Friday, March 13, 2009

Dates for Architecture Tours


Khmer Architecture Tours

promoting modern architecture in Cambodia



Dear all, 


brief details of upcoming tours are below; full details are on our website:

Please feel free to pass on details to friends... Many thanks for your interest.



With very best wishes,



Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 March 09
SPECIAL TOURS: Front du Bassac, the Chaktomuk Theatre and 'The Building'
A unique opportunity to learn about this fascinating part of Phnom Penh, your participation will financially contribute to preserving the memory of one of the most iconic symbols of Phnom Penh and its community: the Municipal Apartments in Tonle Bassac, or as it is otherwise known, the White Building or just "the Building".

On the tour you will be introduced to the Building by its residents as well as its artists, with the assistance of On Photography Cambodia (OPC) and Cambodia Living Arts.
All the proceeds from tour fees and donations will support the production of a photographic exhibition and book by OPC entitled "The Building". The international launch of the project is to take place in June at the Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center in Phnom Penh.

The tour will include the Front du Bassac area and the Chaktomuk Theatre.
Starts at 8.30am each day and ends around 11.30am. Children over 12 are welcome. Cost is $1 Cambodians, $5 Others.
Organised by KAT, OPC, CLA and Aziza School
 Sunday 12 April 09
Central Phnom Penh by cyclo
Sunday 26 April 09
National Sports Complex (Olympic Stadium)
Sunday 10 May 09
Central Phnom Penh by cyclo
Saturday 23 May 09
University buildings on the Boulevard Russie
Sunday 14 June 09
Central Phnom Penh by cyclo
Sunday 28 June 09
1960s houses and villas in Toul Kork

Sunday 12 July 09
Central Phnom Penh by cyclo


Please check for further details on our website, then email us at if you would like to book places. Please include names and mobile telephone numbers and which tour you would like. We will email you back with joining details and contact numbers. Thanks!


To download the self-guided walking map of central Phnom Penh, visit


Please reply with 'remove' in the subject if you want to be taken off our email list, thanks...



stefanie irmer


khmer architecture tours

tours of modern architecture in cambodia



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