Friday, September 05, 2008

Obama Event - Cambodia


This Sunday (September 7th) - Show your Support for Obama - Be a part of Historic Photo of Supporters of Obama in Cambodia next to Japanese Friendship
Bridge – The Regional Obama Campaign Coordinator will be there to meet you.

This photo will be distributed worldwide along with other bridge photos from over 77 bridges in 40 countries, spanning five continents.

Make signs and bring flags. Bring a sign supporting Obama or a flag (Cambodian or US.)

Bring your friends and Family! Children welcome!

**Limited amount of Vote for Obama from Cambodia Tee-Shirts will be available for a $15 donation

When: Sunday, September 7th 9am @ East side of Japanese Bridge -- beneath
the bridge at the riverbank.

Where: From the Phnom Penh (city) Side of the bridge, cross over the bridge, and make your first left (U-turn) and head toward the riverbank -- beneath the bridge at the riverbank (Preah Leap side). You will see us there.

Contact: 012-949421 or 017837594

Why: The “Obama Bridge Project” is the brainchild of Meredith Wheeler, an American expat and Obama supporter who spearheaded the project from her home in rural France. Bridge venues have included the Pont Neuf in Paris, the Millennium Bridge in London, the Charles Bridge in Prague, the Pone Vecchio in Florence, Italy, the Nelson Mandela Bridge in Johannesburg, South Africa, and many other bridges across the world, including bridges in Tokyo, Sydney, Bangkok, Vancouver, and Buenos Aires.

“The enthusiasm of Americans around the world for Barack Obama comes right through in these photographs,” said Wheeler. “His election would do so much to restore the tarnished image of the United States.”

Sunday’s event is open to all residents, whether they are U.S. citizens or not.

Everyone who wants to show their support for Barack Obama is welcome. The idea behind this is that bridges unite opposite sides and bring people together, as we feel Obama will do, not only in America, but across the world.”

Local U.S. residents who wish to register for the election can go online at

Voter Registration Assistance at FCC-Phnom Penh every Saturday in September from 2 to 6pm

Hope to see you there!

Wayne Weightman
Americans Abroad for Obama
Cambodia - Campaign Associate Field Director

[re-posted from Dems Abroad email.  Republicans Abroad have anything to share? Post it on up.]

Event Link for

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