Sunday, July 13, 2008

Filippo Minelli : Industrial Lies

Industrial Lies:
Distopic visions of the progress in the immaterial-era.
A cura di Giovanni Dedonà

Dispari&Dispari Project, Via Monti 25, Reggio Emilia
opening 04.07.2008 ore 18.00 | ending 14.09.2008

The artists are some of the most interesting of the international contemporary-art world:

Nena Andric, Peter Bystrov, Health Bunting, Claire Fontaine, Armando Lulaj, Eva e Franco Mattes, Filippo Minelli, Kirill Preobrazhenskiy, Alessandro Zuek Simonetti, Ubermorgen, Alterazioni Video, Yesmen.

For the exposition i'll present my latest
site-specific installation called "Blackout", a plexiglass-box with lights that you find attached and on my website here

see you

Filippo Minelli


"Filippo Minelli is a conceptual-artist with a graffiti-background who dedicated the last 10 years to urban communication. The period of "traditional" graffiti art starts in the mid-nineties, but the production never satisfies the artist. At the beginning of the year 2000, starts the period of urban communication, in the direction of the first steps of the international street-art movement, becoming a pioneer for Italy. The local-dimension production spreads also abroad and the artist finds a seat on the street art young star-system. The next steps take him to inusual and provokingly productions, changing the aestethic of conventional graffiti: not anymore a logo or an inscription serially repeated, but interventions contextualized with the location.Minelli starts to join his performances with canvas-painting and painting on materials collected during his frequent voyages. His artworks continue to have the instinct and the naturalness of his urban inscriptions. The surfaces perfume of a conceptual poetry, sometimes with an abstract and childish mark, sometimes sckratching and with a strong impact. The sperimantations, ironic and introspective at the same time, have as common denominator a strong and immediate. Traces of his production can be found from the north-italian countryside to the big european cities, arriving in the middle of the Himalaya-region in buddhist atmospheres on the memorable Kathmandu, in Nepal. His research obliaged him on thinking about the city, and the relation between the new ecosystem and people. At now, his productions are published by the most known art and design vanguard-magazines. After receiving the maximum vote degree from the Brera Fine-Art Academy in Milan, mmunication which continue to hold herself with the illegal impulse, reclaimed shamelessly, without hidding himself behind a pseudonym."

ArteIn, anno xx n°108

"The beginning of Minelli's production is almoust spontaneous, he is the Steinbech boy who wants to leave a trace of his existence. Not only words, sentences, searched and wanted non-senses, but also drawings, nearly tales. His mark, his word, become an abstract shape. His supports are wooden boards, packing boards, well joined, where the expressionist marks are placed, as knife-cuts. An eye (never lost) at Jean-Michel-Basquiat's world: skulls, crowns, traces of an inner reality, without the African taste, but with an inexpressed primordial energy. Filippo Minelli writes on his business-card "The idiot son you would like to have". "

Mauro corradini, Bresciaoggi, 7 June 2007


"The young "writer" leaved traces of his presence all around the world, with a style ironic and introspective at the same time, always with a strong impact. And his poetically-conceptual paintings have the same communication-power of his urban sperimentations."

Giovanna Galli, StileArte n°116


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