Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A Shimmer of Saffron

The glint of monks’ robes, a shimmer of saffron through banana tress as robes dry in the sunlit breeze. Fire and shadow flicker and dance in the night.
Blurring the distinction between photography and painting, Sandy Shum’s Impressionistic Photography images are infused with vibrant colors, rich textures, movement and light.

Artist Statement
I wish to provide a moment to pause and reflect on the wonder and grace in the dreamlight of daily life.

Impressionistic Photography
Infusing her photographs with movement and light, the artist alters the appearance of the familiar, as breezes transform reflections on clear water.

Originally from California, Sandy has lived and traveled in Asia for over a decade. She has solo exhibitions in Asia, the US and Europe, and her images are held in private collections the world over.

Sandy donates a portion of all sales to projects in need. These include health and education support in refugee camps for ethnic groups fleeing Burma, support of Tibetan Monks in 5-year retreat in Nepal, development projects in Brazil.

Opening: 6 – 9 pm Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Showing October 25 – December 3, 2006
At Java Café & Gallery
56 E1 Sihanouk Blvd
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Contact: Dana Langlois, 012-894-180
or Sandy Shum [sandy @ sandyshum [dot] com]


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.