Thursday, September 22, 2005

University tour 24 sept

khmer architecture tours

saturday 24 september 04
a morning tour of university buildings in Phnom Penh

Our next tour will again visit three remarkable, 1960s education campuses on the Russian Boulevard (airport road), the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (Soviet designers), the Institute of Foreign Languages (Vann Molyvann) and the Royal University of Phnom Penh by Leroy and Mondet. The tour leaves South Phnom Penh at 8.30am and returns before 12 noon.

We offer the tour in English and Khmer; there will be two groups traveling together. English speaking: $8. Khmer speaking: $1.

Places in each group are limited to 15, so as usual booking is essential. Children over 12 are welcome.

Please contact us by email as soon as possible, at with your request for places and please include names and mobile telephone numbers and English/Khmer. We will email you back with details as soon as possible.

We apologise for the late notice of the tour; this is due to delays in obtaining responses from the universities during the vacation. We hope to see you!

geoffrey pyle
khmer architecture tours
tours of modern architecture in cambodia

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