Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Keeping Up With the Jones

"Arriving with his trademark 1979 Martin guitar and a hard-won reputation as a masterful performer, Paul Ubana Jones brings his trademark solo acoustic stylings to Cambodia for three shows."


Sunday, October 29, 2006

"Tep Soda Chan" - Lakhaon Yike Damkang

Ganesha Institute (IDSSC) has the pleasure to invite you to a performance of Lakhaon Yike Damkang, traditional Khmer music theater: "Tep Soda Chan"

Thursday November 2, 2006 at 6:00pm

Performed by the IDSSC Kok Thlok Troupe.

Produced in collaboration with Amrita Performing Arts
Venue : Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center (CJCC)
Institute of Foreign Languages, Royal University of Phnom Penh
#11, Russian Federation Blvd.

RSVP : Thach Deth: 011-625934
Sorn Sun Sopheak: 012-516688

SUON Bun Rith
AMRITA Performing Arts

#51, St. 113, Sangkat Boeung Prolit, Khan 7 Makara
PO Box 1140
Phnom Penh 12000

Tel. 023-220424
Fax. 023-220425
Cell. 012-410044

Skype. rithsb

rithsb [via] amritaperformingarts.org

Saturday, October 28, 2006


It is written in the rock and roll handbook that apologies are to be avoided, but this is a band apologising.  However, this is not an onstage-apology, but an offstage one.  Actually, we owe you two.  One for the FCC show cancelled on Oct 7, and one for the show supposed to be happening Oct 28, which, um, won't happen either.


It has been an interesting month for the GTs.  First show at Talking to A Stranger was fun, and if you came, thanks.  Soon after, the passing of a family member meant that one playa had to return to their mutha country.  On return, a second show was booked, the ever-agreeable FCC were ready to go, and whaddyaknow?  A baby is born.  So, within two weeks, the band played, lost a family member, cancelled two shows AND gained a baby.  Life's like that.  Like rock'n'roll...  What goes around, comes around.


Which brings us to this.  We are coming around again.  There WILL be a show at the FCC, sometime in mid-November.  From then on, there'll hopefully be a few dates in December too, including one at a secret venue.  We are also booked in to record in December.  Anyway, in case anyone was wondering, that's our story, and we're sticking to it...


Love and Feedback,




Building Peace

Building Peace

Click for larger version.


khmer architecture tours: stadium and cyclo tours...

News below about:
1  updated walking map
2  upcoming stadium tour, 4 nov
3  upcoming cyclo tour, 12 nov
please pass this on to others who may be interested... 


walking map
A newer version is on the website; different graphics and two buildings demolished...

national sports complex ('olympic stadium')
saturday 4 november 06
The National Sports Complex (known as the Olympic Stadium but not intended to host these games) was designed and built over a period of 18 months in 1963-4. They should have accommodated in 1964 the Games of the Non-aligned Emerging Forces, but these were delayed to 1966 for political reasons, and the complex became the location for the reception of many visiting dignitaries. 
Designed by Vann Molyvann with a structural engineer who had worked with Le Corbusier, the complex has been renovated and reopened to the public. 
Though some new buildings have recently been built around the edge of the site, the original buildings remain fairly unchanged. They are a masterful arrangement of bold modern architecture with strong Khmer associations. We will visit the stadium, which seats 84,000, the sports-hall and swimming/diving pools.
Morning tour: Start at 9.00am, finish by around 11.00am
Afternoon tour: Start at 3.00pm, finish by around 5.00pm
Cost: Cambodians $1, Others $5. Children over 12 are welcome. Both tours guided by architect Sim Sitho.
Please reply to this email with your request for places; please don't forget to include names and mobile telephone numbers and which tour you would like, We will email you back with joining details and contact numbers.


cyclo tour of old phnom penh
sunday 12 november 06
The route explores central/north Phnom Penh and includes Colonial buildings as well as some 1960s post-independence architecture, starting around the old Post Office then going south and riding around the area south-east of the Central Market. Meant to be an introduction to the city, the tour includes a selection of well-known buildings as well as some less obvious examples. 

Tour: Start at 8.30am; we aim to return after around 2.5 - 3 hrs including a short drinks stop.
Cost: $10 per person including the cyclo hire and English speaking guide. Children under 16 are free if they share a cyclo with a parent/carer. 10 adult places are available. 
Please reply to this email with your request for places; please don't forget to include names and mobile telephone number. We will email you back with joining details and contact numbers.
(These tours will usually happen on the second Sunday of each month, lead by Ratana or Sitho).

geoffrey pyle and sim sitho
khmer architecture tours
tours of modern architecture in cambodia

visit www.ka-tours.org for tours news and to download the self-guided walking map of central phnom penh

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Scan Gallery Inaugural Exhibition

Scan Gallery at Scandinavia Hotel
5 Artists
Thursday October 26, 6pm-9pm
Street 282 behind Wat Langka

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Lecture on Thursday, October 26, 2006 from 5:30 to 6:30pm at REYUM!

