Thursday, February 25, 2010

Khmer Theatrical Performance of the Kingdom of Cambodia

Very Rough Draft Translated schedule

(Earlier draft in comments below, subject to change.)

On the Festival of Khmer Theatrical Performance of the Kingdom of Cambodia

1st Day: Thursday 18th February 2010
Time: 16:00
Opening Festival of Khmer Theatrical Performance of Kingdom of Cambodia 2010, preside over Excellency Deputy Prime Minister Sok An and Lok Chumteav

2nd Day: Friday 19th February 2010
Starting Competition Process

8:00 Lakhon Yike “Buddha Brovat” performed by the Department of Culture and Fine Arts, Takeo Province

10:00 Lakhon Bassac “Dong Sovann Chan Kiri” performed by Department of Culture and Fine Art, Kep City

2:30 Lakhon Yike “Brovat Phnom Sompov” performed by the Department of Culture and Fine Arts, Battambang Province

5pm Committee Meeting

3rd Day: Saturday 20th February 2010

8:00 Lakhon Yike “Mekhantragoun Phnon Kachol”performed by the Department of Culture and Fine Arts, Kompong Speu province.

2:30 Lakhon Bassac “Khla Osleak”performed by Department of Culture and Fine Art, Koh Kong province

5:00 Committee Meeting

4th Day: Sunday 21st February 2010

10:00 Lakhon Bassac “Bontong Maratak” performed by Department of Culture and Fine Arts, Svay Rieng Province

2:30 Lakhon Niayay, “Phkarik Ottong” performed by the Department of Culture and Fine Arts, Ratanakiri province

5:00 Committee Meeting

5th Day Monday 22 February 2010

8:00 Lakhon Niayay “Kon Khos Heuy Me”performed by Department of Culture and Fine Arts, Bay Len province


2:30 Lakhon Bassac “Tejo Meas” performed by Department of Culture and Fine Art, Kompong Thom province.

5:00 Committee Meeting

6th Day: Tuesday 23rd February 2010

8:00 Lakhon Yike “Tondakam Chivit” performed by Department of Culture and Fine Art, Kompong Chnang Province

10:00 Lakhon Bassac “Maratak Kon Ploh” performed by the Department of Culture and Fine Arts, Prey Veng Province

2:30 Lakhon Bassac “Tip Sangva” performed by Bodyguard Unit.

5:00 Committee Meeting

7th Day: Wednesday 24th February 2010

10:00 Lakhon Bassac “Tom Nuogn Phsot”performed by Department of Culture and Fine Art, Kratie Province

2:30: Lakhon Bassac “Thnam Su Kom Heng Phop” performed by Department of Culture and Fine Art, Kompong Cham Province.

5:00 Committee Meeting

8th Day: Thursday 25th February 2010

8:00 Lakhon Yike “Khun Hluong Prah Stach Kon” performed by Bodyguard Unit

10:00 Lakhon Bassac “Bandam Morakat” performed by Department of Culture and Fine Arts, Banteay Meanchey Province.

2:30 Dance “Radovayattava Chor”performed by Khmer Art Institute

5:00 Committee Meeting.

9th Day: Friday 26 February 2010

8:00 Lakhon Bassac “Daravichhay Malay Sorya” performed by Department of Culture and Fine Arts, Kampot province

2:30 Lakhon Pleng Kar “Petibokleak” performed by Cambodian Living Arts

5:00 Committee Meeting

10th Day Saturday 27 February 2010

8:00 Lakhon Yike “Chab Cheab Kabbas” performed by Cambodian Living Arts

10:00 Lakhon Bassac “Preah Ko Bot Prah Sorya” Performed by Department of Culture and Fine Art, Kandal Province


2:30 Lakhon Sromol Sbek Thom “Sokkacha” performed by Sovanna Phum Art Association

5:00 Committee Meeting

11th Day: Sunday 28th February 2010

8:30 Lakhon Sbek Por “Prah Thin Vong Neng Prah Neang Pov”performed by Khok Thlok Art Association

10:00 Lakhon Sbaek “Bhuddho” performed by Khmer Amatak association

5:00 Committee meeting

* * *


Monday 1st March 2010
Full day: The committee will open the meeting to evaluate all art presentations and classify the competitive results.

Tuesday 02 March 2010
Full day: Celebration on (upcoming?) National Cultural Day and pubulication of results of theatre performance

Wednesday 03 March 2010
Celebrate the National Cultural Day 03/03/2010
Closing Festival of National Khmer Theatrical Performance, presided over by Prime Minister Hun Sen

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