Monday, February 22, 2010

Virtual Geometry : video art at CCF. Thrusday 4 March, 7pm.

From: Magali Poivert

Dear all,

Second edition for the event Virtual Geometry !

We will be glad to welcome you to discover new talents in video art,
especially the Cambodian students from RUFA.

Don't hesitate to contact me for any information and if you need to meet
some of the artists.

Best regards,


Magali Poivert
Animatrice Culturelle

Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge
218 rue Kéo Chéa, Phnom Penh, Cambodge
Tél bureau/Office : 855 23 213 124 / 125
Fax bureau/Office : 855 23 721 382

Mobile : 855 12 905 128

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