Saturday, October 28, 2006


It is written in the rock and roll handbook that apologies are to be avoided, but this is a band apologising.  However, this is not an onstage-apology, but an offstage one.  Actually, we owe you two.  One for the FCC show cancelled on Oct 7, and one for the show supposed to be happening Oct 28, which, um, won't happen either.


It has been an interesting month for the GTs.  First show at Talking to A Stranger was fun, and if you came, thanks.  Soon after, the passing of a family member meant that one playa had to return to their mutha country.  On return, a second show was booked, the ever-agreeable FCC were ready to go, and whaddyaknow?  A baby is born.  So, within two weeks, the band played, lost a family member, cancelled two shows AND gained a baby.  Life's like that.  Like rock'n'roll...  What goes around, comes around.


Which brings us to this.  We are coming around again.  There WILL be a show at the FCC, sometime in mid-November.  From then on, there'll hopefully be a few dates in December too, including one at a secret venue.  We are also booked in to record in December.  Anyway, in case anyone was wondering, that's our story, and we're sticking to it...


Love and Feedback,




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