Friday, September 09, 2005

Youth forum opening and events

UNDP Media Advisory

Unique Youth Forum on Cambodia'’s future

A three-week long Youth Forum utilizing the arts to interpret the future visions of Cambodia’s youth will commence on Monday 12 September 2005 at the Ministry of Women’s Affairs.

Along with other distinguished guests, Anne-Isabelle Degryse-Blateau, acting Resident Co-ordinator for the United Nations in Cambodia, will formally welcome 30 female and 30 male participants, ages 18-24. The participants come from diverse regions of Cambodia, including Battambang, Takeo, Prey Veng, Svay Rieng, Kompong Cham, Siem Reap and Phnom Penh.

The Youth Forum will centre on the universal Millennium Development Goals that form the framework for Cambodia’s social and economic planning. The Millennium Goals were developed in 2000 by all the countries of the United Nations to guide means of reducing poverty, improving health, education and gender equality, promoting sustainable resource conservation, and in Cambodia’s case, to end the casualties from land mines.

This unique and interactive Youth Forum will engage participants to develop their creative vision of a future Cambodia, via workshops including drama, visual arts, video and meditation.

The workshop will culminate in a declaration and public exhibition of the young peoples’ vision on Thursday, 29 September. This event will be the first of what is expected to be many future efforts to cultivate youth involvement in Cambodia’s ongoing discussion about development.

Participants include members of Youth for Peace, Khmer Youth for Social Development, and Khmer Youth Association.

Facilitating this Youth Forum are the United Nations Development Fund, The Center for Creative Development, and Sang Salapak.

Future press releases will follow, and a press conference will be held on the week of September 26th to announce outcomes from the Workshop.

Project Manager is Jenny Pearson of VBNK/Center for Creative Development, Project Designer is Jane Martin (Sang Salapak), and Project Coordinator is John Weeks (Sang Salapak). The Facilitation Team comprises Jane Martin (Lead Facilitator), Erin Gleeson (Facilitator), Farhad Shadravan (Facilitator), Vat Phalla (Assistant Facilitator) and Keo Puthea (Assistant Facilitator), Seng Sophea (Translation Team Leader), Pen Pich Dara (Translator/Facilitation Assistant).

For further information contact John Weeks (Sang Salapak) 012 526 840

Dain Bolwell
Communications Manager
telephone:+855 23214379 extension 167
mobile: +855 12333609

Youth Forum Photos:

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