Tuesday, December 18, 2007

About Addictions

hI, good evening
shortlier IN english because of vocabulary... D-day les 4... we are
nearly there... not always simple to organise something new in the
cambodia ... but all is going on cooly... we even finish the program
tonigth... there will be suprises anyway, but all should be rolling
on... the exhibition is on the good way and we are going to artgitate
a lot before to cut the ribbon...
Tomorow night actors are arriving and begin to practice, musiciens
passed this afternoon to chek the place....
it's just the good time to send you the program ...
and two pictures i derobed (paparazzo one day...) in the
exhibition... just for the taste...
for the rest you will have to come ...
so, see you soon...

bob passion Artgitator chief
Bhor all in Art centre/Kompong Som /SKville/ cambodia



addiction a kompong som

addiction a kompong som

addiction a kompong som

addiction a kompong som

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