Thursday, September 01, 2005

exhibition/exposition Phnom Penh

Dear all,
Marie Denis is having her opening on thursday 1st September at 6:30pm at
the French Cultural Center in Phnom Penh. This young and very
enthousiastic artist will present news works inspired by her 3 weeks stay
in Phnom Penh. "Cambodia makes me think of a bicycle which have more speed
than anywhere else". From benches to gigantic plastics bags, you will have
another experience of art
Hope to see many of you there,
Cher tous,
marie Denis aura son vcernissage ce jeudi 1er septembres au Centre
Culturel Francais de Phnom Penh a 18h30. Cette jeune et tres dynamique
artiste presentera des oeuvres inspires de son sejour de 3 semaines a
Phnom Penh. "Le Cambodge me fait penser a un velo, qui aurait beaucoup
plus de vitesse qu'ailleurs." Des bacns au sac de plastiques geant, vous
experimenterez un autre art.
Au plaisir de vous voir nombreux a l exposition,

Linda Saphan

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