Friday, October 10, 2008



* (Important Voter information Below)

Back by Popular Demand ­ Debate #2 Town Hall
FCC - Phnom Penh
Special drink prices and other good things!

Must See on the BIG TV! CHEER on your favorite Candidate

Saturday, Oct. 11th, 6:30 pm

ON the BIG Screen!

Bring a friend! Tell a friend! Email a friend! Text a Friend!

Special drink prices and other good things!
Obama T-Shirts and Hats!

***Also, remember, if you have not registered in your home state (the last
state you lived in before coming overseas), you will need to do that to be
able to vote in the general election in November (20 states have
registration deadlines of October 4). *** Important: Registering in the
Democrats Abroad global Primary does not register you for the general
election. Let your voice be heard!

· Join fellow U.S. citizens and Citizens of the world to Party &
talk Party politics.

· Everyone is welcome ­ you do not have to be a US Citizen

· Voter Registration & Ballot Assistance on-site at FCC Before the

· find out how to register & vote in the upcoming U.S. presidential
election before the debate from 2pm -6pm at FCC

· Learn how to volunteer to help with voter registration

· Join Democrats Abroad at

Further info: 012 949 421 or 023 430 264
Email: <>

Sponsored by Democrats Abroad - Cambodia

Remember to bring a friend & Please pass this email onto others you think
would be interested.

You can fill out your voter registration and you write-in ballot using a
registration wizard at

BALLOT VOTING HELP ­ who are my representatives?
To find out which elections are going on in your district (congressional,
local, etc.) go to <> . After
entering in your zip code, the site will show you the officeholders for your
district. From there, click on "current elections" to find out which
candidates are running for each race. Note that in the common case that
your zipcode includes multiple districts, you should use your zip+4, which
you can get from
<> .

If you want additional up-to-date information about congressional or
senatorial candidates, or maps of congressional districts, a great
easy-to-use source is
<> .

I hope to see you Saturday night!

Best Regards,

Wayne Weightman,
Democrats Abroad - Cambodia

See Below for Other important Voter Information:



Your vote is critical. Register now at !!
Twenty-five states, including nine swing states ­ Colorado, Florida,
Indiana, Missouri, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, ­ have registration
deadlines in the next two weeks.
Voters in the following states (who have not yet registered and/or
requested their ballots) must ensure that their FPCAs are sent in NOW!

All of these states except for NY and WY will accept faxed FPCAs. Please use
the following US fax number: +1-703-693-5527 (the toll free numbers in many
parts of the world do not work). All faxes are received in Virginia by the
Federal Voting Assistance Program. The FVAP will log in the date and time
that the fax was received and then forward it on to your local election
official. For deadline purposes, your form is deemed received when it
arrives on the FVAP's fax machine, but you still must MAIL the original form
to your local election official.

Exceptions: NY and WY do NOT accept faxes. The only way to meet the
deadlines for NY and WY is to ensure that your original FPCA arrives in the
local election office by mail no later than the deadline. (NY and WY will
also accept FPCAs by commercial courier.) NOTE: FPCAs need NOT carry a
foreign postmark!

Later Deadlines: The other states have later registration deadlines. Check
them here: and watch for our
forthcoming Voter Alerts. You can expect these every few days through
To check the status of your registration, check If your state is not listed,
contact your local election official. You can find this information at

Questions? Send to

Not registered? Go to to register to vote and request an
absentee ballot.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.