Tuesday, September 02, 2008

BookWars & 'Vuth Learns To Rock'

Movies by CAMERADO of Phnom Penh
Saturday September 6, 3PM
Pannasastra University, 184 Norodom Blvd, Top Floor
((( Free Admission )))

PDF Flyer-->

BOOKWARS [2000] - Best Documentary, NYUFF * IFP Gotham Award Nominee
**First-ever screening of the feature version director's cut in Phnom
"The gritty world of New York City street booksellers is told
in a remarkable story that chronicles their lives, their loves, and their
unique perspectives on life...see the NYPD, the University, and
he Mayor try to shut them down!"

Color - USA - RT 79'00
Dir., J Rosette
Co-produced by Academy Award nominated producer-filmmaker Michel Negroponte
Music by jazz legends Willis Jackson, Jack Mcduff, and Little Muddy

"Terrific" - LA Times
"Superb" - NY Film Critics Circle
"Hilarious" - The New Yorker


VUTH LEARNS TO ROCK [2008] - Sneak Preview--first ever public screening!
**Starring Phnom Penh's own Jun "Rocker" from Zeppelin Rock Cafe**
"A short rock-doc about a young Cambodian named Vuth who learns
the ways of Rock and Roll from a Master Rocker--
watch as Vuth hears the Ramones, the Kinks, AC/DC,
and others for the first time!
Color - Cambodia - RT 8'00

(( ** Filmmaker J Rosette* in attendance, with Q&A / discussion ** ))

*Founder of CamboFest - www.cambofest.com &
CamboTube - www.cambotube.com & more

++ Post screening gathering at a location TBA ++

CAMERADO ~ in Phnom Penh since 2005
Contact camerado@camerado.com with inquiries

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.