Tuesday, February 24, 2009

'Ray of Light' March 8 from 6-8 p.m. at Cafe Living Room

> Dear Friends,

> The committee of /*Ray of Light: Hope for Cambodian Children */would
> like to tell you about an fun and important event taking place on
> International Women's Day, March 8 from 6-8 p.m. at Cafe Living Room.
> On Sunday March 8, Cafe Living Room will host a cocktail party and art
> auction. Local and International artists living in Cambodia have
> generously donated their creative talents and time and created for
> this event one-of-a-kind *lamps*, bearing their unique artistic
> trademark. Each lamp will be fully functional AND and piece of art in
> its own right. The lamps will be on display at the Living Room before
> the event and then for purchase on March 8 by live and silent auction.
> All the money we raise from this evening will be donated to LICADHO's
> Adopt-a-Prison program in support of an educational center to benefit
> young children who live in prison with their incarcerated mothers.
> Further details about the evening and tickets for this event will be
> available shortly. But in the meantime we ask that you please SAVE
> THE DATE, March 8, for what will be a fun and interesting evening in
> support of a very worthy cause.
> If you have any questions or would like more information about this
> project or the fundraiser, please do not hesitate to contact us.
> Also, if you know others that would like to have the opportunity to
> bid on some great art while supporting a great project please feel
> free to forward this on to them!
> Best regards,
> The */"Ray of Light" /*Committee
> Michelle Der Ohanesian mderohan@hotmail.com <mailto:mderohan@hotmail.com>
> Amy Antoniades antoniades2000@yahoo.com <mailto:antoniades2000@yahoo.com>
Deirdre Smith princesspp1@gmail.com <mailto:princesspp1@gmail.com>

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