Friday, August 17, 2007

@ the Arthouse - 'Stop Evictions' exhibition

STOP EVICTIONS goes to siem reap:


a collaboration between Khmer artist Leang Seckon and the Housing Rights Task Force


Opening: Saturday 25th August 2007   from 7.00pm (showing until October 31st)

Location:  The Arthouse, Old market, Siem Reap, Cambodia


Following on from the Housing Right Task Force's Photo Exhibition at the FCC Phnom Penh the HRTF has been able to develop their work in collaboration with Leang Seckon, one of Cambodian most renowned young Artists. Disillusioned by the upcoming loss of his studio on Boeung Kak ( a lake in the centre of Phnom Penh) to the latest wave of developers' plans, Seckon decided to collaborate in creating a striking installation which is called "Gom haiht taim' (don't tear again) .


HRTF's aim is to show that while development can lead to improvements in the lives of cambodians, the current style of development is actually leading to increased misery for many of the country's poorest families. Evicted and relocated from homes many have lived on since the end of the Pol Pot era in 1979, there are being sent to live in sites many miles outside the city, far from work opportunities and lacking almost all forms of basic services. With a fraction of the profits these developers are making the situation could be so very different. the HRTF shows are part of a wider appeal to the Cambodian Government to revisit how it wants to 'develop' the country.



Installation by Leang Seckon is a well known Cambodian artists whose pioneering work is now shown across the region and worldwide. 012 294731


Photographs by Nile Sprague, Thy Buntheoun (Mai)/CLEC, Cat Barton/Phnom Penh Post and Meas Kim Seng/STT


Local NGO Sahmakum Teang Tnaut  is organising the event on behalf of the Housing Rights Task Force


DED, the German Aid organisation is sponsoring the event in conjunction with the Arthouse, Siem Reap who have kindly donated the space and other assistance



Leang Seckon 012 294731

Sasha Constable/Arthouse 012 699249

Phann Sithan/Housing Rights Task Force 012 707960

Sahmakum Teang Tnaut 012 360472


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.