Monday, May 10, 2010

Overseas Press Club of Cambodia panel discussion with Dengue Fever and others

The Overseas Press Club of Cambodia invites you to an evening
discussion with musicians, filmmakers and fan who have worked to bring
forward and transform Cambodia's Golden 60's. We'll try to get to the
heart of the cross-cultural appeal of the period and look at ways
artists might move it forward.

Attending the panel will be:

Members of the band Dengue Fever
Members of the Cambodian Space Project
Chou Davy, filmmaker
Oum Rotanak Oudom, music afficionado

The event in being held at Chinese House on Sisowath Quay on the 12th
of May from 7 - 10pm. The event is free and will have a cash bar.

After the discussion, Oudom will be spinning some very rare tracks
from the 60's.

We hope to see you there!


Vinh Dao

Treasurer, Overseas Press Club of Cambodia

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