care possible.

Aaron Meyer has successfully bridged the worlds of classical and popular
music, performing a unique blend of the two that has become known as
Classical Crossover. He has performed with orchestras and ballet companies
as well as artists such as Smokey Robinson, Aaron Neville, Miss America, and
the group Everclear. Aaron’s energetic music has won him appearances where
most violinists would not have the chance to play, venues like two World
Peace Conferences (The Hague and NYC), and a special performance for His
Holiness The Dalai Lama.

As part of his Asian Tour 2006-07, Aaron will performing in Japan,
Thailand –where he will perform as the feature entertainment for the Third
Annual Tsunami Benefit Concert at the 5-star Chedi Hotel in Phuket – and in
Phnom Penh, Siem Reap and Sihanoukville. His Siem Reap performance will be
hosted by the Hôtel de la Paix, in support of the Angkor Hospital for
Children (AHC) in Siem Reap.

Hôtel de la Paix is pleased to offer the stage to both Aaron Meyer and The
Angkor Hospital for Children. Join us at The Arts Lounge on the 3rd of
January 2007, in recognition of their efforts and enjoy Aaron’s solo
performance with 10% of all beverages donated to the hospital.

For media information on current and upcoming exhibitions at the Arts Lounge
please contact Bronwyn at

For room reservations contact:

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.