Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Invitation to NEW CONTEMPORARY DANCE: MOVIN' at Sovanna Phum (April 2, 3 and 4) from 7:30 PM

Dear Friends,
please be invited to
*A new Cambodian contemporary dance*

choreographed by Cambodian dancer Yon Davy


Running, flying, walking, dancing, provoking, gripping, progressing

a brand new dance piece.

a combination of the classic and the modern.

a work of energy.

this weekend April 2nd (Try Out), April 3rd and April 4th @ Sovanna Phum
theatre 7:30 PM

Tickets 6$ (foreigners) and $2 (Locals)

Reservations by Telephone: 097 86 08 856 or at the box office

New Location: streets 484 and 99. At Monivong, cross Mao Tse Tung and you
have disco Rock on your left and Caltex on your right, first street on the
right is 484. At the second street, sign K2 (a Karaoke) turn left. After 500
metres is Sovanna Phum across K2. Please see attached flyer for map.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.