A Lecture/ Discussion (in Khmer) by Dr. Ang Choulean at Reyum Institute on Thursday, October 26 2006 at 5:30pm..

The topic will be on Nokor Kok Thlork or How was Cambodia born?
(This event is part of a series of Reyum's public education program supported by : The Albert Kunstadter Family Foundation and The Rockefeller Foundation.

If interested, please contact Reyum Institute #47, Street 178 Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Tel/Fax : 023 217 149, reyum@camnet.com.kh, www.reyum.org

A Shimmer of Saffron

The glint of monks’ robes, a shimmer of saffron through banana tress as robes dry in the sunlit breeze. Fire and shadow flicker and dance in the night.
Blurring the distinction between photography and painting, Sandy Shum’s Impressionistic Photography images are infused with vibrant colors, rich textures, movement and light.

Artist Statement
I wish to provide a moment to pause and reflect on the wonder and grace in the dreamlight of daily life.

Impressionistic Photography
Infusing her photographs with movement and light, the artist alters the appearance of the familiar, as breezes transform reflections on clear water.

Originally from California, Sandy has lived and traveled in Asia for over a decade. She has solo exhibitions in Asia, the US and Europe, and her images are held in private collections the world over.

Sandy donates a portion of all sales to projects in need. These include health and education support in refugee camps for ethnic groups fleeing Burma, support of Tibetan Monks in 5-year retreat in Nepal, development projects in Brazil.

Opening: 6 – 9 pm Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Showing October 25 – December 3, 2006
At Java Café & Gallery
56 E1 Sihanouk Blvd
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Contact: Dana Langlois, 012-894-180
or Sandy Shum [sandy @ sandyshum [dot] com]


Monday, October 23, 2006

2007 Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute

The Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute (SEASSI) offers
university-level instruction in Filipino, Hmong, Khmer, Lao and
Vietnamese language and culture at multiple levels.  Instruction is
specifically geared toward native-speakers of those languages who wish
to learn to read or write and/or improve their formal speaking skills. 
If you already possess basic or intermediate-level reading and writing
skills in your language, there are several higher level classes
available at SEASSI in all of the above five languages. If you cannot
speak or understand the language of your parents/grandparents at all,
SEASSI also offers beginning level classes, for which no previous
knowledge of the language is required.

To see examples of Filipino, Hmong, Khmer, Lao and Vietnamese teaching
materials used at SEASSI, student work, photos, and videos of classroom
activities and student projects, visit:


SEASSI will take place at the University of Wisconsin-Madison from June
18 to August 10, 2007.  SEASSI is an intensive language program where
students have an opportunity to study only Southeast Asian languages,
five days a week, for two months.  Students receive one year (2 full
semesters) of foreign language credit for the program.

Several types of financial aid are available for SEASSI students,
including the Heritage Fellowship.  To read more about applying for the
program and receiving financial aid (including important application
deadlines), see:


Please forward this announcement to anyone whom you think might be
interested in studying at SEASSI.


Frank Smith
SEASSI Heritage Language Facilitator

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Angkor and Cambodia in the Sixteenth Century

Title: Angkor and Cambodia in the Sixteenth Century - According to Portuguese and Spanish Sources (186 pages - First English Edition, 2006)
(Orginally published as: "Angkor et le Cambodge au XVIe siecle d'apres les sources portugaises et espagnoles", Presses Universitaires de France, 1958)
Author: B-P Groslier (Translated by Michael Smithies)
Publisher: Orchid Press, P.O. Box 19, Yuttitham Post Office, Bangkok 10907, Thailand
ISBN: 974-524-053-2
From the back of the book jacket:
Groslier's seminal study of the accounts of early Spanish and Portuguese missionaries and adventurers in Cambodia was published in French in 1958, and is translated here into English for the first time.
The reports of the Europeans record the earliest surviving first-hand accounts of Angkor, following the "rediscovery" of the site by the Khmers, over a hundred years after its abondment in 1432 CE, and four hundred years prior to the colonization of Cambodia by the French.
While the accounts are fascinating in their own right, Groslier employs some of their key observations on the structure of Angkor in the 16th century to embark further exploration of his own into the nature of Khmer civilization. Complementing his studies of the early accounts with first aerial surveys of the site, Groslier reconstructs a braod picture of Angkorian civilization, its economy, the genius of its engineers and planners, its unique religious foundations and the pivotal humanitarian role of its god-kings.
"Angkor and Cambodia in the Sixteenth Century" represents one of the major breakthroughs in our understanding of this rich and complex medieval Asian culture, and is a pillar on which all subsequent studies have been built. Essential for all readers, both scholarly and lay, who seek to further understand the society responsible for the construction of the great monuments of ancient Angkor.
Bernard-Philippe Groslier (1926-1986), son of the famed art historian, George Groslier, was born in Cambodia and educated in Paris at the Sorbonne and the Louvre. Returning to Indochina, he began a long and productive career with the French National Centre of Scientific Research (CNRS), and the Ecole Francaise d'Extreme Orient (EFEO) under the auspices of which he engaged in the study and restoration of many important ancient khmer monuments.

