Sunday, October 05, 2008



A usual, first I apologise for my strange English (and then I dream
you sometimes answer to me in Spanish or French just for me to laugh

But anyway, today's subject is not that easy to speak about: Environment… Look at it for real; polluting is so good …Not that we enjoy destroying the Planet but all our activities are piling up stuff that we do not know what to do with it…

Who want to loose his access to progress ? …

Who is ready to stop using his car, motorbike, cellular phone, air con. and so on?

...Or so just to stop dreaming to get one… We know that everything we touch is pollution before,when, and after we use it… even vegetables are now riddled with pesticides and spoiled by genetic manipulation.

Everything we touch.

I say the problem is that we all think that it will stop when the big factories, chemical labs and other big pollution culprits will start taking care and come up with cleaner proposals… So indeed we do nothing and we say: You First… But… as Profit is driving the world, it 's difficult to expect big pollution actors to have spontaneous reactions…so first, all of us have to care about our own gardens, surround providersdings, Countries…

It is probably more clever than waiting … and die by suffocation, radiation, poisonning or other modern consequences…. And it's not that far… check the rivers and the supposedly drinkable water coming from underground reserves, look how the dangerous peaks are rising up…

If it was only the richest countries concerned… but the poors also Want to produce pollution … they have been missing so long and they just begin to … and they spoil faster as they go straight to new technologies without clear vision of impact….

Environment is a new issue, look behind in Europe: the car invasion begun really in the 60's , and plastic bag the same, remember the beaches and countryside five years after…. 30 years of school education, large communication campaigns and hard penalties are only starting to take effect … let's say that we all know now where is the rubbish place … using it or not shows a degree of insertion in those societies…And populations now are more or less aware about the danger of
using certain products or materials…

But what can we do in countries that just opened to modern world ?

For example in Cambodia what should we do or say, first? What should we begin with? What are the priorities?…

Hey hey do not answer all in the same time, I can not follow you …

Listen : from 21st November to 4th December Bhor All in Art Centre organise a big festival which will focusing about pollution and environment … A stage with big free performances, and the 1200 m2 of Bhor building totally transformed into an interactive exhibition with actors driving you in…

So all your propositions matters to us : about new techniques (like Mr Biodiesel who will be with us) about recycling, re-using (like this Australian org. using old plastic bags to built roofs, not eternal but an interesting second life to these bags.) any information is precious…. Jump aboard!

You ? what could you do ? you have a good idea about anti wasting ? you could present some thing on stage ? ( like Epic Arts, or the Mekong Pirates,CCF…) would you like to share IEC material, human resources or naturally some money to help producing this event (like, Mlop tapang, Bhor, SCA … ) Do not be shy, contact us…. And join the big Event…

bob.Passion bhor project director.




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