Le Saut du Varan

Le Nouvel Observateur
19 octobre 2006

Un roman de François Bizot
« Le Saut du Varan », par François Bizot, Flammarion, 298 p., 19 euros.

Cambodge 1970
Catherine David

Phnom Penh, avril 1970. Mis en place par les Américains, le général Lon Nol
a pris le pouvoir, et le Cambodge se dirige vers l'abîme. Un fonctionnaire
français, Jean-Marie La Tour, cède à sa part maudite et viole une jeune
Cambodgienne.«Il avait agi sans réfléchir, comme s'il était un autre, avec
le sentiment de n'avoir jamais été autant lui-même. Au milieu de ce vertige,
la conviction que l'homme fut créé à l'image des monstres qui le hantent
s'était imposée à lui », écrit l'ethnologue François Bizot devenu romancier.
L'apparition du monstre devient un puissant ressort narratif. Non seulement
l'acte commis est irréparable, mais il ne cesse de produire de la mort.

Crime d'un homme, crime d'une armée. A quoi pensaient les stratèges de Lon
Nol, et de leurs mentors américains, quand ils ont décidé de lâcher des
bombes à propane dans la jungle, sans se soucier des villageois installés
dans les anciens palais et qui formaient avec leurs ancêtres une communauté
harmonieuse, un fragment de l'antique civilisation khmère ? «Une implosion
dense, profonde, une sorte de «bouf !» inimaginable, puis un aérosol
bruissant de particules et de propane, une telle commotion que l'air s'était

Comment ce viol et ce bombardement vont interagir et multiplier leurs
conséquences mortifères, tel est le sujet de ce roman situé juste avant la
fin du monde. Un récit de voyage et d'amitié entre le génial ethnologue
Rénot, instruit comme nul autre des rituels du monde khmer, et l'inspecteur
Boni, chargé d'enquêter sur la mort atroce de la jeune Cambodgienne.

«Le Saut du Varan» doit sa densité tragique à l'expérience de François
Bizot, l'un des meilleurs connaisseurs de la civilisation khmère, et qui fut
l'un des premiers témoins de sa chute. Ce jeune géomètre de Nancy, affecté à
la conservation d'Angkor, est devenu spécialiste du bouddhisme khmer et père
d'une petite Cambodgienne. Il allait avoir le douteux privilège d'assister à
la destruction de la civilisation millénaire qu'il venait de découvrir. Il a
raconté dans «le Portail» sa détention dans la jungle aux mains du
tortionnaire Douch, l'un des sbires de l'effroyable Pol Pot.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Bokor In Blue

Elizabeth Briel is moving to Hong Kong.

Her current show is for one week only:
October 16-22, Cyanotypes at Chiili si-dang, Siem Reap
(Next to Moloppor Café, east of river)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Café Dantrey

A new student-created Khmer language radio program about French music, will begin broadcasting on FM 103 from October 22th.
Café Dantrey, and it will be broadcasted every Sunday from 12.10 to 1 pm.
If you listen from Siem Reap or Sihanoukville, it will be on FM100.5.
Lida, Ta, Rethro and Sarah will feature profiles of French musicians. The first program will focus on the singer Jacques Dutronc. 
Lancement d’ une émission radio en khmer
sur la musique française
Une nouvelle émission radio sera lancée sur les ondes de la Radio Municipale FM 103 à partir du dimanche 22 octobre 2006. Diffusé hebdomadairement tous les dimanches de 12h10 à 13h, cette émission intitulé " Café Dantrey " se propose de faire découvrir la culture française par le biais des artistes et chanteurs francophones.
A chaque émission un nouvel artiste sera présenté par l’équipe d’animateurs accompagnés de l’écoute de nombreuses chansons. L’émission se déroulera en khmer et sera disponible sur les ondes FM 103 de Phnom Penh et sur les FM 100.5 de Sihanoukville et Siem Reap.

Mercredi 18 octobre 2006 / Wednesday, October 18th 2006 Conference of John GUY: Votive tablets

Mercredi 18 octobre 2006 / Wednesday, October 18th, 2006
Vous êtes cordialement invités à la présentation informelle
You are cordially invited to attend the following informal presentation
Circulating the Buddha: Votive tablets and ritual paraphenalia in Buddhist Southeast Asia
John GUY
Senior Curator for South and Southeast Asian Art
Victoria and Albert Museum, London.
This talk will survey the evidence for the circulation of Buddhist votive tablets in mainland and insular Southeast Asia, around the close of the first millennium. It will also review the implications of the discovery of ritual utensils in 10th and 11th century shipwreck cargoes in western Indonesia, and their significance for our understanding of Southeast Asian Buddhism at this time. "
John Guy, M.A, F.S.A., is Senior Curator for South and Southeast Asian Art at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. His research interests focus on Indian temple arts and India's cultural relations with Southeast Asia in the fields of sculpture and textiles. He has worked on a number of archaeological excavations, at both land and maritime sites, and served as an advisor to UNESCO on historical sites in Southeast Asia. He has curated and co-curated a number of exhibitions, including The Peaceful Liberators. Jain Art from India (1995), Unseen Indian Bronzes (2000) and contributed to others, most recently Vietnam Art and Culture (Brussels, 2003), Encounters: the Meeting of East and West (V&A, 2004) and La sculpture du Champa (Paris, 2005-6). Major publications include Oriental Trade Ceramics in South East Asia (1986), Ceramic Traditions of Southeast Asia (1989), Indian Art and Connoisseurship (1995), Vietnamese Ceramics: A Separate Tradition (1997) and Woven Cargoes. Indian Textiles in the East (1998). His latest book, Indian Temple Sculpture, is published in spring 2007 by V&A Publications.

18 h 30, Mercredi 18 octobre 2006, au centre de l'EFEO.

Wednesday, October 18th, 2006, at 6:30 pm at the EFEO.

Presentation will be in English - La présentation sera en Anglais

Ecole Française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO) Siem Reap

P.O. Box 93 300, Siem Reap - Angkor

Phum Beng Don Pa, Khum Slâ Kram, Siem Reap, Cambodge

Tel: (885) (16) 635 037 / (63) 964 630 / 760 525. Tel/Fax: (855) (63) 964 226

Email: efeo.angkor@online.com.kh  /  efeo.angkor.bib@online.com.kh

www.efeo.fr <http://www.efeo.fr/>

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Betty Ford and GT Falcons Rescheduled

for 23rd at FCC.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

John Vink Discussion + book signing + slide show @ Popil

Hey there!
Friday October 6th, at 6.30pm, you are much welcome to a discussion with
photographer John Vink + book signing + slide show, to know more about his
work and his current show at Popil PhotoGallery.

Hope to see you soon at Popil PhotoGallery
#126, street 19 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Open Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 7pm.

012 99 27 50

Stephane Janin
Photographer and Director of the Popil PhotoGallery.

Popil PhotoGallery
#126, street 19
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

(855) - 12 992 750

Sovanna Phum October Program Performances 2006

6th & 7th

13th & 14th
New mixed media adaptation of
a Reamker's extract
“SOKACHA” story

20th & 21st
Shadow puppets, Dance & Mask Theatre
“POGNAKAY” story

27th & 28th
Exceptional Mask Theatre or Lakaon Kaol

Sovanna Phum Theatre
nº111 St360 (corner 105) - Phnom Penh
Tel: 023 987 564 or 023 221 932
Entrance Fee $5 & $3
Puppet gallery & gift shop
open everyday (except Sunday)

Monday, October 02, 2006

Tini Tinou 2006 Circus Festival Programme

Tini Tinou 2006 Circus Festival Programme

Hi everybody

I am happy to share with you the Tini Tinou 2006 Circus Festival Programme to
be held in Battambang for its final edition.

From October 07th to 13th, both in the city (Stung Sangke theatre) and in
house, our place, at Phare Ponleu Selpak just outside the city on the road to
Poipet (on your right, it will be indicated).

I shall not here recommand a performance aginst another: this is a very
promising programme, happening at the heart of Modern Circus in Cambodia,
Phare Ponleu Selpak !

Enjoy !


Call for info @ 053 95 24 24 - 012 88 20 54 - 092 291 612 - 012 561 005


Jean-Philippe Monteiro
Phare Ponleu Selpak
representative in Phnom Penh
012 561 005
www.phareps. org


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.